BVI News

Unite BVI to absorb full repair costs for Enis Adams, Francis Lettsome

Enis Adams Primary

Education Minister Sharie de Castro has indicated that all expenses for repair work needed on two schools assigned to house students displaced from the Althea Scatliffe Primary School (ASPS) will be dealt with entirely by local philanthropic organisation, Unite BVI.

In July of this year, parents were informed of the ministry’s plans to relocate the staff and students of the ASPS after a structural assessment of the building conducted in June revealed that the building was structurally unsound and unsuitable for continued use.

“Today we are pleased to announce that the Ministry of Education has partnered with Unite BVI who has agreed to absorb the total cost of the infrastructural works needed to provide a safe and functional learning environment for the students at both Enis Adams and Francis Lettsome Primary Schools,” de Castro said in a recent statement.

The Education Minister described it as exceptional news and said thanks should be extended to the team at Unite BVI for making a difference.

In the meantime, de Castro said the projects will start this week and in the case of Francis Lettsome Primary School, will be completed in phases. The first phase is slated to be completed in time for the reopening of school.

“This will allow for the students and teachers to occupy the space in time for the opening of the new school term,” the minister stated.

De Castro said the works needed at Enis Adams Primary School include the completion of the second floor classrooms, which is slated to begin this week.

She noted however, that because of the lead time necessary for materials needed to complete the works, the project is estimated to take a bit longer.

“In light of this, and after consultation with the technical team at the Ministry of Education and the principal of the school, a decision has been made to implement a hybrid system at the Enis Adams Primary School,” de Castro said.

She further explained that in order to ensure all students at the institution are afforded face-to-face instruction on a daily basis, the following schedule will be implemented:

Students from kindergarten to grade two, including students in the therapeutic kindergarten will attend school for full day instruction from 8:30am – 3:15pm, Monday to Friday.

Students in grades 3 to 6 will attend on a hybrid schedule with one half of the population attending in the morning from 8:30am – 12 noon and the other half attending in the afternoon from 1pm – 4:30pm.

The Minister also stated that consideration has been given to accommodate families who have students in multiple grades so that parents will not have to pick up at two separate times during the day.


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  1. Unbelievable says:

    This territory has benefited in so many ways from Unite BVi. They have been the underpinning of so much progress in recent years. We should be very very grateful.

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  2. Salty Fish says:

    Once you get it out of the hands of Government, progress can be swiftly achieved. The sad side to this charitable offering is Government will likely think that they can put money elsewhere rather than into Education where it should have been for decades prior.

    Like 13
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  4. VI Gyal says:

    I never even knew this school was not complete. so what happened all summer?

  5. Wow... says:

    You have known about the issues at ASPS since the ceiling collapsed last year. The week before school is set to start you have arranged to START the works to accommodate the additional students in other schools. AND you announce to parents of 9-11 year olds from these schools that their children will only have 1/2 days of school until further notice. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE FROM THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION. Parents have to work. Children will be left unsupervised. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS. The way the ministry of education is run needs to change. From time summer vacation starts for the kids the ministry should be going into OVERDRIVE with maintenance and making sure they are fully prepared for September. Instead… the ministry staff seem to think they should have a 2 month summer break as if they are teaching in the classroom (whilst still being paid of course)….. it is high time we fill positions within the ministry with people who actually care about delivering a quality education to our children in a safe and stimulating environment…. Right now we don’t seem to have anyone in there who actually cares.

    Like 27
  6. Who is unite bvi ? says:

    Is this Branson and the crew? Do unite bvi have someone willing to run in the election next year?

    I would vote for unite bvi to lead our government for the next 4 years!

    Does unite bvi represent a new political party in Virgin Islands? How many candidates will unite bvi put forward? Will unite bvi contest all 13 house seats?

    Is there a unite bvi candidate in the 9th district preparing to launch his candidacy and campaign as we speak right now? Let’s go over to our people in North Sound VG,

    Good to see unite bvi people running in the 9th district, but should we vote for money or common sense?

    Like 8
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  7. WTF says:

    What repair costs? This is a brand new school built by a private individual and never properly completed by Government. We have no f**king shame! They come in pretending to help with stupid s**t like this and then you read about them owning some other prime property in the BVI. We are always piping down the throats of the so called island men/women and other nationalities while embracing the devil.

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  8. Hmm says:

    The BVI has found itself in a mess when others were saying Im not from here I am standing back BVIslanders came forward and give evidence to the COI and in return got a slap in their faces.

    A unity Gov was put in place with a man who has no regard for Accountability to the people. Also with a report not brought forward to show the results of 8 million spent.

    And 4.3 million dollars were spent on a school to host 15 children. But who is condoning such behavior? Is it those who allowed and condone this unity Gov.

    The same people who were investigated are now further leading us down a further path of destruction. Who will benefit is it the same people that come on here and blog saying BVIslanders are no good?

    Like 3
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  9. Expats "Own" The BVI says:

    Whilst all are celebrating about this supposed “non profit”, the country is being sold to Branson. Please ppl, this is just a blatant way to own the BVI under the auspices of charity. Branson continues to exp**it the disfunction, incompetence and corruption of the Government to his benefit. SMFH

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