BVI News

UN’s $350K grant to help most vulnerable in BVI

The United Nations flag

The BVI has also received approval for a grant of just over $350,000 from the United Nation’s (UN) COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund.

Premier Andrew Fahie said these funds will contribute to the Government’s Income Support Programme established for those vulnerable persons financially impacted by the pandemic.

“This financial assistance will also be accompanied by technical assistance from UNICEF, the International Labour Organisation and the World Food Programme,” Premier Fahie said.

He said the BVI is tightening relations with the UN amid a number of benefits the territory has lost because of the Brexit decision becoming effective.

In November 2020, the BVI also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva, to deepen the level of cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The UNDP, UNICEF and UN Women also collaborated with the BVI to produce a COVID-19 Human and Economic Assessment of Impact Report, (HEAT) Report, which has been used to help guide the local response to the pandemic.


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  1. WEW says:

    Thats a chunk of change !!! Of course there will be a full accounting of how that money is spent and who gets to line their pockets with it.

    Like 18
  2. Democracy says:

    Instructions enclosed on how to rob the UN piggy bank. Place hand in jar and remove contents. Put contents in trouser pocket. Be careful not to allow hand to get stuck in cookie jar.

    Like 16
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  3. Hope says:

    I hope it goes in the food bank and those in need, not grants to landowners that are not really poor

    Like 14
    • Landowners says:

      The “Landowners” should have insured their properties, rather than expect subsidies from Government coffers.

  4. Fahie says:

    Has found a new piggy-bank to r**e..

    Like 8
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  5. Strupes says:

    And one that need going to get.

  6. Name says:

    I think he should give that money to people who are working in the tourists industry who home almost a year now without a pay chequ.

  7. Musa says:

    Invest it in animal’s shelter

    Like 3
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  8. Kennethtix says:

    Hopes for a Democrat clean sweep bring big gains on markets:
    The prospect of Joe Biden launching a big stimulus package in the US if the Democrats secure a unexpected clean sweep of Congress and the White House has led to big gains for financial markets.

    Like 3
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  9. Clearly says:

    Good job Premier.

    Like 1
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  10. Earl says:

    This money should go to charities like FSN.

  11. 2cents says:

    With the cost of things thatt money amounts to a few trips to *supermarket*

  12. Interested says:

    Hopefully this money is clearly and transparently accounted for. Then we might actually be able to get more.

  13. says:

    Let’s do the proper BVI method of distributing these funds. Let’s tender 3 or 4 $100,000 consultancies to determine where it should go. Cline available?

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