BVI News

Untrue! I didn’t have option of elections after COI report — Premier

Governor John Rankin and Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has categorically dismissed as “untrue” statements by Governor John Rankin that he (Dr Wheatley) could have called early elections instead of forming the coalition Government of National Unity once the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report was released last year.

Governor Rankin had given that indication last week while dispelling the notion that the only choice left to elected leaders following the COI report’s release was to form the coalition Government of National Unity, as they ultimately did.

But in media statement Monday afternoon, February 20, Dr Wheatley suggested that Rankin’s comment was a means of deflecting criticism directed at him.

“I am highly disappointed by the untrue statement made by Governor John Rankin last week about the Virgin Islands having the option to go to the polls during the crisis. I can only assume that he said this to deflect criticism of him by the person who asked him a related question,” Dr Wheatley stated.

“The Governor knows full well, as he himself has previously said, that the UK Government had to be persuaded not to impose direct rule in the period following his early public release of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) Report on 30th April 2022. Minister Milling who traveled to the Virgin Islands for crisis talks, made it abundantly clear before she left the Territory that she needed an initial commitment by the Government to implement the COI Report recommendations, except A1, because there was very little to time to make a case to UK Ministers not to immediately suspend the constitution,” the Premier added.

He added that it is extremely important for the public to know that from the first day of Minister Milling’s visit right up until the departure of her advisors at the end of that week, discussions were ongoing between UK and BVI officials to persuade Britain not to immediately suspend the constitution.

He said these discussions continued even after the Government of National Unity was sworn in on May 5 last year.

“In fact, we were asked to submit a proposal on implementation of the COI Report Recommendations under continued democratic governance by 6th May, which posed a big challenge for us due to time constraints. We were reminded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) that there was precious little time to make the case to then Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and UK Ministers to not impose direct rule on the Territory and that an initial proposal by the Government of the Virgin Islands was urgently needed,” Dr Wheatley stated.

“In developing the Framework for Implementation of the COI Report Recommendations and Other Reforms, the UK insisted on including a provision on no early elections. In the final framework document agreed between the Virgin Islands and UK, you can find this provision on page 3 under the section on Cabinet. This is also another reason I am disappointed by the Governor’s statement that there was an option to go to the polls during the crisis,” the Premier added.

He continued: “I want to be clear, the Government of National Unity comprised of the elected representatives of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), National Democratic Party (NDP) and Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) came together to save democracy in this Territory, which our foreparents worked so hard to achieve. The formation of the Government was welcomed by the UK and seen as the best option to deliver the implementation of the COI Report recommendations through collective responsibility by all the major political parties.
I again want to thank the members of the Government of National Unity for their sacrifice and hard work over the past 10 months.”

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  1. Press or candidate says:

    Which is Cindy claiming to be – she sure as hell can’t be both.

  2. lol says:

    lie after lie after lie…

    Like 8
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  3. Running scared says:

    Who do you think the majority of persons believe. We believe the Governor, not because of the color of his skin but because all along you projected an image of freedom fighter, anti colonists, anti britian and as soon as you became premier you became a lap dog. Thanking the governor, hands around his shoulder, broadest of smiles, the anti British viewing to the king and the list goes on. Who really are you, will the real sl**ande please stand up. When the history of these beautiful islands are written I hope they forget to mention the short time span that you acted of premier. Harlot.

    Like 15
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  4. R.City says:

    Well one of these MS lying!

  5. Sorry Not Sorry says:

    The premier did not defend himself nor his government with what the governor said. I need people to realise that the premier did not give any proper timeline as to when and clause that he claimed the uk wanted in the framework was.

    If we are looking at how business is done the framework is a contract. They where given two initial proposals by the current leaders. The fact of the matter is election was not one of the proposals.

    The UK accepted one of their proposals and then the negotiations of the terms of the contract (Framework) which the UK asked for the no early election to hold the people who they formed an agreement with to the fire.

    Lets make sure we dont let this man does not mislead you with nonsense

    Like 6
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  6. GOOD says:

    Hold him Sowande!!!!!!

    Like 5
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  7. @Running says:

    You believe the Governor despite the documentation listed in the article proving otherwise? Politics will be the undoing of this little place. Keep on!

    Like 5
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  8. Guv l**ng says:

    That framework thing say NO EARLY ELECTIONS as a condition to stop a UK takeover. The Governor agreed to that so he is clearly ly**g.

    Like 5
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  9. LOL says:

    I think the premier is using smoke and mirrors. Once the proposal for a unity government was suggested it was then agreed no early elections. Prior to this early elections could have taken place. We are not fools.

    Like 13
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  10. My Voice says:

    I am confused between the leadership of this Territory.

    The Governor is saying one thing
    The Premier is saying another thing

    The two (2) of them are blaming each other

    I do not know who is speaking the truth
    As far as I am concern Both are telling lies
    and there is a conflict between the two of them
    just like the conflict between former Governor “Gus” and the Head Coach who is in Miami Florida relaxing.

    Like 2
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  11. What I see says:

    I saw this movie before:

    Andrew loved carrying news to the governors on his political opponents for his own benefit. The governors and him got close because he was their lying snitch. They fell out after and now his is in jail.

    Natalio sucked up to the governor and the UK to get a position after being one of the main persons calling for independence. Now he cozied up them and they are falling out now.

    Like 7
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  12. hmm says:

    So he’s saying the governor is a liar then?

  13. Lol says:

    sick of this crap now. The constitution is clear. You are the one to tell the Governor to pirogue the house and call elections. We can read.

    You chose not to exercise the will of the people but instead exercise your own benefit. You have failed us. This has nothing to do with anything else. Leave the Governor out of this.

    You are a poor tactician and poor negotiator.

    Like 3
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  14. Crumbling says:

    You can’t get the job done, so trying to play games. Same old story then. UK just has to sit back and wait. BVI government tears itself apart. Thankfully they will be there to pick up the pieces.

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