UPDATE: Authorities discussing BVI’s way forward following territory’s first COVID-19 death

While confirming the death of the territory’s latest coronavirus patient, the Health Emergency Operations Centre (HEOC) and other national governing bodies have convened emergency meetings.
The HEOC made that announcement just before midday on Saturday, April 18.
It said Cabinet, the National Security Council and the HEOC have called these meetings “to consider immediate, medium and long-term measures required to keep everyone safe and informed”.
“Further information by the Governor, Premier and Minister of Health & Social Development would be communicated through a live media [broadcast] at 1 pm,” the HEOC said its statement published on social media.
As for the dead 52-year-old female patient, the HEOC said she was treated at the Dr D Orlando Smith hospital in accordance with “standard clinical protocols”. It did not describe what those protocols were.
Local Health authorities said they are now in contact with the now-deceased woman’s family.
Information reaching our news centre is that the female patient who tested positive for the coronavirus days ago has died.
Highly-placed sources told our news centre that the woman died some time Friday night, April 17.
The patient, who is said to be a national of the Philippines, had been in the Isolation Ward at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital in Road Town since Health Minister Carvin Malone announced that she tested positive on April 16.
Prior to the woman’s reported death, Premier Andrew Fahie said local authorities have been taking precautions in relation to who the woman had been in contact with and where she lived.
“The Minister of Health has already asked for that whole area to be quarantined, circled and everybody tested [to] make sure that we get to contain that there is no community spreading. As I speak they are moving in on it. They have already tested seven persons who tested negative,” the Premier said in the House of Assembly on Friday.
As for individuals she may have been in contact with, at least seven persons of interest have been identified so far.
Those seven persons have also been tested locally but their results have returned negative. The Ministry of Health is now awaiting official confirmation from the Caribbean Public Health Agency in Trinidad.
Efforts to reach Health Minister Carvin Malone has been unsuccessful. BVI News understands that he has been called into an emergency meeting concerning the matter.

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Condolences to the family and friends
I’m very sorry to hear of her passing. RIP.
The local Philippines community has been reckless in their regard to the virus and have been casually travelling back and forth between here and their home since the outbreak occurred in the Philippines.
The authorities need to pay special attention to that group and ensure that their careless attitude does not result in large scale infections in the territory. Start with that apartment building in Purcell and others that they inhabit in large numbers.
You are clueless and racist
May God Bless your Heart and may you find significant meaning to your life. So empty.
Wow that did not take long. Everyone was travelling before this, so you cannot single out that is just one of the most horrible and heartless things. You are clearly a very very ignorant person. So no one going BVI to St Thomas, no one going BVI to States, etc. I take it everyone on a scooter driving round during lock down was from the Philippines. Many people share apartments because they cant afford to survive any other way due to the disgraceful hourly pay. It does not mean to say they are not taking the current situation seriously. Shame on you.
Let’s not point fingers. No one knows how the individual go
the virus. Let’s just try to be safe
Do you know her personally to know whether she traveled?
@ground zero I will locate your IP Address and make sure that people will know your evil name. I will find you, Mark my words. I will.
Just stoppppp your nonsense. Do you know the facts. You sound like that fool you deleted her post about the woman and the Philippine community. God forbid eh… that you have children and you contracted the disease and just like the deceased, her children will never see her again, will never get to pay final respects to their mother. Think before you post…….
If I knew where to find you, I would find you and beat the stuffing out of you. How the heck you know this you F***ing hyprocrite. If you knew what was going on, why not alert the authorities about it. Don’t get on line blogging S**t after the fact.
people tried to alert the authorities. No one was listening
This Ground Zero individual could be just another racist sitting on the ground right here seeking to create divisions and hatred between us and the Philipine community.
It may not be the case, but keep your mind open to every possibility, especially knowing that there are some who get paid to create and disseminate properganda to divide people based on ethnicity, skin color, etc..
They are opportunist and would use situations such as these to do their dirty work. Beware people.
Just saying.
Is this what China has done to the world?? Oh no. Please keep the racism away. Our Filipino community are nice people who work hard. Leave them alone and pray for everyone.
Heartfelt sympathy to the family. BVIHSA should answer why she was turned away the few times before her admittance to ICU. The hotline needs to change its policy a d stop following WHO who in bed with China.
I totally agree with you we facing a crisis and some one comes in with symptoms like that and you mean to tell me that they don’t consider her symptoms a red flag? You could only wonder how much more are like that. S**t man she should of been tested as a precautionary measure at least jezzz man.
If you have one or two symptoms they send you on your way with meds and don’t even follow up even though they say they will. I guess you have to have every single symptom or be on death’s door to get taken seriously. I really hope this doesn’t get swept under the rug. Someone needs to be held accountable. This lady lost her life. So sad.
Condolences to the family.
This is very sad. Sending love and sympathy for all her family at friends and the Filipino community
Oh good Jesus. You only feel it when it hits home. R.i.p lady.
My sincerest condolences to the family of the lady who succumbed to this horrible virus!
This thing is real….the real invisible monster!
But who were those 7 persons in contact with and who were those contacts in contact with and the chain goes on.
Rude ungrateful stubborn grown BVI people and residents take note and listen. That is why some of the younger ones are the way they are. What really is wrong with lockdown. Bawling about economy. Bawling about funky green notes. What will you do when the great tribulation comes? Look at this as a training for that time.
Condolences are expressed to the family. Policies and decisions aimed at moving towards normalcy must be revisited and amended temporarily.
Foe deep thought and consideration:
If all of the protective protocols and measures, “social distancing and 12-24 hour curfews, are enacted to avert illness and even deaths, how will class sizes be arranged, and how will teachers be able comply with those requisite strategies once on campus?
Despite the fact that the nation is eager to return to normal, especially the economic sector, prudence should be exercised, and on the ground infectious realities possibilities, coupled with medical scientific data should be the sources to inform critical decisions to avert illness and deaths.
Remaining on the side of caution should be the dominant approach for a bit longer. As, there are many, many teachers with bronchial and other respiratory issues which can become a catalyst for the invasion and infection of the virus.
These and others mentioned should become elements of consideration before sending teachers back into a confined environment before adequate data suggest it is prudent to do so.
Condolences to her family, friends, and colleagues.
Please report how many attempts she made to seek help before being tested and admitted to the hospital. Based on the BVI Beacon employee’s experience of multiple attempts to seek help only to get it 5 days later, the rumors surrounding the circumstances of this woman’s case are believable.
Now is the time to review Health Services practices and make adjustments. Better to err on the side of over precaution than more deaths.
You see this place, a lot of spreading information, lack of confidentiality, turning favours, breaking the rules and laws by departments that are supposed to serve and protect happen yet you see the same departments being praised and not called out and disciplined causing them to believe they could continue to do whatever they please and get away with it.
But who were those 7 persons in contact with and who were those contacts in contact with and the chain goes on.
Rude ungrateful stubborn grown BVI people and residents take note and listen. That is why some of the younger ones are the way they are. What really is wrong with lockdown. Bawling about economy. Bawling about funky green notes. What will you do when the great tribulation comes? Look at this as a training for that time.
So very sorry to hear. Prayers and condolences to loved ones.
My condolences to the family, this is so sad to hear. It is even sadder to know that all the racist and prejudice comments, the exposing of her private information and identity, may have all possibly contributed to her stress and eventually her demise while already battling this wicked virus. Shame on everyone who went out of their way to shun and embarrass this lady. It could’ve been any one of us. May she rest in ever lasting peace. Now out of harm’s way from this wicked, cruel world.
The Premier needs to reprimand them. The one that works in his office should be transferred immediately and the other in the TOURISM Dept has demonstrated she is working in the wrong field. Shameful.
I agree with you 100%. Those persons and their supporters should be ashamed of their actions. I applaud the premier for showing a lack of tolerance for such behavior and for publicly condemning their behavior. Shameful!!!!
My condolences to the family of the deceased.
May her spirit and the hearts of her family members be blessed and at ease during these turbulent moments.
The Premier’s fight to not lose any lives to the virus has failed. You are not God dear sir. Death was never the enemy. Keeping your country at a disadvantaged position by not providing proper education and same day testing may have been a more attainable objective.
Now what? Continue to lock us up and we die off slowly one by one? Or actually make plans to organize the territory with solutions?
Only time will tell.
The Premier has done a remarkable job his fight not to lose a life and he never said he was God, its just sad that those who were supposed to fight with him choose to sleep and weep.
But we up now….so no more loss!!!!!!!
High praise and fervent prayers for the premier and his team. They are doing all within their power to keep us safe.let’s be grateful, pray them through and do our part.
Rest In Peace to this lady and deepest condolences to the family. At the end of the day she was a human being. What SHE name and what HE name took to facebook and made reckless and insensitive comments. These are suppose to be persons that represent us in the Tourism industry and advise government reps. And officials. Shame on them, deleting your post and giving an apology won’t help. We SEE YOU! Evil, nasty, racist, vile and PREJUDICE!!
Especially what SHE name with that half hearted apology. Needs to be investigated. Poor representation of our Tourism Industry. She needs to advertise for a muzzle company. Heartless…
They sound very heartless. I wonder who this 2 were that made the comments/post
Thank Jesus for the Premier. He is doing his best for his nation. His trust in Jesus is wonderful! You need to get on your knees and pray!
Nice diatribe, what are your suggestions to the Premiere and his team? Do you know how and where to get the supplies for the “same day testing that you espouse? This Pandemic is world wide, hence the name pandemic, the premiere and his team has done and continues, To do a tremendous job with the country on mitigating this issue. Look to the rest of the world near and far, we are doing extremely well because of the plans made and executed by them. We are small, but the work done so far has been note worthy. Is being on lock down hard, why yes it is but it so far it is and has been the best way to flatten the curve and decrease the spread. We are no more disadvantaged than any other country in the region.
So we must hold fast to our faith, continue to pray and follow the guidelines presented, knowing and believing as the scripture says “and it came to pass”. Every time that is mentioned in the Bible, victory was around the corner so be confident that it didn’t come to stay and this too shall pass, So let all of us patiently work with hope and some positive thoughts and actions.
Condolences to this woman family. Very sad indeed. May she RIP. To the Ministers: How many more before you amend the new curfew? Please for your peoples safety…revise the curfew. Close all non essential businesses now! Keep people home. We do not need restaurants, churches, or hair salons open. We need to replenish food supplies again and stay home. You have to make this happen before the toll gets worse. This is just the beginning. Put back the 24 hour curfew! Give it another two weeks. Please! We are begging you to do the right thing. In Jesus name we pray!
The people, the unelected ones, who have great political influence over him will not allow him to do what is right. Money, money is their only motivation and care. Mney overdiscernment of their m.o.
Before the ignorant go on crazy, just remember that Covid-19 is very unlikely to kill. Yes it can cause death, more especially if your immune system is already compromised, but it’s very very unlikely to die from it.
Any extended lockdown might all be in vain. Why? When this territory open up its borders again, allowing tourist in, the virus WILL come. Trump has failed to make the necessary decisions to more effectively tame the virus in the US. Considering the bulk of our tourist derive from the USA, the BVI tourism sector will be severely dessimated with any prolong shutdown.
So can we afford to lock up this country till past the end of this year and beyond?I say we can’t. Gov needs to aquire the best medicine and equipment as they become available and open up the country as soon as possible. Otherwise there will be serious socio economic repercussions to deal with.
Most people are able to fight the virus naturally and there is many possible cures on the horizon, like that found in head lice medication (believe it or not). A minority will die, but any long term shut down will be more deadly than the virus it self.
Money over discernment.
Stay strong BVI – we can stay home and cut this down to size. We have 23,000 people here. If 2% die that is 460 (that will happen in 6 weeks…). We not able to deal with this if we do the crazy crap that they are doing in the USA now. Be smart and stay home. RIP
So far 25 % of the positive cases here have died . Also , she was not elderly or sick.
Watch CNN
You really sound like a compound fool.
The US can’t handle this virus…
What make you think our little island can handle it.
May her soul Rest In Peace
Condolences to the family.
Even though her family tested negative, they still won’t be in the clear until 14 days past since the last time they saw her. Negative today can be positive tomorrow. Pray God spare them anymore loss.
Look ahyo think 14 days is enough in some cases. Go and check again. Ok
Condolences to the family.
Not meaning to be rude but … even with a name change the hospital still lives up to it’s reputation.
Condolences to her family and friend……BVI people don’t let this woman’s passing be for nothing. Stop worrying about superficial BS about hair, nails what restaurant we gone it at as we get out. This is a serious issue the country is presented with, nobody cares about how your weave look. Enjoy the time you have with you family and friends cherish it….uncut hair and all……ONE BVI
This is very sad news! My condolences to the family 🙁
People must not be scared about getting medical attention as soon as possible!
Testing! Testing! Get with it – we have the equipment lets get some testing.
Two times interface with the system and only tested when hospitalized. Unfortinate!!!
She did seek medical attention but was ignored. What happens next will be very interesting. Action speaks louder than words. Condolences to the family .
She went to health services twice and was sent away twice. She called numerous times the hotline. WHO WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE!
@ground zero. Who say the lady travel. Is right here the lady contract it. Is the same set of people the gov have on house quarantine didnt not follow the instructions and they went about their business. The lady did not travel.
Condolences to the family. We need to look into why she was turned away when she sought medical assistance. Now she is dead. What will happen next, many treated this lady wrongfully just because she was from the Philippines, God help us we have not changed. Remember what we do to others just might come back to us. God is no respecter of persons nor is the virus.
Your comments don’t make sense. The hospital have at least 10 Filipino doctors and nurses. This was nothing to do with prejudice…
They still only focussing on quarantining up there in that area?? After the last shopping spree, they still believe only 4 cases in the BVI??
Please test, test, test .. then test some more.
Find out realistic numbers, and where they could be .. let that guide your planning.
Our condolences and prayers to the family and friends of this lady on the loss of their loved one.
What about her employer or employers
Free VG
… Why are we not holding her house mates responsible? Sure they would ave seen the signs and did nothing. This is a case of gross negligence and I hope that the BVI Government does not dismiss what happened and the possible effects on the BVI as a whole. No one is blaming anyone for contracting the virus but what happens after is the issue.
Hold her housemates responsible you say?????!!!
It’s whoever was in quarantine that tested positive and was in contact with her is who should be held responsible.
This social status and who you know BULL HAVE TO STOP!!!!
I am p***ed that this Government believe they gun play with man life it MUST start coming forward to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If this woman had symptoms and was sent home she has been in contact with drivers, medical staff, people she lives with at MINIMUM.
Given how extremely contagious the virus is everywhere else in the world this is not good news…
Hoping for the best
Warmest heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of this young lady here and in the PI. Fellow Virgin Islanders and residents, Covid-19 kills. It has already kill over 140,000 across the globe; globally there are over 2 million confirmed cases. As has been stated numerous times, there are no reliable and consistent treatment protocols or cure or vaccine for the virus. Until a vaccine is developed, produced, and distributed, the best management practices are adhering to the hygienic practices, social/physical distancing…..etc. Be safe.
IThe government keep shutting down the island and we the people are doing our part but the hospital and the staff are not doing there part. The hospital and the medical staff failed us . Did they not know that she was in contact with a patient that tested positive for virus?.People we have to test everyone that comes in there with a simple cold.
Did the patient admit to this before she got sick
did her employer who tested positive include her on his contact list?
My food runnin out so open the shops
Need to open the shops
Yes, this person is talking as though they live near the dead lady, u have an evil heart to think the way u do , i hop wen the virous reach you that it remembers you as its friend and pass you by,
I wonder how the bad minded people on facebook feels. But burn down apartment etc. Smh. Its amazing that they still speak of God though.
Come Sunday they jumping up claiming to be godly all for a rhythm and others to please their pastor.
Stay prayed up BVI, no time for harsh comments nor is it time to blame anyone for it coulda bin any of us….my prayers for her family and for the entire BVI…. Stay positive…
While many are thinking about how the lockdown will affect the economy negatively….please bear in mind that if thousands of residents die….the economy will not replenish itself as quickly as the former…
Please do not make the statement or think the thought “if the United States can not manage the Corona Virus then how can we?” You are a small country of good and caring people. You need to remain under quarantine and follow the recommendations of the CDC and Dr. Fauci.
Fighting Corona in the United States has become a political fight. With the upcoming election becoming more important than peoples lives.
You in the BVI stay strong and smart. You can defeat Corona!
We must pray for humanity.
Please do not think “if the United States can’t manage the covid how can the BVI. You can! But you must quarantine and follow the CDC’s recommendations and Dr. Fauci.
Covid issues have become political with much arguing between parties with worries about the upcoming election muddying the waters. Stay strong and smart BVI ! You can defeat this!