BVI News

UPDATE: BVI’s silver swapped for bronze at CARIFTA

Rikkoi Brathwaite (second from left) in action during the Under-20 Boys 100-metre dash at the 2018 CARIFTA Games.

While Rikkoi Brathwaite still holds a medal for the British Virgin Islands in the 2018 CARIFTA Games, the BVI sprinter has moved one place down on the podium.

The 19-year-old runner had been awarded a silver medal in the Under-20 Boys 100-metre dash on Saturday evening, March 31.

However, after replaying the highly-competitive race, officials realised Brathwaite had in fact finished behind Bahamian sprinters Joel Johnson and Adrian who ran 10.31 and 10.43 seconds, respectively.

Brathwaite’s actually time is 10.46 seconds, which means his silver medal will be swapped for a bronze.

Speaking with BVI News after Saturday’s race, Brathwaite had said: “I have been working for this medal for a long time and finally, the hard work pay off.”

“It was a good race. I got out really well – pushing and driving the way I was supposed to. I would say I need to work on the end of my race but I worked on it enough to hold on for a [bronze],” he added.

Brathwaite also competed in the preliminary round of the Boys 200-metre event on April 1 and finished third.

He ran 21.40 seconds to advance to the next round of the 200-metre competition. He will compete on Monday, April 2.

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  1. Nice says:

    Congrats Koi

  2. I approve this message says:

    Congratulations Big Man really happy proud of you , keep up the good work bro ..there is no where but up from here …
    # i wana be like you when I grow up ..

  3. Big Up! says:

    Proud of you. Keep up the great work.
    Still remeber when you could hardly clock 11sec ????

  4. Observant says:

    God’s blessings in your future endeavors. Keep focused and be a positive inspiration to all.

  5. Go Team BVI says:

    Very proud of you!! Congrats and go get ’em in the 200m!!

  6. CW says:

    Where are all the haters questioning why their tax dollars are being used for this purpose? If you get upset over tax dollars and borrowing REBUILDING YOUR DESTROYED HOMES why no public outcry for literally using the same money to send people around the world to play games? I saw people yesterday complaining about taxes being used to move the boats out of road town harbour so ferry service can resume. Can’t have it both ways haters lol

    BVI congratulations on your medal!

  7. Que? says:


  8. Sam the man says:

    Absolutely fantastic well done you have absolutely excelled and represented the BVI brilliantly – the best is yet to come, keep believing….

  9. Jay says:

    Good Job guys…all the big guns from Jamaica pulled out. I guess they waiting for the Penn Relays.

    • BOUT!!!!!!!!! says:

      It’s quite obvious you’re not a track and field fan else you would have realized they didn’t “pull out’ as you would put it. i also think you should be glad because had a Jamaican been in this race the BVI wouldn’t be on the podium any at all.
      Count your blessings and stop trying to put down Jamaica

      • guy hill says:

        When ignorance is bliss it’s a folly to be wise. There were two Jamaicans in that final. They were 4th and 5th respectively.Stop the ignorant, irresponsible and immature talk.

        1 Johnson, Joel B A H 10.31 1.1
        2 Curry, Adrian B A H 10.43 1.1
        3 Brathwaite, Rikkoi I V B 10.46 1.1
        4 Bentley, Michael J A M 10.47 1.1
        5 Robertson, Ryiem J A M 10.48 1.1
        6 Edwards, Tyrell T T O 10.59 1.1
        7 Hislop, Ako T T O 10.66 1.1
        8 Priam, Aymeric M T Q 10.74 1.1

  10. Anthony says:

    As a Jamaican, I like to see all Caribbean countries do well. Congratulations to
    him and we the Caribbean people will always support our athletes as seen here at The National Stadium during Champs

  11. JAY says:

    Congratulations. Grease to your elbow. We are proud of you.

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