BVI News

Victims of crime can’t discontinue a case, only the DPP can — Scatliffe-Esprit

Tiffany Scatliffe-Esprit

The recently-appointed Director of Public Prosecutions, Tiffany Scatliffe-Esprit has outlined the proper procedures that residents who intend to discontinue criminal matters before the courts should follow.

Scatliffe-Esprit said in a media release that only the Director of Public Prosecutions can discontinue criminal proceedings.

“Even if a victim no longer wishes to proceed with a matter, it does not mean that the matter will be automatically discontinued,” she stated.

The DPP explained that victims of crime who intend to discontinue their matter are required to issue a statement to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force.

That statement, according to the DPP, should explain why the victim no longer wishes to continue with the criminal proceedings and must also declare that the decision was one made entirely by themself.

Once the statement is completed, Scatliffe-Esprit said it would then be submitted for consideration and depending on the nature of the case, the victim may have to appear in court to issue a sworn statement under oath regarding their wish to discontinue.

Not all cases are discontinued

The DPP’s Office further said that not all cases will be discontinued solely on the basis that a victim wishes not to proceed.

It said that cases involving domestic violence, harm to children, sexual offences, serious assaults, and offences against the pursuit of justice will not be discontinued on that basis.

The reminder to the public of the proper procedures to follow comes after Scatliffe-Esprit said a number of victims of crimes were sending correspondence directly to her office asking for their matters to be discontinued.

She also said that victims of crimes were also attempting to discontinue their cases by informing investigating officers of their decision.

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  1. HUH! says:

    In office for less than a day, and already issuing press releases making it clear how important she thinks she is!

    Like 13
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    • BVI says:

      What she actually did was explain how the law works. Too many dimwits in the BVI thinking people can unaccountably make rules up.

      Like 6
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  2. Womderful says:

    It’s about time. This should have came into play a long time ago.

    Like 11
  3. Protect the Children says:

    Protect those innocent kids who were betrayed by adult/s of the home. Sometimes they are coerce by another member of the family into protecting that perverted adult because of financial dependability, pride, reputation, intimidation and one common factor to preserve the relationship of the Mother to the father or the adult the biological parent is committed too.


    The community will always support this type of prosecution.

    • @ Protect the Children says:

      I ENDORSE this message.

      Government of the Virgin Islands I implore you to do a full investigation of your Social Development Department who sit idly by many a time and ignore the warning signs as well as protect their staff who are involved in underhanded attempts to protect those that are manipulating cases and children.

      As for those parents who take part in intimidating these littles ones you should be ashamed of yourself but time longer than twine.

      Like 2
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  4. SMDH says:

    Thing start!

  5. Observer says:

    She done can’t solve a crime and they put she to be head of DPP. lord watch over us

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  6. Smh says:

    Why wasn’t this information communicated before now?

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  7. @ Observer says:

    If she was an officer of the RVIPF and was suddenly appointed as the DPP, then I would agree with you. However Observer, Her job is to prosecute not investigate or solve a crime. Most of the information Madam DDP presents in court,she acquires it from a Police Officer of the RVIPF.

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