Virgin Islander selected as the new Attorney General | Premier elated

Premier Andrew Fahie has confirmed that the next Attorney General of the British Virgin Islands, which is expected to be announced in coming weeks, will be a BVIslander.
Premier Fahie made the announcement at a contract signing ceremony for repair works at the Ralph T O’Neal Administration Complex on Friday.
He said he was unable to disclose the identity of the successful candidate but confirmed the person is local.
“I was able to get a correspondence that did me great joy. And no offence to anyone but … a Virgin Islander has been named as the new Attorney General,” the Premier said.
“I am so elated about that news, but I cannot name the person as yet because of the confidentiality of it because they only have been named, and certain processes have to go through,” he added.
Meanwhile, Minister for Transportation, Works & Utilities Kye Rymer, joined the Premier in congratulating the new successful candidate for the Attorney General post.
“I think that’s a great step for us moving forward in this territory in empowering our people, so that they can play a vital role in the development of our territory,” he said.
Premier Fahie had announced in a December 2019 sitting of the House of Assembly that last year’s budget was the final one for the current Attorney General Baba Aziz.
With the expiration of Aziz’s contract in February 2020, Premier Fahie had hinted then of the possibility of having an Attorney General from the territory.
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Best news I heard all day
This should have been done long ago. Premier I am proud of you and your Government’s efforts.
I love this news. I hope the governor does not try to get in the way because he does not have any confidence in the people of the BVI unless they giving him our melee.
Should the Premier be the one speaking on matters of the attorney general? Think about this. We have different branches of government. The Premier and ministers are members of two arms. The Premier does not determine who comes the Attorney General. There is a legal commission that handles that and makes a recommendation to the Governor. Don’t we see what is happening here? When politicians start to interfere in the legal arm of government the system gets corrupted. The legal arm of government should be entirely independent. He should not be making any announcements whatsoever on this. Its not his place to do so. I see people shouting good news but not understanding the danger. We are slowly eroding some very important foundations of our democracy. Last week’s abuse of the media was despicable while people cheered on the behavior. The media is there to bring balance and to hold government to account for us the people. How will we get accurate information if the media can’t ask questions and do its work? Let us stop being good citizens for a political party and start being good citizens for our country.
Yes! wise up people! Career politicians are extremely dangerous.
Your post is the most unresearched post I have read in a while. Plus the man is the Premier and Leader of the Territory and can speak on any matter especially seeing that he’s also the Minister of Finance.
Your comment just shows how very little you know. People will suffer for lack of knowledge. Go and do some research and understand things before you engage in arguments. Being the Premier does not give you dominion over everything in the country. Read and understand the constitution. It’s oersons like you who make policitcans believe that they are all powerful and mighty. Time to stop being silly!
@Wiseup people, thanks for setting the record straight regarding the selection of the Attorney General. The constitution is the Guide book, so to speak for the management and operation of government and sets out the responsibilities and operations of every facet of governance. I recall Hon. Fahie himself, during their Victory Lapse at the Band Stan explaining the branches of government; specifically referring to the legal side of government as the “judiciary”. He was at the time referring to the matter of the speaker and fourth district representative; basically saying that the court couldn’t interfere in settling the matter, because of the manner in which governance is set up; While we can all express our satisfaction on this and other matters of locals ascending to higher positions in the management of government, in this case the premier seems to be inferring that he had something to do with the selection process; thus taking credit. It is interesting that the governor, deputy governor and commissioner of police reserved their comments on the matter.
Because ZAN sound so mentally challenged asking questions YOU NEED a local there too?
This shows that we are maturing as a Territory. We as people of the Virgin Islands have come far.
he gettin position by qualification or IBH?
Good to great
Thank it’s not a african or a jamaican
Why was your comment warranted?… Africa is a continent with many countries and Jamaica is an actual country… put respect on that continent and country when you writing their names and being disrespectful… Don’t name drop no one….Those places have some very intelligent people and so what if they were able to hold certain post.. Now you have a local keep it moving and hush from trying to start something…
When a serpent is hungry, it crawls out of its den and go hunting. It eats, crawls back in until it gets hungry again.
So to are the behaviors of the Black skin hating vipers.
Sems as though, and thank god it is so and not like bondage and colonial days, that only through social media they can now overtly spout their uncontrollable genetic predispositions to prejudice, hatred and racism.
The earth is cured by such human mental maladies, sadly.
Hmm wonder who it might be
Now that “V—-” make it known who the person is. We don’t need to hear from Mr. FAHIE again.
Wow, this is certainly different. We are really living in unconventional times. Now it’s time for the first black governor. Give us free.
I’m honoured.
Be dem indigenous Virgin Islander or from down island?
I second that,”GTFOH”!
And I think that David would make a great leader, alongside with a beautiful First Lady, Mrs. Flax-Archer!
Wouldn’t it be great if it was Ms.Anthia Smith?
I will reserve my congratulatory remarks until full disclosure is made!
J— L—–d aka J—– Smith done leak the name on his tabloid site
Several BVIslanders have been offered the post in the past and turned it down.
All the usual talk about empowering locals are finally coming true with the Andrew Fahie led VIP but the haters will never admit it. We have been hearing it for years but now we actually seeing with our own eyes. Never before in the history of the BVI have we been kept up to date like we have in 2020. Before you would have to listen to HOA meetings and hope the opposition ask the right questions now we are having live FB sessions almost weekly keeping the people informed about Covid19, same thing with the fast track initiative and demo of the new traffic flow. I must say that some of the technology wasn’t available but it was always possible through other means but our leaders lacked the vision or the will to do otherwise. They find the technology for live campaign rallies throughout the years because our votes are important to them but after that we cant hear anything without begging.It might be time to give Jack their jacket. I aint tell no lies so who afraid of the truth get mad and dislike that.
Notwithstanding the need to have a local serving in the AG capacity, the pronuncement by the Premier raises suspicion. Any rational minded person will question whether this arm of Government should have been responsible for the communication since there is an appearance of political undermining of the Judiciary. Its not the Premier place to leak this info.
He should have reserved his comments and praises after the official approved announcement.
On the contrary,the AG appears to be a cabinet member…if thats the case, the head of cabinet reserve his rights to comment.
Arguably, the AG served the Government and people of the BVI well. Independant and objective if I may say, being guided by the Constitution and laws. In this Government’s quest for a local, we can only hope and trust that the new AG will build on the legacy and maintain the level of competence expected by the Office.
I think that it is very important that we try to understand certain things before we jump to conclusions. The politicians will have us believe certain things for their own political gain. The Premier nor no member of government has the power to choose the Attorney General or the Director of Public Prosecution so do not let them fool you. These two positions are provided for in the constitution and there is a system by which they are chosen that has no political involvement.
Secondly, stop playing the them against us nonsense. Another attempt of the politicians. We have very good lawyers from the BVI who could have filled these two positions a long time ago. The issue is largely that they would not apply for the jobs because they make more money working in the private sector. The ones who apply at times are not up to speed for the job.
The Guv will make the finally decision and Fay will be happy or not.y’all ain’t independent yet.