BVI News

Visitors at Trellis Bay forced to sit under a tree — Walwyn

Sixth District Representative, Myron Walwyn

Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn said he was troubled by recent developments in the BVI and questioned whether the people of the territory have lost their pride.

Walwyn, while speaking in the House of Assembly recently, described the sister island of Virgin Gorda as a gem in the BVI’s tourism crown.

He also noted that the BVI can now proudly say that there are flights coming in through American Airlines to the Terrance B Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island.

But Walwyn took aim at the state of a nearby area where visitors wait to board vessels to go to Virgin Gorda and other neighbouring islands.

The area, which is also on Beef Island and just a stone’s throw away from the territory’s main international airport, has been an eyesore for some time and has seen repeated complaints from some lawmakers.

“People are going to Trellis Bay. When you get to Trellis Bay, what do you get? You’re under a tree sitting down. Why can’t we build something similar to what is there at Peter Island at the dock [for] the tourists and the locals?” Walwyn asked.

Walwyn’s cry echoed appeals from Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn and from Health Minister and Ninth District Representative Vincent Wheatley who also asked for some sort of waiting facility to be constructed in the area to shield persons from the elements.

He suggested that this was just one of the “simple, little things” that could have been done and proposed that the construction of a visitor centre would not cost as much as $250,000.

“It raises the question as to ‘what are we doing’ and ‘what are our plans’ because we don’t seem to be getting even the simplest of things done,” Walwyn said.

He continued: “Why are tourists and locals sitting in Trellis Bay under this [tree]? When the sun come, it burn them, when the rain come it wet them. How can we feel good about that? Where’s our pride?”

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  1. Dump says:

    That whole area by the ferry is a dump. No waiting area gonna fix the garbage and oil just dumped all over the ground out there. Don’t blame government this is your residents who have made the place disgusting.

    Like 59
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  2. Weggie says:

    A man who was arrested should be ashamed that the money he wasted on the over priced wall that got him
    In trouble could have been used to address many of the things he now ranting about

    Just a big hypocrite looking air time

    Like 26
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  3. @ weggie says:

    Hater alert! Jealousy alert! Envy alert! You keep pushing Myron. All of them like Ms. Wiggy will eat crow when it’s all over and done.

    Like 17
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  4. @weggie says:

    Wiggy really could talk? Carry back all grant money you collected from every member of the HOA to pay for college for your son. Pay back the Covid money that you applied for in your son’s name and even your old mother’s name. You old scamp. Sea Cow Bay people would be some real clowns to ever elect you to represent them. You talk about Myron getting arrested you forget that you were actually in jail? Clown soup

    Like 30
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  5. Interested says:

    He is quite Correct in this . I experienced it myself. Not even a shade to protect from sun or rain. Visitors are forced to Stand under a tree as they await the ferry. It is a total disgrace,
    Yes something must be done about it


    Like 39
  6. Ridiculous says:

    There numerous restaurants, cafes and shady places to hang out in Trellis Bay while waiting for a domestic ferry. There is no need for a ‘waiting room’ building in Trellis Bay.

    Like 10
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  7. @ridiculous says:

    You have any sense at all? This is most unintelligent post that I have read in a long time.

    Like 21
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  8. Disgraceful Example says:

    The place and its circumstances have existed in its currentcindition for decades.. This is not new..

    Elected officials and government simply neglected it. Were no kick backs to tobe had it is supposed.

    Meanwhile, toconstruct a decent waiting area should be done for much less than suggested here.

    But the main obvious reason the condition exist is a lack of pride within the government towards its tourism product and instilling hope and country esteem, and humility into the generalpublic relative to development of the island..

    It is a disgraceful example of where the priorities of elected officials were, past to present, and still the same.

    Like 14
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  9. ALERT says:

    Before chairs were trees stumps it healthy im sure
    it did not matter
    mind over matter

  10. @Ridiculous says:

    so you saying let the taxi drop you at resturant with your 2 young kids with luggage and when ferry comes you struggle with kids and luggage to get ot ferry

    Like 13
  11. @@ weggie says:

    Lord whoever weggie is he/she got them on fire

  12. cindy says:

    Go sit down we have no respect for f man he was arrested and charged for corruption over a wall, so go from here you need to be in jail for our funds

    Like 7
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  13. Solution says:

    According to the party planner Premier, the solution is a non stop party. Let’s dedicate this one to the trellis Bay waiting area project, shall we? Maybe if we spend 250,000, we could make 40,000 to go towards this project!

    Like 6
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  14. Native son says:

    An immigrant – to his credit- tried to offer creditable global platforms to support BVI infrastructure- fully funded , ViA PPA, Infrastructure-as-a-service…. and other slow pay kinda ways. All viable alternatives, i think.

    On the smaller or ancillary side of things I also saw offers to build these facilities in various locations for the government or tourist board-enjoy now, pay later kinda vibes too

    . We in BVI always know what CANT work here but the world can also see what DOES work here- The FETCHING STATUS QUO.

    Like 1
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  15. WE ALL SEE IT says:

    WE ALL SEE IT, ur simply stating the obvious, we want to kno WHAT YAL GONNA DO ABOUT IT!!!

    Like 7
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  16. vision says:

    lets work on this quickly, get something build fast approved.

  17. vision says:

    Shelter needed badly, get fast approval done.

  18. ReX FeRaL says:

    OK. Mr. Wall.

    Like 4
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  19. hmm says:

    That end been in shambles and looking deplorable looooong time, is only when it affects the tourists or visitors is when yal Uppers take notice? it didnt need addressing for the residents using that dock on a daily basis all the time?? ONLY NOW its a “eye sore”???


    Like 3
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  20. Set up. says:

    Only Kye getting things done. Thats the set up. Marlon has to now beg Kye pls.

    Like 1
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  21. Collin Butler says:

    The deplorable state of Beef Island Dock is an issue that affects us all, from residents who take pride in their community to tourists seeking an unforgettable experience. Rather than engaging in a futile blame game, we should unite to transform this gateway into a point of pride for the British Virgin Islands. With collaborative effort, investment, and a commitment to environmental stewardship, we can develop Beef Island Dock and leave a positive impression on all who visit our shores.

  22. Because... says:

    Because the BVI is known for thinking “small” and “practical” right?

  23. @ WEGGIE says:

    Hey wigo , U forgot that you were still in the mirror when U were writing that bLOGg , so U really spoke the truth 4 once / well accidents do happen

  24. Foolish says:

    The premier is so soft and foo@ish he is from the east so he is the one who looks bad. He has been there for years never did anything for the schools when he was education and the district even worst what is sl**ander excuse he have the whole of east disgraceful, waste of time .

  25. Actually says:

    I’d prefer to sit in the sun and know the POS who is killing dogs in Trellis bay is in jail. Find the prick and give him some of his own medicine.

    Like 0
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  26. Bumbet than dumb says:

    I hope nomothe human in the BVI thinks like thid

  27. Send help says:

    I am a positive thinking person peoplr but what is this government doing ?
    Where is the project that benifiys the people
    1. Jose Hill project completed.- Is it benefiting the people?
    2. ESHS completed – Look
    3. Money was votef for Trellis Bay – Look at the area to wait on the ferry
    4. Road Town Ferry – wonder who renovate this foolish building looks like a shed
    5. Market area- Cattle sheds
    6. Till now HOA cannot rebuild
    We need state of the art buildings we can do it with the buget we have
    Poor planning no target set with clear goals and outcomes
    Need to prioritize. Develop one good building in each department for the people, to grow the economy We are going backwards

  28. OKRO says:


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  29. Eldread says:

    Creating a discussion away from the solution, saying bad things about Myron is not the solution, it’s Myron mention of greedy bill start savings for bvi

  30. Eldread says:

    The BVI I should emulate the Bahamas

    Like 3
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  31. Agreed says:

    Tourist Board done had plans to build a nice concession area there before politics get involved and this one wasn’t his own construction man from the 8th get the job or the job not getting done. That was 4 years ago. The waste of time guy they put as head of tourism put 2 rinky dink tent down there that msg up in a month and waste taxpayers money! Down their stink of sargassum that never one day get cleaned. What happen to the tourism levy that the visitors pay to come in to BVI? That money can’t use to build a decent something there and clean the sargassum every other week? Can the politicians just stay the gell out of the way? Myron it is your own NDP people fault why that area isn’t fixed yet. Plus the fact that issa clueless person is running Tourist Board.

  32. Only thing worse says:

    is when the sun goes down. Trellis Bay is dark and scary for tourists leaving the airport that do not know the area. Not even a sign to where the dock is located.

  33. Sister islands too says:

    This sould be the focus for all tourist docks/ seaports. Lets not forget about our sister islands.

  34. Oil Nut People says:

    Get on that David Johnson gravy train and you will be sitting on a leather sofa smoking a cigar at the Loose Mongoose!
    Yes – the rest of Trellis Bay looks like a hot mess, but it is nice to be rich.

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