BVI News

Water & Sewerage to crack down on delinquent customers next month

The Water & Sewerage Department will be cracking down on delinquent consumers at the start of next month.

Director of Water & Sewerage, Pearline Scatliffe-Leonard gave that indication while noting that COVID-19 also has an impact on her department. She said various services must be reinstated to allow the department to cover its own expenses.  

“To this end, customers are advised that effective 1st October 2021 the disconnection and reconnection services of the Water & Sewerage Department will resume,” Scatliffe-Leonard stated.  

“All accounts are considered past due and delinquent after 30 days, from the bill date, and are subject to having service discontinued,” she added.

The Water & Sewerage boss said disconnection will be executed for all amounts due for water usage and sewerage services up to August 31. 

“Any service disconnected for non-payment will remain disconnected until all delinquent amounts, as well as a $20 reconnection fee, have been paid in full,” she noted.

Water reconnections are done on the day of payment before 3:30 pm. If the payment is made after 3:30 pm, the water reconnection will be the following day. For additional queries and concerns on accounts, customers may telephone the department at 468-5834 or email Persons should expect a response within 24-hours during the regular workweek. Concerns received after 2 pm on a Friday will be addressed by 12 noon the following working Monday.

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  1. Strange says:

    It’s high time. Water is more essential than telephone calls. Why pay $100 monthly for cell calls etc when you cant pay $50 per month to cover water which is essential? We need to re-prioritize.

    • @ Strange says:

      Though your points are correct, keep to the forefront that, particularly in the bvi, due to the absence of any governing laws over pricing of items, the cell phone, internet and other media products and their service are woefully over priced, over gouged and over greeded.

  2. Bvi islander says:

    They government need a man to run water and sewage this woman ain’t getting it handle she swear she jamming, first of all lady get your system up and running I cant be calling water and sewage every month for my bill and your hogish customer service rep with a stinking attitude getting vex with me because I speaking my mind in a nice manner . Every month I asking for my bill oh nothing , every time I call nothing until 4 months after u want hit me with a high bill an expect me to pay all one time , secondly change them no good a** meters you have there out of America thieving people , everything America do the bvi follows, try fix your delinquent shity system before you try to fix customers I thank you

    Like 13
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    • Kathrine says:

      I agree I have visited the department looking for my bills and its a year now I can’t get any bills. my sister has a query and it have … working in the back and up to now I can’t get the bill query all am been told is I will get back to you. I went back in march and I meet a big fat one with blond hair and she have to nerve to tell me I used the water so I have to pay for it. I almost lose my cool so I left before I get in trouble. I called and make an appointment to see accounts personnel when I got to the office the in August I meet a tall dark slim man and he is who solve my problem the same big fat girl was there, in my opinion she is not a friendly person, and she doesn’t have any customer training and I don’t know how they have her there working with customers, she is a … Thanks to the young man who helped me and solved the problem.

    • @ BVIslander says:

      I so agree with you. I wondered why they don’t have monthly bills anymore too. Every time I call their office nothing yet is all you get. I’m so careful with water usage & now shocked at a bill that I got. When I questioned it, I was told how my meter was not working. Only in natures little secret mehson. Highway robbery in this place everywhere you turn.

  3. Customer 1 says:

    Who about reading the Meter Monthly instead of every six months to a year. Why i am still getting a bill for 2020 when we are in September 2021 ???

  4. lillian says:

    Ionly hate the fact that you all give people the bill from others means you all put bills from others to other people you all need to stop!~! no one stuped! to pay other people bills customers should take gov. in to court for this kind of abuse of bills

  5. Sue says:

    The primer needs to look into this and remove that lady … I have been calling for weeks to discussed my application for new connection and to present I cant get her she never answering her phone and may I remind the public she told me to call and remind her. I visited the office and spoke to her assistant and she is not a pleasant lady, all she said is the director is not in office and left me there.

    • ? says:

      The director does not deal with new connections so you would have to check the Ministry for that, and has not been in office for some months And returned like a few weeks ago. who did you speak with.

  6. for your Information says:

    There is this one young lady and another tall slim lady who is always pleasant and very professional in the customer services unit. give credit when it is due. Not all of them are Hogish. There is only one person in that entire department that you can classify as hoggish, other than that the others are always willing to help and explain to customers about their bills.

  7. A gross injustice says:

    Water and sewerage continues to function like a third world institution with the most inhumane way of people accessing their invoices. Right it first and then talk about enforcement. Let’s have some dignity.

  8. Fix it first says:

    Jpw are you gonma charge people for water they don’t get to use. Tell me jow sometimes weeks to months people only getting water in the morning by night to next day it off. And when it on it running slow.

  9. country boy says:

    you all need to fix the system rather than going after customers . you all system is rubbish the minister minister need to look into this . i constantly paying one water bill twice an then u hitting me i owed this and that to find out it was an error fix you all system from over charging people . i tired of water and sewage with them heck is like what bill they give to you u must accept because they dont give a shit , is like a circus over there i hate going there

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