BVI News

We can’t just give salary increases and isolate other areas

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie has hit back at persons suggesting that monies set aside for Ministerial Political Advisers could have been used to increase the salaries of public servants instead.

“I hear a lot of chatter of those who are fooling the people with our advisers, making them think that we took that money in a time when we could give [public servants] money,” Premier Fahie said during a recent House of Assembly sitting.

The Premier indicated he was eagerly awaiting salary reviews for public servants announced earlier this year — an initiative that is expected to be completed sometime next year.

“We cannot just give them a salary increase just like that and isolate certain areas and give them,” he added. “They know that that has to be done by the constitutional remit”.

We can’t govern from Facebook

Taking further aim at his critics, the Premier said while he welcomed the opinions and differing views of others, he insisted that the country cannot be run from the Facebook social media platform.

“We have to run the country with the laws,” he stated.

He said if people speak out of turn regarding how government works, then it is important that mature persons point them in the direction of the territory’s laws and guide them along the right path.

Premier Fahie suggested that it was also important that even though elected officials may take a certain course of action, persons must be made to understand that such an action was all they (the government) could have done.

The Premier argued that even though the governor has overall responsibility for the public service, the governor cannot arbitrarily deal with issues.

 He said this is the reason his government has called for a salary review. 

“I do not take it lightly to see someone with a master’s still making $35,000 a [year],” the Premier said.

Fahie maintained that the BVI’s systems need continued strengthening and said he wanted to ensure that the territory moves forward with the necessary transformations, job re-classification and salary reviews.


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  1. heckler says:

    I am glad we have less than 23 more months of this guy

    Like 49
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    • No worries says:

      Sir Gary will endeavor to shorten that time frame to a few months. He has already shown the poor governance and treachery. Upon his return we will see the theft of government funds.

      Like 25
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    • Strange says:

      What a pity…that’s still toooooo long

      Like 8
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    • unconscionable says:

      This is like Kim Il Jung justifying his special delivery of foie gras while his people starve.
      We desperately need:
      * A clear vaccine strategy to reach and maintain herd immunity.
      * A continued source of new vaccines, new variant vaccines, and different type (e.g. BioNtech/Pfizer)
      * A booster vaccine program.
      Political courage and leadership to push this through.
      * Proper support for education, health and social services.
      Hard to discern this or any strategic thinking from the self-serving pronouncements we are getting.

      Like 6
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    • Plz can i says:

      Can I thumbs up a hundred times


    Another excuse to spend taxpayer cash with his friends – GOD save us

    Like 40
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  3. Lies says:

    We cant govern from Facebook, BUT ISNT THAT WHAT YOUVE BEEN DOING! Only fixing controversial issues circulating FACEBOOK.

    Like 45
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  4. But you can.... says:

    But you can channel the money into other areas. You can use it to furnish the schools. You can use it to help struggling businesses….. Those are facts you are unwilling to accept.

    Like 46
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  5. Paid for the job says:

    “I do not take it lightly to see someone with a master’s still making $35,000 a [year],” the Premier said.
    Well it depends on whether they are using that qualification in their job! If the qualification is not specific to the job being done, then it is irrelevant when it comes to setting the salary of that person.

    Like 24
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  6. Rubber Duck says:

    They give these degrees away with corn flakes these days.

    Like 13
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  7. VI Gal says:

    Dont give the unvaxxed civil servants no salary increase until they decide to take the vaccine.

    Like 18
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  8. Unconventional leadership says:

    Wow the premier says that the territory has laws with a straight face. Is that not why the Coi is here to see what laws been broken by the government. It would be interesting to know how many in the cabinet possess masters degrees. If not many why not give those in cabinet who don’t so possess the degrees the teacher salary and give the teachers who do so possess the degrees the minister salary. Food for thought.

    Like 23
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  9. wondering says:

    Why is this government continuing to spend money on various unnecessary measures while the people are suffering. Many lost their jobs in March 2020 and haven’t worked since. Many are on highly reduced hours and pay. Many can hardly pay their rent and mortgages, and are eating rice everyday just to stay alive.

    A couple bags of groceries is all the majority of the BVI residents got because of Covid. Meanwhile 59Million plus has been spent on what??

    God please help the suffering in the BVI, soon.

    Like 24
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  10. 1st district says:

    Where the h**l is the COI to shut down this dolly house country!!

    Like 29
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  11. Suffering says:

    Still asking the question:
    Is speech writers the most important priority right now?
    How is the hospital?
    Are schools ready for our children? Does the high school have enough desks and chairs for the children?
    How many persons in the country suffering because of COVID?

    Like 25
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  12. jay says:

    As usual, said a whole lot and still said nothing…

    Like 16
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  13. ???? says:

    Add all consultants you hire together and add all their salaries together. How much that would be???

    Like 16
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  14. Can't believe says:

    In the BVI government like to read education is important. Parents the next time you’re at you child’s school pay attention. 90% of what you see is done by the principal, teachers and staff. Teachers paint, teachers fix and maintain the schools, teachers husbands and boyfriends fix and maintain schools. No internet beyond this room no problem teachers will walk with their internet box. Teachers are using their personal laptops to do the government work. WHY? Teachers give and give and yet we can’t get a pay increase. Don’t worry teachers can Vote. Good luck finding teachers for your 2022 school year.PS thank you Don’t pay light bills or buy food.

    Like 19
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  15. PAUSE ? says:

    well somebody said we needed a ( pause ) from the ( coi ) because of all the pain and suffering from ( covid 19 ) and as soon as we got it , our ( master ) switch back into ( overdrive ) again , and he is spending our taxpayers $$$$$ without care ( this guy is really

    Like 15
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    • Mini hospital says:

      What about the was suppose to be a hospital on virgin Gorda not suited out waiting for people to donate things and cant even get it staffed the big hospital cant even keep staffs so under paid they trick you when you coming about the package makes it sounds good then a total difference when you get in when you leaving it takes for ever to get your money COI needed

      Like 7
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  16. Strange says:

    The irony any hypocrisy of this man…

    “We cannot just give them a salary increase just like that and isolate certain areas and give them…They know that that has to be done by the constitutional remit”.

    “We have to run the country with the laws”

    Hhhmmmm…The laws and constitution appears to only apply to certain persons. Not the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, not the Premier, not for certain ministers…

    Sad sad BVI.

    Like 10
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    • Hmm! says:

      It’s even worst than that. No study was proposed for why or how there is the need for political consultants or the politicians giving themselves increases in pay and mandating years of salary as pension after one term in office. But, study is needed to give civil servants salary changes. and cost of living increases they are continuously denied and hasn’t received now for at least three years.

  17. Wow says:

    Don’t Mel promises you can’t keep

    Like 2
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  18. DOTS says:

    People be careful what you wish for. Massa don’t mind cracking he whip. Andrew may not be perfect but some people who act like the gov’t bank book is theirs is not Andrew. Everyone have an idea what and how to fix everything. NDP rape the country they out VIP not doing enough in a crisis, NPP wha you doing? Okay Premier: Follow God, Maslow court of human opinion. Teachers reach out to the parents to participate less “show stopping”. Make your need known create a list and share it every year on this platform. Think positive. One sewing machine can become 10. Use the platform to your benefit. People start positive chat. You can catch more fly with honey. Peace

    Like 3
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    • @dots says:

      How ndp rape the country but VIP got all this money to spend?

      this man lie to ppl face and you lapping it up like a dog eating his v**it.

      USE YOUR BRAIN MAN! get off of VIP titty and see the destrution they causing!

  19. Anonymous says:

    There are some things/words a leader should never use in public.

    Like 1
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  20. HUh We CAnt Just give Salary Increase" says:

    We Cant Just give Salary Increases when you done give all your 1st District voters and coke peddling man A Year Salary for Stimulus

    Like 4
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  22. Hypocrite says:

    Anyway, Public Officers Increments are not salary increase you are talking about. We are entitled to at least that. Approximately 3000 officers strong will remember come election day. If you are planning to give us our money closer to election in hopes that we will be grateful…. the joke will be on you.

  23. DOTS says:

    umm huh. Healthcare swaying from side to side. Money gone??? Dey “po” bust and the you know what gone fall out.
    VG hospital and tola hospital two most important things in life Health and education.
    Premier pay attention.
    I’m with you up to this point. People aint just typing wha they aint telling you.
    God bless our people.

  24. Constitution & General Orders says:

    Every Public Officer who signed their performance AGREEMENT and met or exceeded required percentage score is DUE their increment.
    Th Government is required to perform a salary cost of living assessment (inflation) every FIVE YEAS.
    At the end of this year 2021, Government would be owing their employees:
    1. FIVE YEARS OF INCREMENTS, which is budgeted every year and
    2. THREE INFLATION ADJUSTMENT (cost of living increase pay rise)
    Offices definitely has stress issues related to financial problems due to low salay scales not comparable to us dollar countries, that we shop travel, conduct business and use for medical assistant. That coupled with BVI regular high cost of living and the world wide pandemic price inflation.
    It’s nothing new you would be giving, its money that’s already earned that you are using to pay someone else. Pay public officers FIRST.

    Government has a history of owning for a long time, people and businesses that already rendered a service, always claiming there’s no money.
    But money floats out the Treasury everyday.

  25. 1st district says:

    So ALBERT, it’s okay for you to set up yourself and cabinet with future $$$ and very difficult for you to find it in that God given heart of yours to increase the civil servants. Remember I refer to them as servants because you have shown time and time again that you are NOT working for WE THE PEOPLE. YOU SELF SERVING SELF!

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