BVI News

We’ve now found a way forward for medical marijuana — Premier

Stock image of a marijuana farm

The government has made headway with the United Kingdom as it relates to developing a medical marijuana industry in the British Virgin Islands.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley advanced talks with the UK on the subject matter when he and a local delegation travelled to London on official business last week.

“I was also very pleased that the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and the UK Home Office had very good discussions with my delegation on medicinal cannabis; particularly with respect to the licensing of medical practitioners in the Virgin Islands to administer medicinal cannabis to patients. We have found a way forward on this aspect of medicinal cannabis and we are proceeding to put the necessary regimes in place for approvals. I’m grateful to the UK government for their support in this area,” the Premier said during a press conference on Monday.

Based on indications from Dr Natalio Wheatley, the BVI may not need to rely on the Cannabis Licensing Act — the legislation that sets the framework for the establishment of a local medical marijuana industry — to get things started. The Act has been wrapped up in UK red tape for almost three years now.

“As you know, there was the Cannabis Licensing Act that was due for assent. We’ll have discussions as to whether that’s the way we want to go right now because we have legislation on our books that allows the Minister for Health to be able to create regulations that will essentially allow for cannabis to be legally administered in the BVI,” the Premier explained.

Those regulations exist in the Virgin Islands (Drugs Prevention & Misuse) Act. Sections 5 and 6 of this legislation prohibits the importation, exportation, or production of controlled substances such as cannabis into the Virgin Islands.

But according to Section 9 of that same law, the Minister of Health may by regulations exclude such controlled drugs from being prohibited and “make such other provision as he or she thinks fit for the purpose of making it lawful for persons to do things which under the following provisions of this Act, that is to say sections 6(1), 7(1) and 8(1), it would otherwise be unlawful for them to do.”

In the meantime, Premier Wheatley said he intends to, as soon as possible, engage with the Governor’s Office as well as the Cabinet on how they can approach cannabis legislation moving forward.

Premier further explained that the UK’s interest in the issue is about ensuring the BVI has the expertise and the regime in place to ensure the territory rolls out the medical marijuana industry responsibly.

“That’s something we are committed to as well because, of course, we know that any substance can be abused and it’s important that we have structures and regimes in place to ensure that, that abuse doesn’t take place here in the Virgin Islands; to ensure that access to drugs is controlled and regulated properly.

Investors dropping out as cannabis legislation gets red tape from UK

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  1. Hmmm says:

    So the way forward is for the same set of locals and families who done making a killing in the medical field to be the sane and only ones to profit from the marijuana Industry or be the gatekeepers essentially…….Smdh Boy this country is something else……..

    Like 22
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  2. Nice says:

    Good news and long overdue.

    Like 1
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  3. HonestTruth says:

    As long as the government are open to the idea of market competition, then this is good news.

  4. request says:

    The community might not want to hear this but when you all apply these addendum to our constitution do you ask God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit for direction.
    Say what you want Im asking a question.

    I Hope we all can handle the backlash

    Like 2
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    WOW ! what a great accomplishment , you will go down in history as the first to legalisize the weed in the bvi ( are we going to get a stature of you burning a spliff )on that slab of stone wall in you so call farmers market ? ?

  6. First things first. says:

    Make it a ticketed offence for personal use amt one ounce or less.. Anything more than one ounce become a criminal offence possession with intent. Make smoking in public illegal. Anyone cultivating more than 3 plants of ganja need a cultivation permit or it is illegal and subject to seizure and a fine….No more prison time period, except importation or exportation…Start by making some adjustment in the law..

    Like 1
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  7. INSANITY says:


    the agricultural industry is almost none existent and he gone to the UK to talk about marijuana ……am I missing something here?

    This man in he right senses? after so much problems AND ALL WE COULD THINK ABOUT IS Weed s*x kickback…….when will this nonsense stop,

    Get a damn grip of yourself man

    Like 11
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  8. Just make it legal says:

    Just make it
    Legal to grow at your house for yourself
    Legal to use if you so choose

    If not we lose tourist to usvi and puerto rico

    To those who rollin’
    save the seed!

    Like 3
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  9. Not gonna happen says:

    Alcohol distributors in the UK and BVI will never permit any type of marijuana cultivation on freehold or leasehold land within the King’s realm.

    Like 2
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  10. Accountant says:

    Fahie for financial coke suwandi for medical herb.someone else will be for social ecstacy.
    Pow pow

  11. @insanity says:

    Agreed. There is no reason not to have solar RO plants and windmill pumps for hillside irrigation tanks on the hills except for longstanding abuse of the people’s money and negligence concerning a sustainable future.

    Maybe we will finally get hillside irrigation facilities – but only if the ‘medical families’ can be assured of building legally protected empires.
    I’m sure there will be plenty of solar and water contracts awarded to foreign companies rather than training our own kids to work then manage then own companies that provide maintenance.

    And so it goes.

  12. Thanks also... says:

    Finally… said this ages ago. Please keep tourist in mind with this measure as well. Don’t make the the Medicare process lengthy. Cali had a process where u can get a card to use for purchase in 24-72 hrs. A short trip we need a short process and lots of quick revenue on expedited card processing.. thank me later.

  13. Jim says:

    But recreational? That’s been going on for years?

    All about the dollar

  14. Wow says:

    Is this the best our Premier can do . The marijauna will be planted and harvested with the species on medical marijauna. People will steal from each other farms , killing will increase, more social ills will be on the rise . Check out St Vincent … see the ride in crimes check the status.. The CHURCH has gone quiet on this . What hyproicits the only sin they can see is same sex marriage … Come out and denounce all forms of wrong

    Like 1
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  15. You could of saved NHI says:

    Instead the Doctors are going to make a fortune.

  16. crookery says:

    Doctors will now make more money off ganja instead of the Rastas who are being jailed for years

  17. QueenR says:

    could the same dedication be utilised to eradicate all social ills ?

  18. Application says:

    i am a seasoned grower. and any true grower of cannabis knoes it aint no easy thing to grow. i would therefore like to put in an application to cultivate for the government. where do i send the application?

  19. John Thomas says:

    Cannabis is a sacrament of various religions and spiritual groups, including Hindus, Rastafarians, the Rainbow Family, etc.

    Please don’t blaspheme our sacrament.

  20. John Thomas says:

    Get educated. Science and widespread experience have shown cannabis has no notable harms. Every person who chooses near harmless cannabis over addictive, very harmful alcohol, improves their health significantly – as well as the lives of their family and community.

  21. excatly says:

    So long over due! Let the people grow their own 6 – 12 mature female plants like they do in Canada and the united states of hypocrisy.

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