BVI News

We have no intention of doing a snap election — Premier

Premier Andrew Fahie. (Photo from Fahie’s Facebook page)

Premier Andrew Fahie has dismissed as ‘mischievous’, assertions that suggest he will call for a snap election before the end of his government’s four-year term.

The government is constitutionally expected to hold elections by February 2023.

But speaking on his party’s VIP Let’s Talk radio show last evening, September 21, the Premier said snap polls were unlikely to happen, as was done with a previous National Democratic Party (NDP) administration several years ago.

“I must say that I usually try to avoid responding to mischievous statements, but I’m totally flabbergasted that persons would be working with others to try to bring on the notion of some snap election. As Premier of the territory, I do not know anything about any snap election,” the Premier said.

He added: “I know that there are those that will work overtime to see if they can remove me as Premier or remove this government from in office, but if that’s not God’s will, I don’t’ envy their task.”

The Premier said he was not intimating that he will be in office forever, given that this is the electorate’s choice.

However, he said: “At the same time, I know that there are those among us who are working maliciously along those lines and if they want to waste their time, that’s up to them to be masters of mischief.”

“I want to let the people of the Virgin Islands know that we have no intention of doing any snap election, we have a lot of work to do for the people of the Virgin Islands and we’re going to get it done,” he emphasised.

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  1. Ms.Kay says:

    This is not the time for a snap election. We need all good citizens to look within themselves and get ready to elect or volunteer to be a candidate. We need good governance.

    Like 11
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  2. Elections says:

    Really? No need for snap elections. Sir Gary will be taking care of that in short order. The Governor will be hovering for a couple of years before the criminals are allowed back into bank. Thank goodness for the COI.

    Like 15
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  3. WOW says:

    It is a mischief as usual. Fahie keep pushing ahead. There are more with you than against.

    Dislike 12
  4. Doh says:

    Dictators do not like elections. Especially when they know they would be voted out. So they suppress the people and deny them the right to vote. See how this works?

    Like 12
  5. BVI says:

    Click dislike if you believe anything the Premier says and click LIKE if you think he is up to his usual tricks!

    Like 25
  6. voters says:

    Let him go ahead with it because its the sooner we will get his regime out of power

    Like 11
  7. PT9 says:

    Andrew Fahie, You don’t have to worry about a snap election, I don’t think you are going to make it as Premier past January 2022. You and your government have given the COI what they were looking for, corruption abuse of office or other serious dishonesty that has taken place in public office in recent years.

    Like 12
  8. LOL says:

    Premier, which Government anywhere in the world thinking on calling a snap election will announce it before hand? Do you know what a snap election even means? Have you ever seen someone get an invitation to their own surprise party? WTF?

  9. Eagle eye says:

    If y’all think Malone will be elected again click dislike,if not click like.

    Like 3
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  10. Previous Snap Election ? says:

    When that happened parna? You mean the same year you guys were bragging how ready you were then had internal issues resulting in changing the head of the party? And in 2021 you still calling it snap? Did we not repent from such the other day? Maybe not!

    Like 1
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  11. ? says:

    At what time the will be open I want to be first in line damn it man

  12. Really says:

    That’s because snap would win hands down.

  13. watchman says:

    Many people will be disappointed imo. There is not rampant corruption in the present government and the prior government was more idiotic & globally unprepared to negotiate than corrupt. There may have been a little corruption here & there in a couple ministries, but not institutionalized as Jaspert may have told his colleagues.

    The Government isn’t running drugs or organized crime. The citizens here work for their money and aren’t all drug dealers or members of some cartel. We are PROUD LAND OWNERS who build our homes on our own. I realize that foreigners aren’t used to seeing that, and that we have some really ignorant and backwards ways at times, and we are slow to accept global social change here. But we are who we are and have achieved things by doing them our own way.

    The Governments ignore procedure as their modus operandi. They allow their political cronies to by pass procedures and policies. And too many party players have influence over BVI government functions and objectives.
    And the civil servants have too much autonomy and zero consequences for poor production and working on their own agendas and not the BVI government’s agenda.

    These findings don’t merit a UK takeover but maybe some more oversight by the Governor’s office.
    I would expect an expanded governor’s office.

    Jaspert was biased and misled the COI on what they would find here, but the housecleaning is a productive exercise. Jaspert jumped to a conclusion without evidence. But if his main source of info was from the governor house parties and those running to carry news to him, he was to investigate their motives and info more thoroughly. Gossip can ruin countries as much as persons reputations. I’m sure he will not look good at the end of this process either.
    I personally think that the lack of reverence for his position here rubbed him the wrong way & the Government made an enemy out of him unnecessarily.

    The Deputy Gov, must demand more from the civil servants and their performance should be reviewed more rigorously and regularly. More professionalism will only improve with greater consequences & repercussions. This is just my opinion based on what I’ve seen. I don’t think there will be any snap elections until late 2022 or on schedule 2023.

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