BVI News

We need help! Walwyn says ‘shame’ keeping businesses open


Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn has urged the government to be more honest in its assessment of the state of the territory and more diligent about the plight of businesses.

Walwyn, while speaking during a recent House of Assembly sitting, said even though the territory markets itself as a luxury destination, the state of its road networks has not been consistent with that marketing label.

“We must always be honest with ourselves and it is only when we are honest that we can do better,” Walwyn said. “The reality is we have challenges fixing our roads. We need help. We ain’t getting the thing handled.”

The lawmaker called on the government to reach out for technical support in this area and said they should not be too proud to ask for it. “We have failed our citizens miserably for years now in our ability to deliver a proper road network throughout the country,” he added. 

But even as he pleaded with the government to address the territory’s crumbling infrastructure, Walwyn also painted a bleak picture as he highlighted the plight of those in the business community.

Walwyn pointed out that some small businesses have not been able to recover ever since the impact of two devastating category-five hurricanes that happened nearly six years ago and insisted that the business community now needs a boost. 

Small businesses on life support

He implored the government to recognise the urgency of the moment, arguing that there is no time for apathy or complacency, but rather, a time for vigorous and positive action. 

“The small businesses in our country is on life support,” Walwyn stated. “These businesses have not caught themselves from as early as 2017. It’s shame that have some of us still opened.”

According to Walwyn, these businesses not only need technical support but also access to funding and capital.

“We must reinstate the National Business Bureau and place it on legislative footing so that it becomes a permanent feature in our governmental system. Businesses need access to capital in the form of low-interest loans and grants and they need technical support and training,” he argued.

The lawmaker also contended that there is a need for the government to revisit some key legislation as well, such as the Encouragement of Industries Ordinance and the Hotel Aid Ordinance.

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  1. Asking for a friend says:

    When is his case?

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  2. Body says:

    One of the very few in there with any sense and understanding. You don’t mind the haters. They hate because of jealousy and insecurity. With all they tried to do to keep you out of government you still made it back. I like what you said “God has the final say”. Do your best Hon. Walwyn for the people of your district and leave the rest to God.

    Like 50
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  3. ... says:

    man speaking the truth cause round here is always man I know you, you cant give me a better price killing the small man..but at the end they in the top designers

    right mr jimmy Choo

    Like 23
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  4. Wtf says:

    @ Asking for a friend
    You are an ass h*le and your invisible friend is just a Nobody. The man is talking sense. Backwardness and stupidity is ruining this territory. We don’t want foreign investors, we don’t want foreign expertise. All we know is “We Don’t Want”. Wtf do we want? The infrastructure is a Total Mess, and government will not bring in the necessary help to give us value for money. They through millions of dollars behind their greedy ass croonies, get their kick backs and the territory continues to crumble. These sleeping mother f**kers better wake up and put Country above Self.

    Like 26
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  5. VI to deh bone says:

    THat was a ploy to keep him out of govt. that aint going no where.

    Like 20
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  6. YES TO UK says:

    The government of the BVI don’t want no outside help because chances of them getting a kick back most likely will be out of the question they are all about themselves.

    Like 19
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  7. Rubber Duck says:

    Are his businesses in good standing with tax, nhi, social security?

    No one knows because there is no transparency?

    Like 12
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  8. The Watcher says:


    This man needs to be home awaiting his trial like the other civil servants who were charged with breach of trust or the COI is nothing but a sham in the eyes of the people.

    The law cannot be made for some and others no. The white collar crime in this country must come to and end.


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  9. MD says:

    Infrastructure is a national disgrace. Wake up, fix it with real contractors who have experience. Not overpaid incompetent as most petty contracts are.

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  10. PT09 says:

    @The Watcher A charge doesn’t mean you are guilty; we had a man running with the VIP who served time in Jail.

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  11. My boi says:

    Stop being a fake in front the cameras acting like you are always willing to help people when in fact you CHOOSE who to help. But,don’t worry your true colors will come out……

    Like 9
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  12. Putting things into perspective says:

    This guy and a few others act as if the BVI has not been through Covid for the past 3 years and the two worse category five hurricanes ever in 2017 for which his NDP did not help the local businesses nor anyone as a matter of fact. These are factors one cannot ignore as the heavy financial and social negative effects of covid worldwide are still being felt. Just listen and look at the news regionally and internationally and it will put things into perspective that it is not BVI alone being faced with these challenges. In the big UK & USA things are worse and that is factually speaking.

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  13. Suzy says:

    It is not shame that have these businesses open it is because there is such a nonsensical, dysfunctional business system and community here there is no way they can close. Most of these businesses would love to be able to close their doors, reassess and rebuild and return if they choose but our system has no accommodation for failure and failure is not a bad thing. This is compounded by the lack of information and education afforded to locals when acquiring new trade licenses about the system and process of doing GOOD business in the BVI. Those that work in the Trade Department assume that the person applying know or should know the systems and process if they are applying for a trade license, but sadly the evidence, clearly shows that this is not the fact.

    There needs to be a review of the responsibilities of businesses after major unforeseen disruption to businesses. Currently it appears very one sided where employees are taken care of but there is no reasonable consideration for getting a small business up and running again.

    These businesses are BANKRUPT and some were bankrupt after the 2008 financial market crash, then came the floods of 2017, then hurricane Irma, Maria and Covid. A small business that finds it self in trouble will find itself in a tailspin of never being able to make enough to payoff what is owed and sever your employees to get out so what other choice is there besides holding on and praying for a miracle.

  14. ED says:

    He can talk about everything now, why he don’t talk about how he mess up the education system and all Government money he gave the pop. He need to pay all the people who owes Moor$$$ and the man up Eas%%%. Hon. Kye Rhymer is working hard and diligently to fix our roads and infrastructure. If he take that chip off his shoulder and all that energy he has bashing the government use it to work with the government and help push the country forward that would be good. Whenever he in government he always trying to create division.

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  15. hmm says:

    You want to kill the VIP administration the road been like this for many years under past administration. Addressing it is in the making the Premier said that. You want the Government to fix every problem in a day you people are just so unreasonable. Anything against the VIP you need to put country first. When he was in power it was the same I didn’t hear you crying you. Country over party

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  16. question says:

    What the use of burrowing money to keep afloat, and no support from the community?It still leave Small busines in a whole. In addtion you have the lending institution taking your assets, and all invole is left into hardship.Besides some people do not wantto buld a business they watch each other like Ahab and Jezebel and study how to compete, then no one have a profit from the business because no one makes money,

  17. Some ah It says:

    What Myron is saying makes perfect sense. What is shameful is the way some choose to ignore the message and attack the messenger. The I myself and me mentality is the greatest obstacle to national progress. For too long our national budget has been squandered away on selfish and greedy cronyism yet the crooks don’t understand that the game is over. Hating on truth seekers and those who demand better will not solve anything we have a time limit to do better or we will face the consequences. Get with the program change your foolish plans the world is watching and things and times are getting harder. Continue to give them a reality check Myron don’t mind the blind deaf and dumb.

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  18. I agree says:

    This government dont care about small businesses. Only big contracts going to the rich and no help for the small business owner. And shame on them for allowing big companies like [supermarket] to shuttle customers for free from 12 locations. I can understand doing free deliveries but shuttling people should not be allowed. But it was started by M***. The greed of the leaders will lead to the downfall of this place.

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  19. @ASKING FOR A FRIEND ? says:


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  20. hello says:

    Buisness failure is not always financial..folks want to compete in over saturated markets..times a changing..think outside the box and God will do the rest

  21. James says:

    I agree with the sentiment shared by the Honourable Minister, and also state that many local established businesses destroy the dreams and aspirations of entrepreneurs, especially if they are from the other caribbean Islands. I have saved different operations tens of thousands of dollars annually and have not received a cent yet in near ten years. One such character is a preacher another a large supermarket. But God doesn’t sleep nor slumber. And no lawyer is able to stand before him as an advocate for another.

  22. Well, meh boy! says:

    @ ED, messed up the education system?? Are you for real?? Education is at an all-time low under this VIP government. It’s not a priority.
    Right down on the floor with Ms.Flora. it’s the worst.

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  23. Hmm says:

    Can you give names of some of those small businesses please. The only small business I know of here are bars.

    Like 1
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  24. Hummingbird says:

    Taxpayers should not bear the cost of bailing small businesses out whenever they find themselves sinking. If businesses are not providing key national services, not a penny of tax dollars should be used to help them. Where do you all think the money will come from? The Government (Us) are not banks – sourcing funding and capital for starts up is one of the most ridiculous idea anyone could put forward, especially when the country is facing other financial issues. Our hospital is a mess and other governmental agencies are unable to provide consistent and timely services, but not even suggesting we invest and get a return from these businesses, he’s suggesting we give away money.

  25. Simple says:

    Ask the road specialists “CHINA”

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