BVI News

We need to march for water on VG — Flax-Brutus

Business operator and community activist Sharon Flax-Brutus said she is prepared to join other frustrated Virgin Gordians who are willing to march on the House of Assembly in protest of the water woes that continue to plague the tourism capital.

“A group of us have said we’ve done the talking and we may be at the point where we need to write a petition or go to the House of Assembly when they’re sitting and demand that something be done and demand answers” Flax-Brutus said in an interview with ZBVI’ Radio. 

“Until our residents are forthright enough and have courage and tenacity to get on that ferry to Tortola and demand that something be done about our water situation, then I fear that we will continue in this cycle.”

Flax-Brutus said she knows many other residents who want to speak about the issues but are afraid of backlash and victimization that usually occur after people speak publicly in the BVI.

Water problems are not new to Virgin Gorda but the issue has come to the fore in recent weeks, as the company responsible for providing water – Aqua Design – said sargassum has been affecting their operations.

 Flax-Brutus said business owners and residents are “fed up” because they have not been able to get a single answer from the government or the company responsible for providing the precious resource.

“I can’t get a straight answer from anyone – whether it be the government officials, the minister for the subject, the Permanent Secretary, Water and Sewerage, or the plant operators themselves — everybody you speak to puts the blame on the other party,” Flax-Brutus stated.

She added that though the government pays millions of dollars for water supply on VG, officials she has spoken to have no idea of the extent of the issue because they can’t say for certain how much of the contracted water actually goes to the reservoir on the island. She also added that businesses are even more worried because the winter tourist season is a few months away and more visitors are poised to patronize the island.

Identify root of the problem

In the meantime, business owner Christine Yates agreed with Flax-Brutus, stating that the government needs to properly define the problem by figuring out how much water is contracted and how much is actually supplied. 

Yates said once this is done, the authorities will know what needs to be done.

“If you’re selling a product like water and you know how much you’re buying, shouldn’t the first thing be to know how much you’re selling? Then you can know whether you need a bigger water plant to satisfy the demand, a better distribution system or whether you need to stop people stealing the water,” Yates added.

However Yates said in her view, the authorities are afraid to deal with the issue of illegal connections as it is a highly political and sensitive subject.

“I think there are so many illegal connections around the place that it is politically insensitive to actually sort the problem out,” Yates mentioned.


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  1. Squeaky Wheel says:

    …gets the grease. Only way anything on VG ever gets fixed. That and maybe a Dysentery outbreak this time when every one is forced to flush the toilet with their bucket. Serious issue with ongoing drought and heat index’s over 100 degrees last two months. VG is shriveling up like a prune; too much water is being wasted on estate landscaping.

  2. Guest says:

    Why she didn’t march when her sister was in government?

    Like 13
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  3. water man says:

    Biwater need to branch off in VG

  4. Sargassum says:

    bringing VG to its knees. Maybe build a desal plant on the west side of VG?

    Like 2
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  5. Kick Backs etc. says:

    Find the will, desire and determination to fix the problem correctly and efectively.

    Look not for what can be gotten out of the problem, ie. kick backs etc..but what will be the best suitable and affordable way to get it done.

    Take the intake pipes out into deep ocean. OProblem solved.

    Then we wonder why the haters always jump in glee calling us “turd world country.” We can do better if there was a willto do better. But the addiction to making and hoarding is preventing intelligent and needed decisions frombeingmade and executed.

    God bless my navel string land.

  6. Plenty Problemo says:

    While I feel the pains of the people of Virgin Gorda, Valley, It’s not a one off problem. While Sargassum is one of its huge problems there is more to it. One of the Largest Hotels on Virgin Gorda, Little Dix Bay before the Hurricanes had its own Water Plant, right now they too depend on Gov’t Water as they were not able as yet to build back their Plant. The lack of Water Meters, Water Pumps and in some cases faulty Pipes contribute to the overall problem. While I can respect the overall frustration, I do agree having the relevant Players in the same Room dialoguing and not only agreeing on solutions but putting a workable plan in place with a deadline for completion, the problem can be at least streamlined if not entirely fixed. While I am Not For Nor Against a March, I think this should be a wake-up call for the Government. All over the World and as close as the USVI people are fed up with the incompetence of Governments and This Territory should be no exception. If this is what it takes to get attention then We have to do what We have to do. We need to discourage “Career Politicians”. There should be Term Limits for Politicians and not have Politicians retire in our HOA do nothing for the Citizens. Lastly, There needs to be a change during Election Time that people need to Vote where they reside. If you live in Tortola, Vote in Tortola. Stop coming to VG and making a Frig for the people there and return to live in Tortola. Plain and Simple. Who VEX, VEX.

    Like 3
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  7. suggestion says:

    pray to Jesus for water and he will lead you where you need to go…marching



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  9. cisterns?? says:

    This Government water thing was never something that was to be depended on. Build with a cistern!
    Why do so many people want to believe that this government is going to save you!? You are going to be stone cold dead before they come to your rescue.
    Be self sufficient. Act like you are the only one here to save yourself. You will NEVER be disappointed.

    Like 2
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  10. MB says:

    kYE for tha WIN!!! bravo Mr. “GQ wannabe” Minister. You have been the shining star and example of brilliance and innovation for the people of the BVI and those in D5! Another 20 years for you and maybe another 2 or 3 mansions/villas in your bright future. Just make sure you get your buddy Natalee to invest in some heavy duty government vehicles for you all as the roads won’t be any good to drive on.

    Simply the best Minister of Comms. & Works the country has every seen! Go Kye Go!

  11. Me again says:

    Let’s get it ONNNNN

  12. Truth says:

    Plenty rPoblemo For much of your discourse, you were on solid ground. Your points were well-articulated and grounded in reason. Your neutral position on the march notably enhanced your credibility. Acknowledging the challenges faced by all governments was a genuine demonstration of balanced perspective. However, your closing remarks unveiled a bias that raises questions. What relevance does voting from Tortola in Virgin Gorda have with the matter at hand?

  13. Excellent!! says:

    This is what you get for voting popularity over competence. 90% of the elected officials would not qualify, let alone be hired at a Senior Level at any major corporation but we have them running our country and shocked at the results? I do not feel sorry for a f**king soul!

  14. Truth says:

    For much of your discourse, you were on solid ground. Your points were well-articulated and grounded in reason. Your neutral position on the march notably enhanced your credibility. Acknowledging the challenges faced by all governments was a genuine demonstration of balanced perspective. However, your closing remarks unveiled a bias that raises questions. What relevance does voting from Tortola in Virgin Gorda have with the matter at hand?

  15. Lord 0. says:

    Look what the BVI has come to.. The once admirable, money pot the gem of the caribbean, look what politicians brought us to a disgrace.. VIP start the mismanagement and decline under Ralph..Ronnie was better for we…

  16. Plus says:

    The only person that knew how to fix anything was the little man with the hat and they never listened to him. Now I here he gone

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