BVI News

We won’t be pressured! Premier says accepting UK military assistance a last resort

Premier Andrew Fahie has made it clear that accepting military assistance from the United Kingdom will be a last option as he is confident in the ability of local authorities to effectively police the territory’s borders.

Fahie’s statement came only hours after Governor Augustus Jaspert publicly said he was going to propose for the National Security Council to receive assistance from the UK military to help with the territory’s fight against COVID-19.

Governor Jaspert said in a statement on Tuesday, August 25 that during the initial stages of COVID-19 locally, there was a previous offer from the UK to help bolster the territory’s border security.

“That offer was not supported at the time. I will be discussing with the National Security Council what support might now be needed and will update in due course,” Jaspert said in his public address.

Navy a last resort

During a press conference later that night, Premier Fahie said military assistance from the UK would not be warranted since the BVI is collaborating with the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) and providing the local border security authorities with the necessary resources and equipment.

He said: “By this collaboration in an area of common ground, which is border protection, the BVI and USVI will be able to tighten both sides of the shared border. Measures such as these are our first option and they must be given the time and opportunity to mature before we reach for drastic measures. The UK navy should be our last resort and I want to say that with due respect.”

All other requests to the UK denied or unanswered

While noting the absolute confidentiality of all deliberations within the National Security Council, the Premier said Governor Jaspert ‘breached the protocols’ by making those deliberations relating to military assistance public.

Responding to questions from members of the media on Tuesday, Premier Fahie said he is, therefore, forced to address the matter.

He explained that since the pandemic, his administration has made multiple requests for help to the UK government — the majority of which were either declined or left unanswered.

“We were asking for funding to help with the social issues. In the early stages when we were asking … for assistance with test kits, in the early stages when putting military was not even a thought, that was the one offer on the table.”

“There was some discussion about military support and I must say here that the UK and its ‘agent’ seem to be itching to put military personnel within the jurisdiction, whether on the sea or on the land,” Fahie stated.

Accepting reverses self-determination progress

The Premier further said he does not want to make the same error as seen in other territories or countries by signing off to a decision disguised as an act of assistance.

“Every time we have been pressured to accept military presence in the territory, we have been required to consider the social, historical and cultural aspects of this decision. And part of that includes our march towards self-reliance and self-determination,” he said.

He continued: “It is on this basis and in the confidence of our personnel here in the BVI, it was felt that military was not the way to go and we decided on many measures that we will exercise first.”

The BVI is now classified as having clusters of COVID-19 cases across several sections of the territory. It is believed that the BVI now has instances of community spread because persons have been smuggling themselves in and out of the territory.

There are currently 17 active COVID-19 cases in the BVI.

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  1. Common sense says:

    Is it that we are blind in the BVI or are we turn a blind eye to facts that present themselves to us? It’s being said that the illegal smuggling is the cause of the cases that we have now. As Hon. Malone puts it, it’s because of the greed of people. We have had issues with smuggling for donkey years and we know it. It is even a more urgent issue now because of Covid. The governor said that very early in the initial stages of the virus the UK offered help to secure our borders and the help was not accepted. The Premier confirmed that by now saying the UK help should be a last resort fully well knowing the problem we face it is too much for the local authorities to handle. The UK is our last resort but the first thing that the Premier did after the virus was to beg them for money smh.
    If the UK offered help to secure the borders and it was rejected by the government resulting now in the virus coming across to our shores, who really is responsible for that? Isn’t it their job to keep the borders safe and you’re refusing help?
    The government is as much to blame for their inaction as are the smugglers for their conduct.

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  2. SMDH says:

    Mr premier is being SELFISH and EGOTISTICAL by refusing help when we need it.

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  3. smh says:

    Our borders have more holes than our roads… And our Government wants to keep the breaches… smh

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  4. Agree says:

    Hon A. Fahie. Thanks and I agree that the BVI does not need the assistance/intervention of the UK military in the BVI for boarder protection. I am certain the latest measures in place will prove this.

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  5. I regret.... says:

    Voting for you Fahie

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  6. Anonymous says:

    They look ready to come in, kill, kill, kill and take over paradise. If only body language alone could.

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  7. Resident says:

    Border security has not gone too well so far, has it; and the Territory is suffering as a result. Get the Royal Navy in asap! What’s the downside? Surely there is nothing to hide??

    How many functioning patrol boats as operated by HM Customs of the Police Marine Unit are there?

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  8. Mad Max says:

    Disappointing to read Fahie’s points. His level of understanding is so low that it’s a bigger worry than border security.

    He is basically saying he would rather risk it than ask for help from the UK – unless that help comes in the form of UK tax payer $$$.

    I worry for the immediate future of these islands.

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  9. 1st district says:


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  10. Drug and human trafficking says:

    Is clearly a BVI government sponsored activity which they do not want to have exposed. IT IS TIME TO START EXPOSING THE TRUTH

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  11. well well sir says:

    Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Duck everybody. . .

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  12. Truth says:

    It is so clear that the reason they didn’t accept the help from the UK us because the don’t really want the illegal activities to be uncovered. The premier instead is demanding money from the UK. They are not obligated to give to money to abuse. If you had accepted the help we would be on another curfew.

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  13. Lmao says:

    This can’t be real…This man is something else. We are living in serious times now where EVERY BIT OF HELP COUNTS and he talking about last resort. Look, I am going to try and stay home as much as I can and pray cause something isn’t right here with the people who are running this place

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  14. Nonsense says:

    It is clear that Mr. Fahie made an extremely bad call and this is one of the reasons why we have this outbreak at the moment. He is grasping for excuses which make no sense. If the BVI accepted the help for border security, we would not be in this mess. He also has the audacity to say that the border control was sufficient between USVI and BVI officers… WE GOT THIS OUTBREAK BECAUSE OF PEOPLE TRAVELING FROM USVI to the BVI and vice versa.Utter nonsense. Then he proceeds to say that the Governor broke some confidentiality clauses by making this information public and yet proceeds to do the same thing about other arrangements with the UK. Stop acting like a child, you are running a country. Own up to your mistakes and do the best you can to solve the issue we are in because of your bad call. End of story.

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  15. Con man says:

    An Ju sounds like he gah shares in smt we don’t know bout

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  16. Hello says:

    We need the assistance. Why not put away your ego for a few and see the good that protecting our borders with their help will do?

    Really now, I would like to know what your plans are and how much it will cost us? As opposed to letting the UK assist in patrolling our borders. We have more experience than them? Well, we saw what happened with the smuggling and the end result.

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  17. Pray says:

    I with you Premier! Praying for you.

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  18. Anonymous says:

    Leave the Governor alone! you are always trying to put him on the back bench when hes just trying to help the people of this island, what exactly is so bad about UK military help?

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  19. Shoots says:

    Leave the Governor alone! you are always against this mans decision to help the people just to prove you can handle the territory, you tried and look where we are community spreading of the virus, what is so bad about some military help? this place needs some serious law and order, bring in the UK team maybe then people will think twice on smuggling and roaming all over.

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  20. Rubber Duck says:

    Well at least we know that the UK forces would B** unlikely to be taking bribes.

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  21. don't understand says:

    what is the problem with having a bit of assistance?

    Like 41
  22. Anonymous says:

    Wake up people!!! There is no march towards self-reliance and self-determination. You can barely reproduce without help and when you do you spawn your offspring in the US. This is what you call self reliance. This premier is marching you all to a bitter end and it’s certainly not the Yacht Club. Self Reliance and Self Determination does not mix with corrupt and racist government officials. I guess self reliance means relying on a communist dictator and communist doctors. Send the man back to the high school.

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  23. mmmh says:

    Only reason this was not accepted because their cut out of the pie will get cut.
    Natures little secret being exposed.

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  24. one time says:

    But you failed! Nuff said.

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  25. Hmmm says:

    But it’s your own local ppl who are allowing the smuggling to happen and you know that mr premier, you know with the UKs help it would stop, but if any more cases to pop up or any more smuggling cases for the next two weeks I hope you can take the blame and deal with it your self an stop punishing the ppl

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  26. F the UK says:

    And the Queen’s hired hit men! Go back to ya colonizing homeland and patrol your own God forsaken waters. They was here killing us after the storms over groceries, why would we want them back?

    I agree with ya Bigg Fahie!!

    Them soldiers are basically trained yes men. How in the hell they gonna help us as a country when they slaving on a ship? Must got a COVID testing center on that bih.

    Wild times!!

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  27. Lmao says:

    But instead the Gov prefer to waste money to the owners of the barges used for surveillance instead of letting the Uk do it who are better equip for the job.Sometimes I don’t understand this Gov logic. Why waste money that you claim the country doesn’t have?

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  28. bee says:

    Mr.Premire how can you be confident in the ability of local authorities to effectively police the territory’s borders
    When boats are running in and out of the BVI all the time when the border was suppose be police by customs. They don’t have the training the military has, you sound like the NDP in August 2017.
    It seems like the only thing you want from the UK is money, I think the Governor should step in and call in the military. I am a big supporter of the VIP but you let me down stop trying to be independent

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  29. Resident says:

    Hon Fahie you have been doing a good job so far. HOWEVER I beg to differ with you on this. Every cat rat dog and lizard believe that your border officers are not trustworthy. The governor knows too. Take your head out the sand.

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  30. Crooks says:

    Ndp or vip..people wake up and stop choosing sides and choose what’s best for us

    Like 19
  31. How Serious Are We? says:

    When I hearing the powder puff ‘stop it’ coming from our Premier, it makes me wonder how serious are we about protecting our borders. We need a resounding ‘STOP IT’ following by implications when persons are caught smuggling. Not enough is done to protect our borders. We are playing.

    Like 18
  32. Forward ever Backward never says:

    Hmmmm ever wonder why the Premier is reluctant to accept the much needed help to secure our borders? That is a strange position to take with so much on the line. Andrew Fahie head too big. Smdh.

    Like 32
  33. vip heckler says:

    He had bodyguards but dont want us to get protect by the proper people

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  34. Local says:

    I have read all the blogs and you all have missed the point , how can we as a country get better if you don’t want to give us the equipment that were asking for in order for us too help ourselves . Tell where Fahie is acting as a child the problem is some of you so accustom of having someone tell you when were and how that when a Man like Fahie makes a stand you all get scared but ask your selves when martial law come who will help you. Some of you have forgotten 2017 that’s what you want if some of you scared and want to be rule by the UK take the plane and go England, this governor trying to make Fahie seem incompetent and want to be in charge. Maybe Fahie need to let him and let you all experience UK ruling. Some of you BVI people still got the slave mentally need the master.

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  35. You wonder why... says:

    They don’t want effective closing of the borders. Cash flow?

    Like 21
  36. Hmm says:

    Watch this folks

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  37. Sailor Sam says:

    I think they are afraid the UK will end up arresting them.

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  38. tick tock says:

    Time running out VIP. 3 want to jump ship then snap election WITH the UK marines in control.

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  39. wow. just wow says:

    Like it or not, this place belong to UK. Tell me what set ah dead people can have self determination or independence. Aint mean squat if people dead off. BVI isn’t the only dependent overseas territory. Cut your crap and stop playing with people life because you sitting on the throne fraid to lose your crown. I sick of all ayo polititions. NDP refuse help after the 2017 August Monday flood and watch people suffer, now you refuse help because you don’t want to look like a failure, while covid sailing in. B.S man

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  40. SMDH says:

    Some Black people are Idiots and stand for nothing. They respect people From other races/ places more than they respect their own. The UK has not been a great help to us during Irma or for ages. Like the US, the UK seem to think that help can only be done by providing security especially in places where blacks are the majority. In the US they prefer to send a 1000 armed forces to stop a riot than to provide the tools and resources needed to prevent the cause of the riot. They turn a blind eye to the cause and prevention of social ills, That isn’t help People. They came with guns to prevent looting but where was help to build the library or high school. I guaranteed government wouldn’t refuse that and I’m not talking about offering loans signed with our blood. They came to the Caribbean when slaves was a benefit to them financially but left and called us a bird sanctuary when they thought they got all they could get from the BVI.

    Some people look at the Governor as a better person than anybody in Government because of the color of his skin or because he from the UK. These people are saints. This stupid mindset is all over the Caribbean they think a white lawyer better than a black one without even examining the qualifications. They feel more comfortable with a white doctor over a black one. Y’all ancestors probably lived in the main house.

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  41. Just my 2 cents says:

    The question I will like to ask is simple:

    Who is in charge of this territory?

    It seems like there is a power struggle between the Premier and the Governor as to whom should be making certain decisions.

    I believe that our constitution affords the Governor has greater power. Additionally, I fail to understand the logic in refusing help unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the UK military or there exist a culture of deception, greed and corruption our ministers desperately need to protect.

    Remember in 2017…help was offered after the heavy rains and rejected…then Irma came given the UK/military full authority to control. I hope a similar situation will not repeat itself.

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  42. and says:

    Corona is at the prison. . .

  43. Geezzzzz! says:

    Wow! look pun house negroes syndrome bouy. Wondering why Black people are the laughing stock of the BVI and the wotld?

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  44. Rastarite says:

    Bad decision. The UK military “itching” to come in to destroy BVI culture, history and social life. OR to use the exercise to disguise other motives.

    The UK would love the BVI to become independent. They gain nothing – no taxes nothing.

    Fahie … Stop taking the magic mushrooms – it’s confusing your brain.

    The offer of help refused… Again!

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  45. Unbelievable says:

    The Premier refusing help and now the population suffering. Anybody supporting this government in their desire to become independent is a fool. The Government got elected to look out for the population not for their cronies.

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  46. News BVI says:

    Admin of his platform. Do grow some testicular fortitude and be not afraid t post all views. All opinions like all voices must be allowed to be heard. Any deviation, no matter how insignificant, is a dangerous step in the wrong diection against human freedoms.

    Now, that one paragrah piece was heavy, but it should have been posted because it contained factual realities. Truth must never be buried.

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  47. Is that so says:

    @SMDH A bit surprised by you rantings. Don’t you think then that this is the opportune time to capitalize on their help…let them repay us the repatriation we so rightly deserve…

    I agree that these Europeans should not be held to a higher esteem, but the harsh reality is that our very black people are keeping our race suppressed.

    I have my concerns regarding the Caucasians but I doubt is the colour of the skin that causes many black persons to gravitate but rather our peoples’ mindset.

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  48. Seriously???? says:

    Dear government with all due respect, you do not have the man power and this is getting serious. Stop being proud and ignorant, your people need to see that you put your people before your pride.

    Like 13
  49. Pitiful says:

    From the nature of the majority of comments and thumbs up agreeing with them, it is safe to say we are still a very mentally feeble and immature minded people.

    I will personally swim out of here or do suicide before i succumb to any UK oppresive martial law or other type of rule beyond what it is today.

    I will refuse to be placed in a pig pen mentally of physically and be starved to death for human rights and god given freedoms.

    He who begs to be ruled by others must accept what type of rulership methods are placed on him.

    Clearly, the mentality expressed in the above comments are out to lunch and are prime candidates for re-entry in slavery.

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  50. Whistle Blower says:

    This is not rocket science. The assistance from the UK was turned down because it will expose all the drug runners and fattening of the gov’t pockets hence using the USVI’s help – they’re all in it as well. Such corruption hiding in plain sight. Who is willing to step up with proof and blow the whistle?

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  51. Informed says:

    After Irma the military took control of the country to protect us. There was civil unrest and there was no visible law and order. The UK took control. The Govenors sole responsibility is LAW & ORDER and SECURITY of the BVI.
    It this is not being done by the Government they have every right to take over and protect us.
    The simple fact they declined help has put us in this situation with COVID running around the island.
    I think this government is scared to ask for help. If you leave this Little Rock and look at surrounding island, Radar facilities, 24 Hour observation. The technology is there. WHY are the government now seeking to product us and leave the islands open for anyone to come in. The UK is an island and we protected out borders and shoreline very successfully in WWII so this little island has no excuse not to secure its borders.

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  52. Are you kidding me! says:

    The only way this is going to change is if the police get some help. This place is too small. They are not going to arrest friends/relatives. The British Navy is not going to have this problem. So let them help PLEASE! These 12 cases are going to be x 4. That is the way it works. We are already in trouble, we just don’t know it.
    Jasperts is the only adult in the room. So let him help. You are acting like a child.

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  53. Still the same says:

    It happened after Irma and it’s happening now. Corruption going on.

    It’s fine to say “no” to UK patrolling our border when your business is not closed because the borders were NOT patrolled as it should be.

    Let’s be independent but it’s your life that government is putting at risk, not theirs.

  54. Pure Prejudice says:

    “It this is not being done by the Government they have every right to take over and protect us.”

    Who are the “us” in this statement. I reas of white UK people and not Black Virgin Islanders.

    Stop spreading white monster falsehoods. Thete was no civil unrest here after Irma, that is a flat out lie. You folks are so good at lies though. There was much desperation, fear and uncertainity, not civil unrest.

    The law and order apperatus was shaken, but the command structure did blow away with Irma. Laws are crafted to protect all individuals of a society, not just a selected few. And, the decisions of leadership should be respected. Why would normal human feel slighted because a designated did bow down to an imperial master.

    You people really need to stop judging Black people through your limited, prejudicial and racist lenses, views, perspectives and prisims.

    But of course miseducation, lies, innate predispositions to hatred and such ills and things learned and reinforced over centuries will never be easily overcomed or modified.

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  55. @ Informed says:

    Racism has many iterations and it’s fueled by bigotry, prejudice, a false supremacist ideology and a thirst for position and power.

    Sadly your comment is exemplifies every word of the above statement.

    For decades UK xpats living have been agitating and posting on media platforms for the return of the UK to take over the government, financial systems, banks, people and their lives. That is fact.

    Be informed, however, do produce documented evidence of a bill of sales that the UK has proof of ownership of these territories, and no, not i won the war between the land grabbers of the time when they roam the oceans taking what belong not to them, so the spoils are mine rhetoric. We know history.

    The factual truths are, every piece of land mass that the colonial powers own today were taken by force or stolen from the original people.

    So people need to stop with the narratives that these islands belongs to the UK. Really, in the true meaning of ownership?? Go tell that to that unread, uninformed and ignorant.

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  56. Oh no says:

    @Local you gone drink the look aid. UK does NOT want to have to manage this place at all. Quite the opposite which is why they are trying to get Government to do its job and spend money on infrastructure and education instead of short term bribes, and to keep the place secure instead of allowing the illegal activities to continue and letting in COVID 19.

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  57. Ms, Tudman says:

    said, “I could have freed more slaves If I could have convinced them that they were slaves.”

    These comments. Wow!

  58. hey you all says:

    Governor Jaspert is a NATIONAL HERO. Remember Irma and Maria days? It is a political suicide to criticise him, Premier.

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  59. What now says:

    We don’t know that the martial law already exist. It is just when England going to move in.
    That is why the Premiere wants self determination.

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  60. Zia says:

    UK task force will really take advantage of us.Can’t you all see what’s going on all over the world.We are black people. Do you think the UK care about us? It abuse and more abuse.

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  61. LMAO says:

    So help me to understand this. The Premier didnt trust the RVIPF to act as his security as they have done for prior leaders for decades but now he trusts them to protect the borders. He choose to spend over 500k on private security saying that he didnt trust them but now he trusts local law enforcement over the UK Navy? Ok understood. The fact that people come on here supporting this and making it a race issue is sad.

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  62. L Ipton says:

    How can the premier of a British overseas territory refuse assistance from the UK but accept assistance from a foreign power?

    If the situation was in the reverse (where the USVI was offered assistance from the US and then they refused but accepted assistance from the BVI), what do you think the US will do?

    Just remember, the UK still governs the BVI contrary to what many may think or believe. If premier and the ministers continue to act foolishly with the Governor and the UK, the UK will eventually assume control.

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  63. Observer says:

    BVI news need to do better with the pictures they associate with the headlines.

    Get updated pictures.

  64. Anonymous says:

    @Pitiful What is taking you so long to swim out there. Whilst you are at it, dab yourself with a gallon of blood. You may not be good to eat on land but I am sure you will make a tasty meal for a few hungry sharks.

  65. Just saying says:

    On the other hand. Why are they soooooo eager to occupy?

  66. NB says:

    Mr. Premier, there is nothing wrong with accepting help form another country. All countries do it. You do not have the resources to manage certain disasters, etc. Stop trying to make people think that UK is helping because they have evil plans. You are playing a dangerous game. You have no leadership skills and the people will suffer because of your ignorance. Example, you invested much time on expats the other day and turned a blind eye to the borders where mostly your own people were breaking the rules. See the outcome? You are creating more tension amidst these crisis. Carry on smartly boss.

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  67. To common sense says:

    Finally someone said it

  68. STOP IT. NO YOUR ROLL says:

    VIP need to stop.. The governor is incharge of security, let the man do his job.Even when we have pending storm, this Premier run on the radio quick, Thats the Governors roll. Its still better for them to work together in peace, respect and harmony, Respecting each other’s roll.

  69. @Anonymous says:

    Sure, the sharks may have a tasty feast, but not before they are fed a few heads.

  70. Foot Soldier says:

    “KNOW YOUR FACTS;;;”The UK sees its responsibility for defence, security and safety of the Territories as a core task of the government. Conversely, the Territories contribute to the security interests of the UK and our close allies. “Stop misleading the country . What do you have to lose ? Help to crack done on illegal activities!!’ You don’t want it . The U.K. does not want anyone return . Yes they might be racist but in the situation prejudice is not the issue . What is the real reason behind not taking the help ??!????!

  71. HonestTruth says:

    Marine police here are the people opening doors for smugglers. I’ve seen the police boat at night signalling two smaller vessels to approach afterwhich all vessels turned off their lights and disappeared.

    —– is a crook and — is trying to protect is ‘investments’.

  72. Sniffn says:

    Its pronounced Fay-ee !! Not foy! What kin of edumication you got. No wonder the islands going to shit.Why you scared of UK? They gonna take yo slaves?

  73. Country Above Self says:

    cynicismL: inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism. “public cynicism about politics”
    In America the president first and main responsibility is the Safety of the population. “Country above self”. There are some things that a government does not have the full responsibility for; unless the country is a Dictatorship. The premier ran on a platform of “Accountability, Transparency and good governance”. We were also told to “Police ourselves or that we that we would be policed in ways we wouldn’t like”.Just last week the premier informed us that the government would need to borrow should we suffer another devastating hurricane; Why? The country’s financial resources are under serious pressure. Its therefore baffling to many of us, why our government, especially during this challenging time would turn down much needed assistance while challenged with the protection of our borders and saving lives

  74. My opinion says:

    I think he should accept all the help.

  75. Future says:

    After reading the comments, I truly wonder if some have a mind that can comprehend the aspects of their statements and suggestions.

    1. The BVI pays money to the UK because we are considered a overseas territory. So asking for funds that we pay out to the UK back to provide what ever we need should not be an issue. If we ask for this back that is a right.

    2. Having military on the ground is usually a last resort for most countries because it is understood that it puts another understanding in place that can cause negative repercussions both on a political and a social level.

    3. We must exhaust all options before resorting to UK military being on ground. I see the Premier is working with our neighbors in getting this done. Dont see the issue is doing this first since it is mutually beneficial.

    Everyone wants to talk about what government is doing and when it does not fit their view, all of a sudden they are not any good and they need to come out of office. Not understanding all the ins and outs of how to run a country. This government is made of intelligent minded human beings. They do their best to think things true. What people need to stop doing is complaining and think about how you can assist.

  76. Tito us says:


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