BVI News

We’re not happy with Labour and Trade departments — Premier

The territory’s leader has expressed dissatisfaction with the way the Labour and Trade Departments are being operated and has called for some level of reform to be implemented to turn things around. 

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley gave that indication at a press conference yesterday, May 2 where he sang the praises of newly-appointed Financial Services and Labour Minister, Lorna Smith, OBE.

Even as the premier praised his deputy for having what he described as an exceptional skillset, he was pointed in suggesting that some of the processes in government need reformation.

“We know that our business community and our workforce… were not happy with the efficiency and effectiveness of both the Trade Department and the Labour Department,” the Premier said. 

Dr Wheatley described Smith as a fixer and a doer and commented that even though the challenges in those departments appear to be great, she is expected to do great things within that ministry.

Premier Wheatley, in the meantime, also singled out the Ministry of Agriculture, an area for which he has assumed responsibility, as yet another sector in need of reform.

He argued that while there are persons who work very hard within the various ministries, there are certain things that need to be done to ensure they can deliver the ministerial mandates they are given. 

“One thing I’m going to do with this administration — not just for agriculture and fisheries but just for everyone — we’re going to have regular meetings with the Deputy Governor and the Permanent Secretaries and we will hold them accountable for delivering on the mandates of ministers,” the Premier said.

Both the Labour and Trade Departments have received much public criticism over the past few years, with the Director of the Trade Department, Karia Christopher promising to resign after explaining late last year that her Department was in a dire state in the absence of much-needed staff.

Meanwhile, the Labour Department, which was previously helmed by now-Health Minister Vincent Wheatley, also came in for extensive criticism over attempts made to transition its operations to a digital platform

Those attempts at transformation were marred by months-long work permit delays and hiccups and were eventually aborted.

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  1. Hold them accountable? says:

    Exactly what does the Premier mean by “holding ministries accountable”. Maybe he should look into why we need 3,000+ civil service employee…

    Like 27
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  2. Good test for Lorna says:

    She talks the talk – let’s see if she can walk the walk! If it is not fixed by 31 July, it won’t be fixed.

    Like 12
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  3. oh wow says:

    The Anguillan connection gonna get all their trade licenses and work permits approved rather quickly

    Like 7
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  4. One Person Can't says:

    Fix the on going problems in TWO Ministries.

    Stop the BS.

    Haul up the ladies & gents in Labour charging side money to do work permits.

    Issue Trade Licenses to all persons but set up a viable system. Don’t just block people because they are not Belongers.

    Like 27
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  5. Accidental says:

    Wow Mr Premier awesome. Never heard you heaped that much praise on your last deputy. You are really showing him up. Really glad you recognized that the ndp had the fixers. Never knew that a non performer was so high up the ladder. Vincent Wheatley will act as premier. Guess you are so glad that Malone gone. So if anything happens to you or deputy Vincent is premier. What happened to your last DP am I smelling some rancor. What happen to Decasto you put #9 before those two. Laugh my a$$ off. Be careful the last premier left and we are still waiting his return. You were number two hope you are not the two that people talking about or you would be sitting in your own number 2.

    Remember no one can’t write a letter on your behalf the one that would have done it you called her a rogue and sent her home.

    Like 7
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  6. Vino bvi says:

    @accidental… le

  7. HRMPH says:

    We are watching but not expecting to see anything different – she needs to root out the staff working at Labour who are also running a business of applying work permits for others. They delay most applications, but expedite applications they are involved with, to persuade persons to use them in the future. Clear and obvious breach of trust.

    Like 11
  8. BVI LOVE NOTES says:

    Ministers are responsible for their Ministries. They are supposed to manage the operations, and that includes ensuring that staff do their work.

    Like 6
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  9. Leave they alone says:

    These departments and PS supposed to be able to operate on they own. Don’t need ‘mandate’ from elected people that change every 4 years!
    Just fix the problems. Don’t invent new tasks. This is simple stuff. You politicians always chase shinning objects. Keep your hands out of the cookie jar!

  10. Busy Bee says:

    Please Please Please Lorna, fix them!

  11. Dispute Officer says:

    The ball head one need adjusting if you know what I mean. Tell um yo stick to the facts with their one sided platypus self.

  12. Passportoffice need fixing too says:

    Dont forget passport office.. Benn must be crawling in her grave.. I dont know what the h**l going on down there.. it takes months and months to get a visa and a passport renewed it reduculous!! Fix it.. that dept is sinking. Not blaming tashi but she needs to look inton this them making her look.badd!!!!

  13. Help says:

    Lorna, please do something about Labour. It is getting out of hand. Help-Help-Help.

  14. Corruption says:

    Fix that Ministry of Finance too!

  15. Four months.. says:

    .. have passed and a belonger application for a simple trade license has had zero response from the trade department.
    Calls and emails are just ignored.

    Why do belongers need trade licenses for simple businesses?

    The BVI is a lousy place to do business because of these useless bureaucrats.

  16. Peo says:

    What do you expect when trade licenses are being given away left right and centre to people who are not even qualified in the suggestion if one applies for a trade license make sure they have the qualitative in such field.Everyone here is a business holder but where are the buyer?

  17. Peonia says:

    What do you expect when trade licenses are being given away left right and centre to people who are not even qualified in the suggestion if one applies for a trade license make sure they have the qualitative in such field.Everyone here is a business holder but where are the buyer?

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