BVI News

What classes will be like for new school term on January 4

Junior ESHS students at their Road Town campus.

All public schools within the territory are scheduled to reopen from Monday January 4, continuing the recently implemented hybrid blended learning system approach.

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Thursday, December 1, Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley said that some schools are expected to experience scheduling adjustments to face-to-face classes as the territory continues to coexist within the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said parents should expect communication on these adjustments from principals of the respective schools shortly.

“Let me mention the Elmore Stoutt Junior High School. Classes will be held online for the first week from the 4th to the 8th of January. By the second week, students will be given a schedule for on-campus contact sessions. This information will be communicated to parents via email. Parents are asked to check emails for the schedules,” Dr Wheatley stated.

He added: “The junior school population is currently 779 students, so because of the numbers and the on-campus requirements for social distancing, students will still have the majority of classes online. Contact hours with students on campus will be used to cover content in math, english, and technical subjects.”

Update on infrastructure works to schools

Dr Wheatley also gave an update on some of the infrastructural works being conducted at some of the schools across the territory.

One such institution where infrastructural works have been ongoing is the Bregado Flax Educational Center on Virgin Gorda.

“As a result of the construction, the number of students on the campuses for both the primary and secondary division have been limited to the technical students, special education and marginalised groups. We hope to have this project completed early next year 2021,” he explained.

“For the Ivan Dawson Primary School, infrastructure works and campus cleaning should begin shortly and this should alleviate the issues of unhealthy air quality and mould build-up that is especially high at this school. In the meantime, in order to ensure that students have some classroom instructional time, the ministry is seeking to use the Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church hall for classes for the upcoming term,” the Education Minister added.

Budget allocation to fix issues in all schools

Dr Wheatley further said the recent funds from the 2021 budget which was allocated for maintenance to public schools, will be utilised to fix infrastructural issues in all schools.

Due to the process expected to take a long period before completion, the Deputy Premier is asking all parents and members of the community to be patient while the works are being finalised.


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  1. Hmmm says:

    Once again there is no Covid in the Territory according to the Foy. Why isn’t there face to face classes period. You can’t catch what doesn’t exist. Something isn’t right. Is the Foy Administration hiding the truth ?

    Like 8
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    • @ Hmmmm says:

      There are no KNOWN active cases of Covid.

      Can’t expect to make laws, not comply with them or enforce them and if a spread occurs turn around and blame everyone but those who put themselves in harms way.

      Like 3
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  2. Disgrace says:

    This sounds like an administration with no plan for education. Don’t they care about the children in this country? For the last year soo many children have fallen through the cracks. Soo many have not really learned much and parents are having the most difficult time assisting them. In some cases the parents are the ones doing most of the assignments. I guess once the students get a good whether they learn or not we would be happy. It is completely unacceptable that face to face instructions have not commenced in the BVI when we have enjoyed a very low number of covid caes. It’s also unacceptable that after a whole year of no school that the buildings were not properly maintained. What were they doing all this time?

    Like 19
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  3. @Disgrace says:

    Parents are having the most difficult time not checking to make sure the children do what they are suppose to do. Many parents are not checking on their children to make sure assignments are submitted, or to see if the child is even attending classes. Parents need to help the children be responsible for learning.

  4. Send says:


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  5. I caramba says:

    If Wheatley come … focus on he job these things would get done. Man Suwande you got to go

  6. Walwyn says:

    We need Walwyn for real meson. An advisor, consultant, something!

    Like 7
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  7. Cock ah meme says:

    Focusing on other projects that are secondary . Give internet and laptops to
    Poor parents who can’t afford to boost education . Give money help those who cannot pay Morgage and keep food on their table . Govt has wrong priorities

  8. Cut the crp says:

    This school should have been built in 2018/9 and to a modern resistant spec. The money was on the table from multiple sources but refused.

    Don’t pretend. This is about petty gang politics. Always has been. As long as the foolish are kept quiet with the crumbs, it all carries on. It has very obviously never in this territory, ever been about bringing leading education facilities to our communities.

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