BVI News

What was a UK Navy ship doing in the BVI this week?

Amid the rise in violent crimes that the police have confirmed is stemming primarily from the cocaine trade, the UK deployed the HMS Dauntless to traverse the territory’s waters this week.

HMS Dauntless is the Royal Navy’s most advanced destroyer. It has been deployed to the Caribbean to support British Overseas Territories during hurricane season and to counter drugs trafficking in the region.

A press release from the Governor’s Office said HMS Dauntless docked in Road Town on Tuesday September 12, as part of a routine visit. While here, the crew was set to meet with members of the National Security Council, host a disaster exercise and conduct an on-water search and rescue exercise.

HMS Dauntless recently seized 1.2 tonnes of cocaine — worth an estimated $175 million — while patrolling an area in the Caribbean Sea. The ship’s Wildcat helicopter
\, Royal Marines and the US Coast Guard were all deployed to intercept the suspect boat.

On the first day of the visit, the Governor attended a lunch with members of the BVI National Security Council, the ship’s Commanding Officer and other key individuals.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley, Junior Minister Dr Karl Dawson Dawson, the Acting Commissioner of Police, Acting Attorney General and the Director of Disaster Management were in attendance.

HMS Dauntless also hosted a Disaster Relief Exercise on board in partnership with key local agencies. This exercise was to assist HMS Dauntless to better understand how the BVI would deal with a disaster and demonstrate what support the ship would be able to provide. Additionally, HMS Dauntless conducted an exercise with the Police Marine Unit and the Virgin Islands Search and Rescue.

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  1. What else? says:

    Up to their usual colonial tricks.

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  2. UK says:

    up to their usual colonial tricks to try and heal this drug infested country. Better said.

    Like 51
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  3. fbi says:

    This is a uk territory we could bring whatever ship we want, we own you, this is the uk territory.

    Like 47
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  4. knight rider says:

    “They planning an overthrow”

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  5. Pandora says:

    If you want a little more shock and awe a submarine would have been much cooler. 😉

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  6. Nice modern ship says:

    Hope the brig is large enough to incarcerate a few dozen smugglers.

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  7. Honest says:

    At least this Governor is being honest about the routine nature of the visit of the ship. The last Governor announced that he had summoned to ship to come at very short notice when in face it had been scheduled to visit for at least 9 months.

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  8. Sub says:

    It’s also in BVI waters just submerged and ready to assist the surface vessels.

  9. Resident says:

    you people are fools britain owns the bvi, if you don’t like it then vote for independence, they will probably help you pack to move out

    Like 23
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  10. downisland says:

    How can they plan an overthrow when they are in control, can they overthrow themselves???

    Like 17
  11. @fbi says:

    That is the same thing the French have been saying in West Africa while sucking out their life blood. You people have no shame or pride…keep an eye on the clock VAMPIRE.

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  12. @@fbi says:

    Don’t feed the troll!

  13. Truth says:

    It was a drunk stop for the guys who were sailing for months and needed a little break. Carry on…

  14. Just Saying. says:

    History says that there were two groups of people living in this area before colonialization.

    None of those groups were pale skinned English UK people.

    History says that they were Caribs and Arawaks, butthe rest majority of that history was summarily discarded and deliberately hidden and exited from the history books.

    Facts is, there were Black folk living and moving throughout these islands. To further distort the historical truth, the people they referred to as Indians were actually Black people.

    Eventually, those people feel victim to the extermination genocidal methods of the colonializers, which is why we have seen any around since or in the history books..

    Given that actual history then, who truly owns these BVI islands?

    They placed the letters BVI on them after they exterminated all the human folk, stole the land and to this day call it their own. And why lizard brained and racist can advocate for UK take over.

    They need to begin respecting us and treating ewually. On many.many levels we own these island to.

    Like 4
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  15. BuzzBvi says:

    We really need to improve VI Education. The VI is a Territory of the UK. It is currently a part of the UK.

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  16. Anonymous says:


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  17. YES TO UK says:

    What a stupid Question to ask, What was a UK navy ship doing in BVI waters, They own the BVI home come when a US Coast Gard is in the BVI waters you don’t ask the same question.

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  18. @Buzz BVI says:

    Some of us do not honor ownership obtained through whole sale theft, genocide and extermination…

    These islands were obtained by the now so called owners (UK) through the most horrific methods known to man.

    Such methods should not amount to ownership.

    Therefore, the UK does not own these lands, they stole them. And, thievery does not equate to legal ownership..

    Moreover, a thief should not lay claim to things he did not own legally, morally and ethically.

    Indeed, the descendants of the former slaves represent a people that have been living here continuously for over five and a half centuries now. THAT FACT ALONE SHOULD BE COUNTED IN GIVING THEM FULL OWNERSHIP TO THESE LANDS TO CALL THEIR HOME.

    Do those people not have a legal right now to claim ownership of these islands?

    Or do minds like yours, devoid of all ethical morality and honor, wish to continue the colonial imperialistic mentality of your ancestors, and deny those entitled peoples a land to call their own?

    Your agreement to the notion we know is impossible, but it is the right path to take in relinquishing the UK”s colonialist imperialistic strangle hold on the people..

    Indeed, based on the facts stated, the people should not even have to go through an independence process, THEY SHOULD BE OFFRED AUTONOUMUS STATUS OUT RIGHT.

    Like 3
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  19. Bvi so clueless says:

    You cant protect yourself from some teenagers running wirh gund and killing each other w
    Look stupidity

    Like 3
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  20. Symbolisms? says:

    For as long as you are in possession of stolen lands, you are a criminal. Displaying war ships does not change that fact.

    What symbolisms are they. portraying by dsplaying their war ships?

    Have they not murdered enough people/human beings over the centuries?

    Like 2
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  21. Deh Watcha says:

    Navy ships have been coming to the BVI for as long as I can remember.

    All of a sudden a navy ship in the BVI waters it’s a problem.

  22. So much nonsense! says:

    So much nonsense on these blogs – the UK taking over what they already own! Then there are those who decide that they are going to ignore the fact the Uk own the territory because they don’t like how they obtained it – we’ll wake up! It’s legally Uk territory until we go independent which is not happening anytime soon except in the minds of those on the yellow site. When will we stop publishing all this nonsense – the UK Navy have EVERY right to be here and thank the good lord they have because we have nothing to defend ourselves with!

    Like 1
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  23. To YES TO UK. says:

    Some of us do not honor ownership obtained through whole sale theft, genocide and extermination…

    These islands were obtained by the now so called owners (UK) through the most horrific methods known to man.

    Such methods should not amount to ownership.

    Therefore, the UK does not own these lands, they stole them. And, thievery does not equate to legal ownership..

    You need help. Your racist,colonialistic and imperialisitic way of being is evident in your daily prose.

    You need a class in respect, honesty and historical truths and moral truths.
    Moreover, a thief should not lay claim to things he did not own legally, morally and ethically.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Alright slave bouy, So Munh None Sense!!

  25. Tired of approved bigotry. says:

    Bouy, the racecos, bigots, colonialsit, imperialsit and n***er haters had a field day with this one.

    And, it is all clear that admin of this sit are of the same mentality and hue.

    But coming soon, a news site all will see and love that will be anti racecos, bigots, colonialsit, imperialsit and n***er haters… Stay tuned…Tired of approved bigotry in my home….

  26. @what else says:

    It’s nothing new though. Each year a ship comes.

  27. Gadaman. says:

    Why is nothing new news these days?

  28. Hmm says:

    To the ship F you guys….and you can’t stop nothing from coming in cause news ways are do being used!! Ride low

  29. hello says:

    Were here to drink your rum,play some rugby and bust some Narcos

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