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Will Premier provide funds for Opposition spending?

Penn and Dr Wheatley.

Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn recently stated that Opposition members of the House of Assembly are hoping that the 2024 budget will allocate funds to take care of Opposition business.

Penn said Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has not heeded any of the Opposition’s calls for funds needed to do work that will help to hold the government accountable.

“We at least need to have money for legal support because if we’re going to draft amendments or bills to bring to the House, we need the expertise to support us. The Leader of the Opposition had a list of things we said we needed to function as an Opposition, we had a discussion with the Premier and to date we’ve not gotten any of those things,” Penn told the Talking Points radio show recently.

He also argued that the last the Opposition was properly funded under the former NDP administration led at the time by Dr D Orlando Smith.

“The first time the Opposition received any true funding was when Dr Smith was Premier. We gave the Leader of the Opposition $30,000 to conduct his business — do press conferences, have meetings, hire a lawyer and do some of the business of the Opposition,” Penn explained.

The government and members of the Opposition have been at odds since the April general elections, as the Opposition continues to demand fairness from the Wheatley administration as it relates to the running of the House of Assembly. However, Premier Wheatley continues to maintain that his government is doing nothing new, adding that previous governments have led the territory similar to his administration.

He said members of the Opposition continue to complain as part of their plan to undermine his government.

Penn said the Opposition will listening keenly to the Premier’s upcoming presentation for the 2024 budget to see whether allocations have been made to accomodate any requests the Opposition has made.

“So we’re going through the budget now and we’re going to see if the budget reflects any of those things in principle with the government,” Penn stated.


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  1. hmmm says:

    gestures say a lot. keep it up Premier, yo wukking babbyyyy

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  2. Sara says:

    We need to change the leader of the opposition. Penn in the news more than Skelton. Why are we allowing the government to spend tax payers money how they feel? We elected 13 members to represent us the HOA, not only 7.

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  3. The Commissioner says:

    This complaint seems like a bit of a political merry go round. Most of the complainers are either members of the Govrement of Opposition at one time or another. They are legislators so why don’t they just pass a law that mandates funds be set aside in the budget cycle for the Oposition (whoever that may be).

    We elect you guys to find solutions not just complain and play the blame game!!

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  5. @ COMMISSIONER says:

    most of the blogging is created and executed bt wigo the evil one on from his yello site just to create hate and racism / that’s how he boost his over grown ego

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  6. Paid bills for… says:

    The former speaker allegedly got his legal bills for his frivolous law suits paid by John/Jane public. So why can’t the opposition have funds for their work? Natalie is just down right shameful and doesn’t see the harm his games are causing.

  7. lol says:

    It rough… big dawg gone traveling with ayo money.

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