BVI News

Willock resigns as Speaker!

HOA Speaker, Juilan Willock.

Speaker of the House of Assembly, Julian Willock has announced his intention to resign from the post.

Willock made that announcement moments ago at the start of the ongoing sitting of the House on Tuesday, May 3.

According to the outgoing Speaker, it was Acting Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley who invited him to resign during a telephone conversation minutes after 8 o’clock this morning.

“He advised me that the majority of members agreed that I should demit office,” Willock said.

“I asked the Acting Premier during the telephone conversation if he was aware that I did anything wrong. He said no. I asked him if he has any knowledge that I was implicated in any aspect of the Commissioner of Inquiry’s report in any way. He said no. I asked the Acting Premier to his knowledge if I was under any active investigation of any matter of governance or misconduct while in office. He said no. So I was surprised with is proposal and message,” he added.

Willock further said he asked for day to get his affairs in order. This, he said, includes advising his family and consulting with his attorneys.

“I have sought legal advice on this matter and I have agreed with Acting Premier to offer my resignation. Both honourable members and the public will hear more on this whole matter from me,” Willock stated.

This news comes roughly 24-hours after a meeting with local officials and UK Minister responsible for Overseas Territories, Amanda Milling.

Dr Wheatley is expected to make an announcement on that meeting later today.

In the meantime, this news also comes days after Premier Andrew Fahie — who appoint Willock as Speaker when his party was elected into government back in 2019 — was arrested in the United States on drug and money laundering charges.

‘I was the sacrificial lamb’ — Willock on resignation

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  1. The Jig is Up says:

    Consulting attorneys with who money?

    Like 28
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    • ok then says:


    • Pay attention says:

      Thus saith the Lord,

      I have chosen you to prepare and anoint you to take up the mantle to lead this people forward.

      But you have not heeded my call. You have not chosen My Words, instead you have gone after your own ways.

      And so I have repented of my choice.

      I will give this land to whomsoever I please for these are my people and I will do as I please to take care of them. Do you not believe that I am involved in the affairs of people. It is the Lord that speaks.

      You will go no further , but you all will be removed. I will raise up a people who fear me to lead my sheep through these difficult times that you all have created.

      As you are aware, there will be some arrests and there will be persons in high position who will be removed.

      Clergy, Min. of Education, Customs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour, the Judiciary, to name a few.
      The clergy, for they have fed and fattened themselves and have not fed my sheep so I will remove them from serving. You all seek only your interests and not that of the people they have been appointed to serve.

      I the Lord will do it. But I ask, shall you stir the hearts of the people against Me. Wasn’t it I that called you all in the first place. Plead your case before me. Shall I be reached through divinations, or shall ancestral spirits stand for and with you to come against Me. Plead your case before me and show Me your innocence that My wrath be turned away.

      Have I not asked you before, “ Do they provoke me to anger? Do you all not provoke yourselves to the confusion of your own faces? Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, and I will cause you all to cease from leading my people and I shall appoint whomever I please. For I the Lord take down and I the Lord lift up.

      The Word of the Lord.

      Like 8
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    • Tu Rd says:

      Reminds me of something we all f/u$h down the t●ilet?

    • The nerve says:

      He was appointed his position, and it could have been revoked.
      He need to sue himself for being an arrogant nit.

      IMO, he should have been fired a very long time ago. He has wasted enough of tax payers money, and still has an outstanding bill as ordered by the court that he is yet to pay.

      The phony 3 member panel the disgraced Premier had assigned to see who will pay the bill was just a farce to defy the court ruling.

      He asked if he did anything wrong. Well, in my view his arrogance was his undoing and will always be until he checks himself and show some humility.

      All his protestations about respect and him being equal has come back to bite him in his wig.

      Bye Felicia. Don’t forget to pay that bill the court ordered on your way out the door.

      Like 19
      • Moses says:

        All elected officials should resign today and accept the conclusions of the COI report. The report documents grave injustices that have been carried out by a dysfunctional organization. In order to move forward faster with grace they should all accept the facts and support a future organization that is focused on educating our children, rebuilding our infrastructure, planning for a drug free prosperous future. Those who delay our progress shall be forever associated with the disgraced leader. Those who assist with moving forward shall be remembered in the history books as courageous leaders with moral courage.

    • x says:

      He is a private citizen.

    • Humble Yourself says:

      Posted years ago

      @ H

      May 2, 2019 at 4:53 PM
      Exactly …JW told MV take it to Court. A matter of fact JW initially said he was going to take it to Court himself then despite advisement to swear MV in; refused, then told District 8 Rep in HOA that MV could take it to Court because he considered the matter closed and had nothing further to discuss on it.

      JW The Emperor’s New Clothes should teach you a lesson.

      Like 4 Dislike 1


      April 3, 2019 at 5:45 PM
      Read the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes. Time longer than twine and he’ll hang his own self.

      Like 6 Dislike 1

  2. WEW says:

    Bye Bye. Claude will see you in Venezuela

    Like 22
  3. Places says:

    Jesus is Lord.

    Like 13
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  4. Grey Poupon says:

    Tea is served,sir!!! ????Kiss your white wig GOOD BYEEEEEE cause you’ll never wear it on that goober head again. And many of us will be extremely happy ???cause it was a hideous sight ?Hooray Hooray????I don’t like to drink, buy happy hour here I comeeeeee

    Like 29
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  5. Drycrix says:


    Like 13
  6. Rubber Duck says:

    Rats off the sinking ship.

    Like 21
  7. Crazy Joe says:

    Effectively Wheatley fired him.

    Like 20
    • Hmmm says:

      Dr the Hon. Wheatley will be removed too!

      Yes was supposed to lead but the Lord repents of His choice so he too will go .

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      • @Hmmm says:

        It is NOT the Lord’s choice, it is down to the electorate.

        You can believe what you like at the philiosophical level, but it is extremely unhelpful to be attribuing poor acts committed by man to God’s will.

        Now is the time that the coercion by the politicians will finally reduce, so the voters HAVE to take the opportunity and vote for better people to rule these amazing islands and fulfil the abundant potential

  8. Citizen says:

    Misconduct, yes, you had taxpayers oay several legals that were irresponsible, and warrants an investigation as to who was the puppet master. Good riddance. Dignity can finally be restored to the HOA. Thank god.

    Like 19
  9. Fr○g f**e says:

    White wig,Red wig, GREEN wig, brown take it off cause your time is DONE!!!???

    Like 15
  10. BuzzBvi says:

    Lets’ hope Natalio not organising his own muppet.

    Like 10
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  11. Kingfish says:

    The best news from the BVI within the last few weeks. Goodbye Wigman.

    Like 22
  12. Ha, Ha says:

    Ha, ha, ha,. Tek that.

    Like 11
  13. Lol says:

    Why wasn’t this breaking news on a certain website first????????

    Like 27
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  14. Hezbollah says:

    Willock: do they have a knowledge that I am the goverment official 1?
    Acting Premier: ……

    Like 27
  15. The real problem says:

    Willock was Andre biggest downfall, from the day he made him speaker of the HOA it was down hill for Andrew and Andrew had no clue

    Like 28
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    • James says:

      Greed is Andrew’s biggest downfall

      Like 12
    • @ The real problem says:

      I agree that he was Andrew’s biggest downfall, but don’t be fooled, Andrew had every clue. Their little gangster empire is crumbling before their eyes! More to come!!

  16. My point says:

    What is next. Shake up is happening lord have mercy. All of these corrupt leaders need to be in jail. I am disappointed at some of this leaders we voted for who use their position to do evil and waste the economy reasorces

    Like 17
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  17. Following says:

    BVINEWS, Your headline is misleading. He has not resigned as yet. He plans to tomorrow he says. Who knows he can change his mind.

    Like 1
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    • To Following says:

      HUSH!!! Cause it was announced on his OWN yellow site. People like you always want to come and post comments without knowing the facts

      Like 11
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      • Meli says:

        To Following. The headline is indeed wrong as Willock has AGREED to resign and hasn’t done so yet. His own yellow site said so. Knowing him he’s going to drag this on a few days if not weeks.

  18. Stinky says:

    That paper shredder will be working overtime tonight!

    Like 20
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  19. Anonymous says:

    Good – make him pay the lawyers bill before he goes today

    Like 18
  20. BuzzBvi says:

    Things can only get better.

    Like 12
  21. we see it coming.. says:

    lol hold all of them passport.. they jumping shiplike rats now lol.. too late.. so many more resignations coming..

    Like 16
  22. Earl says:

    The news keeps getting better day by day !

    Like 15
  23. VINO says:

    Curiously, this story isn’t on another of the online news sources ???

  24. The watchman says:

    This is sad he was a great speaker

    Dislike 36
  25. Too late says:

    Your move should have been to step outside the box long time when the wigged one was embarrassing the house and the nation. But you were complicit don’t come now trying to prove that you weren’t in favor. Do so when the wind was contrary. Do so when you were standing against the might of the mighty Andrew. Don’t crawl from under a rock now saying that you are man. Prove you were a man last week you weakling. Hope you can now withstand the pen of the speaker.

  26. POOF says:

    Wow! Look magic.

  27. RICO CHARGE says:

    Cappuccino piping hot, bring your compadres along, THE bill the JUDGE ordered you to PAY STILL THERE TO BE PAID IN FULL

  28. Vino Editor says:

    Not sure how we are going to manage to generate content now. Gutted. Another huge blow to democracy.

  29. The UK just snatched their wig off his head.. says:

    Not surprised. There is no doubt that the acting Premier as part of his discussions with government house was advised to do this.

    May his wig RIP.

    Like 10
  30. Licker and Sticker says:

    These ppl don’t understand their own laws. The minute he resigned, they are required to close the House of Assembly as you do not have a Speaker. That’s why the session was abruptly ended. We need new leaders chosen by the voting public of the Virgin Islands.

    To the Coalition Ppl, whatever you call yourself: pls call an election. This is madness and it has to stop.

    Like 2
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    • watchman says:

      Then what’s the purpose of a Deputy Speaker?

      Willock as Speaker was bad choice by Andrew which Wheatley has taken steps to correct. Great 1st move.

      Like 3
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      • Exactly Re Dep Speaker says:

        The Deputy should have acted from the start. Why jeopardize all of the readings that were done after Joules announced

    • @ licker and sticker says:

      You nees to learn the rules of the HOA. The speaker is appointed by tye govt side. Who appoint can dissapoint at ANY time…

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    • AG says:

      Are you sure? The learned AG was in the House. They must have had advice.

  31. WOW says:

    Something smells fishy here. He accepted without a fight. Wow that’s not the Willock I know. Really Fishy I could smell it a mile away.

    Like 11
    • @ WOW says:

      I had the same thought as well because it’s not like the wigged-one to exit so calmly. I suppose that he knows what’s brewing so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and step out peacefully.

    • Our new Premier read blogs says:

      Thank God we have a premier that read blogs, Andrew said he don’t read blogs that’s why he wasn’t smart..Before you make move Mr Premier with this unity government. Investigate those new members properly, certain things on the streets ain sounding good…

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  32. Sowande you made a believer of me... says:

    Nice move, great start. Sheep and Malone need to go, all those who Fahie was breaking the rules and the laws for giving them government contracts need to resign also. No friend, no favouritism, get the house in order.

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  33. Anonymous says:

    Blame NDP for all this ‘s**t’. They started it so people thought that VIP would have been their saviour, not knowing that they were jumping out of the frying pan into the ?

    Like 2
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  34. Candid says:

    Well, well, well…..the chickens are only just beginning to come home…..but there is a long way to go. While they do that, let all acknowledge that the colonies will always be colonies.

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