BVI News

Wills are inexpensive, make one

Local attorneys are urging residents to make wills to ensure their families are secure and continue to have good relationships after they pass on.

Speaking at the Four Annual Estate and Planning Forum, the attorneys challenged the view that wills are expensive and only suitable for wealthy people who have a lot of assets.

“What is expensive is fighting your family when there is no will. I know cases where families have been fighting for five, six and seven years. That’s expensive,” noted Anthea Smith who works in the area of estate planning. “I can tell you this much, if you’re charged more than $5,000 for a will, something is wrong. If you’re even charged more than $3,500 that’s expensive. A will is very inexpensive and it’s not only for rich people, so I would encourage everybody to make one.”

Smith also stressed that residents should note that if they die without leaving wills, there are local laws that will determine what happens to their assets — a move many people may not be in favour of.

“For example, you may have a husband you didn’t divorce. He’s lingering somewhere and is still your husband. If you don’t leave a will, he’s entitled to something. Those are the things we have to be careful of,” Smith added.

The lawyers also admitted that wills written informally on sheets of paper can hold value in a court of law. But they advised that it is best to seek legal advice as there are certain features of a will that the average person may not know.

They lawyers also advised persons that it is good to register wills at the High Court Registry for safekeeping, even though it isn’t a mandatory measure.

“The safest thing to do is register it at the High Court Registry or just ensure that you let the people around you know where your will is. Some people choose to keep it at home. I’ve known of cases where Hurricane Irma destroyed wills kept at home, so you want to make sure it’s very safe,” Smith explained.

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  1. Sigh says:

    Imagine people fighting over material things with their family – some feel more entitled than others. If you cannot share things with your family then something is definitely wrong with you. Everyone needs to come to terms that six feet deep is just that – Six feet deep! What else is going in that box?!

    Like 6
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  2. Hmmm says:

    Please let the people know too that they can make their own will at home and don’t need to pay a cent for it unless they are registering it at the high court. Also the will can be handwritten too.

  3. Alternatively says:

    just dispose of all your assets during your senior years. Take expensive lavish vacations, buy chattels with a short life(fast boats), let your business go bankrupt, default on your mortgages, get divorced, whatever it takes to die with only funeral money. Let the next generations start from scratch like most humans.

    Like 8
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  4. Download says:

    Internet download blank will print off fill in find two independent witnesses time date contact addresses signatures done $5.

  5. land suggetion says:

    we are fighting for land we need to stop! These
    evil actions will not make us comfortable. All we need to do right now is to pray and ask for JESUS CHRIST for his direction and ask him to be our defense, and judge for all land and people are his.

    continue too make holographic wills

  6. Father Time says:


    It says very clearly in the article that they can be handwritten.

  7. Asking for a Friend says:

    Are telephone or recorder wills admissible in a court of law?

  8. Wow says:

    Clearly you didn’t read the article.

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