BVI News

Works Minister declines to name taxi license recipients

Kye Rymer

Communication and Works Minister Kye Rymer cited the House of Assembly (HOA) Standing Orders — the rules that govern parliament — as he refused to disclose the names of individuals who received taxi driver licences over the last four years. 

Rymer was questioned by Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn, who sought a detailed list of licence recipients, their districts, addresses, and ages.

Rymer instead invoked section 18.6 of the Standing Orders, which allows a Minister to withhold information if its publication could, in their opinion, be contrary to the public interest. 

He argued that revealing such personal details in a public forum without the individuals’ ability to defend themselves could be unfair and infringe on their privacy.

Despite withholding names and personal details, Rymer provided an overview of the licences issued, broken down by year and age group, and confirmed that each recipient met the necessary qualifications, including a minimum of two years of driving experience. This data revealed that a total of 103 licences had been issued from 2019 to 2024, with detailed distribution across different districts.

The Minister’s refusal to name individual recipients ignited a debate on the interpretation of public interest and Ministers’ discretionary powers, with Penn contending that the issue did not meet the threshold of being contrary to the public interest. 

Meanwhile, Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn called for a more precise legal definition of “public interest” and suggested that the matter should not be left solely to a Minister’s discretion.

“Public interest has not been properly articulated or defined,” Walwyn argued. “Therefore, for a Minister to simply go under something that has not been defined to avoid answering a question is not appropriate.”

This controversy comes amid ongoing debate over the issue. Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley used the same section of the Standing Orders earlier in the HOA session when refusing to answer questions concerning public funds spent on festival contracts.

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  1. Pandora says:

    This is the VIP’s pattern … cloak and dagger, hide and divide. How quickly they forget that they are there to represent the electorate. Shameful.. but he’s just following his ‘leader’.

    Like 16
  2. maria louisa varlack says:

    there are all kinds of crazy problems in the bvi. are pyschopaths and sociopaths running the british virgin islands legislative council chambers. look how long that eslyn henly richey child development center has been overlooked because individuals with disability are always the outcast in society and in the community. everywhere in the world people would laugh and mock and scorn and ridicule individuals with a disability. everywhere in the world people are mean and cruel and intimidating towards individuals with disability. everywhere in the world individuals with a disability cannot hold down a job or a career or a profession or have access to healthcare and education and housing.

    Like 3
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    • Deh Watcha says:

      Look closely and you will see that the Eslyn Henly Richiez rebuild project (just like the DDM Bldg – 3yrs going) is on a go slow to actually being stopped in progress.

  3. The Public says:

    Don’t be contrary we are interested in who’s Friends & Family benefitted from political Nepotism.

    Like 18
  4. HOA supports Free trade says:

    Cronies free riding again.

    Like 16
  5. I bet... says:

    …that many who received licences already have Government jobs, or are connected to politicians or senior civil servants, or have donated to the political parties.

    It is NOT in the public interest to hide these names. Publish the truth!!!

    Like 19
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  6. Smh says:

    Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”(Luke12:15)

    We need to stop coveting others for their possessions.

  7. SMH says:


  8. Calling Mr. Hickinbottom says:

    Dear Sir Gary,

    We have a new assignment for you.

    COI 2 – the Sequel.

    Like 20
  9. Same old says:

    If we can’t know who the taxi license recipients are, how can anyone know who is a licensed taxi operator? Smacks of the same cronyism as not telling us who gets other contracts. Same old same old.

    Like 11
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  10. How many? says:

    103 new licenses have been issued since 2019? Seems like a lot.
    How many total active taxi licenses are there here? And how does that ratio compare to other islands?

  11. I Laugh says:

    We playing pilinky bud in the management of Government business now. Wow. Just wow.

    Like 6
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  12. Secret Squirrel says:

    Can’t believe that we aren’t allowed to see who was awarded a taxi license, what vendors are receiving govt. monies. YES TO U.K. now

    Like 15
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    • @secret squirrel says:

      The data that the minister has offered is more than sufficient. If the individuals are virgin islanders and qualified what is the point? We need to stop playing political games with people’s livelihood and life.

      Like 1
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  13. John C. says:

    Considering taxi licenses are not displayed as required in other countries,we have no way of knowing whether or not a driver is legitimate. As in so many instances we are sitting ducks,toys of narcissistic,irresponsible unprofesdional void of humanity and decency globs in suits.
    This deck of cards will tumble in the not too distant future as a result of the carelessness. It is inevitable.

    Like 11
  14. Say what?!? says:

    “He argued that revealing such personal details in a public forum without the individuals’ ability to defend themselves could be unfair and infringe on their privacy.”

    Defend themselves? From what?
    You want to run a business, that requires a license and can severely impact the health and safety of your customers and all other BVI residents. What are they “defending” themselves from?

    Like 13
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  16. really smh says:

    What is it that the BVI people can not understand or want to understand?
    Premier saying he will not disclose name of recipients of $$ from BVI’s Pocketbook. Now Works minister saying same thing (he will not disclose either). Throwing parties and traveling around the world on your dime and will not disclose those cost either. Not to mention all the shenanigans that have gone on since VIP took office. He says nothing can stop him. Seems nobody wants to stop him. Premier will do exactly what and when he wants. Proven facts already. We can all agree on that point! Forget about the COI wanting transparency…. It will never happen in the BVI until serious, very serious, extremely serious changes are made. Just not in the DNA.. Serious times call for serious measures. So people of the BVI keep on standing in the back and not saying a word… Who do not see will feel. You are feeling it now and destined to get worse.

    Like 4
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  17. Rocka ByeBye says:

    I was convinced in the belief that the current Premier was of good character and sensibility.He has proven to be neither, How disappointing and disastrousfor these BVI.
    He has brought shame on the memories and reputation of his ancestors.
    Each day the fabric unravels more .,soon we will be stripped and bare.

    Must be a spiritual interference,everything shattering and out of control. Not even the integrity of any of our elected is holding up.

  18. Wow says:

    Crazy thing is these man was telling u taxi license on hold..How did you guys choose who gets the taxi license if they was on hold????

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