BVI News

Anti-Kartel gov’t ministers urged to back Opposition

Following news that two government legislators have voiced disapproval of dancehall artist Vybz Kartel’s upcoming performance in the BVI—an initiative reportedly endorsed by Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley—a member of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition has called on those legislators to support the Opposition’s vote of no confidence against the Premier later this month.

Vybz Kartel, whose given name is Adidja Palmer, is officially contracted to perform in the BVI in March 2025. Deputy Premier Lorna Smith and Communications Minister Kye Rymer have both publicly expressed their disapproval of this engagement.

In light of their public disapproval, Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn has urged them to support the Opposition’s campaign.

“I heard information that two ministers of government had spoken out against the Vybz Kartel show—the same ministers who vehemently stood up and defended the Premier. They defended him about the million-dollar loss that we had in the Music Fest, the same ministers who defended him about the 20 million dollar underestimation. Although I think the blame squarely belongs to him,” Walwyn said to ZBVI on Friday, October 4.

“I’m glad that they’ve spoken out now on this particular matter. On October 18, the vote of no confidence that was filed by the Opposition will be heard, and I hope the two ministers who spoke out will do what is right,” the Sixth District Representative added. “I urge the two ministers to think about their country and make sure that they hold their Premier accountable and support the vote of no confidence,” Walwyn stated.

There is information circulating that Premier Wheatley was integrally involved in plans to bring the Jamaican artist to perform in the BVI. Both Smith and Rymer indicated that they do not believe it is the right time for the government to engage in such initiatives.

They suggested that it would be a gross misuse of government resources, as the territory has more pressing matters at hand.

Walwyn echoed this sentiment, stating it would be disrespectful to residents who are currently struggling to keep food on the table and facing unemployment. He also noted that the territory is experiencing severe water supply issues.


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  1. Brilliant stroke says:

    Myron is a very strategic politician. When I heard him speaking on ZBVI I took a smile. It was a brilliant political play. With all the failings caused by the Hon. Premier coupled with this latest fiasco, it will put these two, Hon. Smith and Hon. Rymer in a very precarious situation during the vote of no confidence especially since they cannot get the resources that they need to carry out some of their duties that are far more important and urgent than another party. If they support the Premier then they will come off as very disingenuous.

  2. Bad influence says:

    Ban him from coming like what was done with the Dutty Wine man Toney Matheron

    Like 4
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  3. THE TIME IS NOW says:


    Like 10
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  4. Justice for the people says:

    Arrested and charged really hungry for power but he will get the same thing he got in 2019

    Like 2
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    • @Justice for the people says:

      You must be a very sad person to have this kind of ugliness inside of you. Remember when you celebrate in the downfall of other people you are opening the door to invite those same problems into your own life. When things happen to us we like to say it’s somebody else but very often it is our own wicked and nasty minded ways that backfire on us. Myron will be just fine in the name of Jesus.

  5. What!!! says:

    Given the terrible state of our country the premier has no right to be putting more of our tax money into music festivals.If the promoter can not afford to bring an artist in without government money then he needs to find himself another line of employment .
    Where is the accounting for the last music fest?? Guess he is hoping in time we will forget about it.

  6. Hmm says:

    Was this money given through the government’s new small business grant program or did the premier office just up and blow some more cash on a whim?

  7. Gaza says:

    Look Tall up guy; we do not support Natalee on anything he’s done to date, but leave this one here alone pal!

    Vote him out after – Gaza!

    Worl’ Boss to the VI in2025 ️

  8. SMH says:

    So the same Lorna they get vex with and throw out of NDP they looking to help them with their motion of no confidence? Cause Kye not leaving VIP he might very well be their next chairman.

    • @SMH says:

      Don’t forget to add that it’s the same Lorna who crossed to give Natalio power and now we are all suffering. You conveniently forgot that part?

  9. Eldread says:

    … the same Andrew Fahie traits,when someone show you who them be, believe them, Fahie was always choosing to align with criminals, hiring a barge to secure the territory against drug infiltration and refuse the UK coast guard from doing it so his bodies can get through, now come to W* who seem to be on a collision coast with the BVI people aspirations and his conspicuous consumption of travels abroad and party jamming over the needs of the BVI, in health care and roads etc. cost of living where BVI natives are homeless and bank coming down on their homes but that * would not help them, he used the COI as the scape goat, but could allegedly go pay Kartel USD $500,000.00 which is half a million USD. Kartel will then be able to build are bit a new home any part a this world while banks sells hard working underpaid BVI landers homes, and food purchasing power reduce due to inflation, the road that s* is going down is going to lead to the BVI been a ghetto, I would hope a descent lady like Lorna put him over lap and spank him with a no confidence vote, he is sullying the smiths family etiquette in business or government , and likewise kr should exculpate himself to create a more descent narrative of himself to continue in future government by voting in the no confidence…, trust me Fahie use to be stubborn,being on the media back and forth cursing people who objected to him and deep down inside it was a facade he was putting up, W facade had been exposed by his association, the things he does, and no interest in the people, anyway he is an American citizen. Will the people of the BVI treat themselves to a Christmas gift or luck of a new government to turn things around? S had been advised that the millennials votes rule the future aided by marijuana legalization they will become zombies to command, so he is catering to that gallery with all this party jamming concerts, an Antiguan prime minister has been doing that the population while the countries infrastructure goes to ruin and steal virgin beach from lands on barbuda for rich white customer, be careful W don’t turn on anegorda lands, restore BVI to it’s glory by removing that boy from office.

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