Authorities estimate nearly 1,500 undocumented COVID cases in BVI
Health & Social Development Minister Carvin Malone
Approximately four dozen COVID-19 cases have been detected in the BVI to date and local health authorities suspect more than a thousand undocumented positive cases currently exist in the territory.
This is according to Minister of Health Carvin Malone who said in a national address on Tuesday that 70 percent of the total 47 cases identified so far was through contact tracing by public health professionals.
He also said 32 percent of the total COVID-19 cases in the BVI have been found to be is asymptomatic.
“We believe that we are seeing the tip of the iceberg and there are more persons possibly infected in the population who are asymptomatic and can readily spread the disease. Which means that we may have many undocumented cases of who are transmitting the virus,” Malone stated.
“While we don’t exactly know how much spread is caused by our asymptomatic group, current estimates place our undocumented cases at approximately 1,482 persons at a minimum,” he added.
Infected areas identified
Minister Malone also listed a number of areas across the mainland of Tortola that have been affected by positive COVID-19 cases. He said these areas are linked to Case Number 12.
They include Huntum’s Ghut, Lower Estate, Long Bush, Cane Garden Bay, Hannah’s, Purcell Estate, Fat Hog’s Bay, Sea Cow’s Bay, Lambert’s Estate, and Road Town communities.
Malone also said the primary and secondary contacts of these cases are further dispersed throughout other communities on the eastern, western and central districts of the island and on the sister island of Anegada.
Critical workers impacted
The minister further raised concerns for the BVI’s frontline, health and security personnel.
He said nearly 20 percent of these persons are being severely impacted by the virus by either having to be isolated or quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19.
“These are services for which there are limited or no reserves on territory who can be utilised to close the widening gap. We cannot as a territory afford the frontline to collapse or for this observed growth rate to continue,” he stated.
“Limiting the opening hours throughout the territory at this time for a 14 day period not only allows for the team to finalize their contact tracing and testing, but affords the BVI a much needed break in the transmission chain so that while transmission may continue among households, outside households transmission will be reduced,” Malone further explained.
The BVI is currently classified as experiencing small clusters of COVID-19 with 38 active cases — two of which are currently hospitalised.
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What the h**l?! Did I read that correctly? Estimated 1500 cases of covid-19 in the territory? That’s quite a significant and troubling development.
It appears the virus is more widespread than originally thought.
How did we get here? How could this happen? The country has been on lock down for a while now.
This is apparently worse than it has been appearing. Not good news at all for such a small populated country.
If this number proves true, we are in trouble here, no nice way to say it.
The country’s containment efforts has apparently fallen way short at containing this virus.
With this new information, there needs to be an aggressive effort to test as many people as possible, contact trace those who were/are in close contact with known infected individuals, and isolate them.
I’m alarmed by these numbers. One infected person is too much for the BVI; 1500 is worse.
Oh my goodness, this is crazy, 1,500 estimated Corona Positive cases. We need Hydroxycholoriquine. . . NOW
How many cases up the prison?? Time to tell us..
It happened because our government has had its head in the sand and didn’t bother testing people. BVI ranked almost last place in the world for testing. We are behaving and reacting to a global pandemic like a 3rd world country. Denial, no social distancing, illegal entry, illegal large get togethers etc. smarten you’re people!
They need not wait start testing everyone in the affected area. They did VG not all along VG was not really in contact the East End area people need to be tested and everyone else in all the area where affected persons are from.
Hmmm, what number can we pull from the sky that wouldn’t be too obviously ridiculous but would be sufficient to scare the people. Yep 1500 should do the trick.
I have seen references on this site and elsewhere recommending hydroxychloroqine as a treatment for covid-19.
People need to know the following relative to the use of hydroxychloroqine in the management of covid-19:
Based on emerging scientific data, hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be ineffective at treating covid-19. In fact, it has led to the deaths of many patients undergoing treatment, and can lead to serious heart (cardiac) problems.
Consequently, the FDA (Food & Drug Adminstration) withdrew its emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroqine mid June, 2020.
Currently, there are NO approved drugs to treat or cure covid-19.
All we have now until an effective vaccine comes about is social distancing measures, testing, tracing, and quarantine.
“Huntum’s Ghut, Lower Estate, Long Bush, Cane Garden Bay, Hannah’s, Purcell Estate, Fat Hog’s Bay, Sea Cow’s Bay, Lambert’s Estate, and Road Town” Let’s name all the bars in these places.
What we need to do is test everyone on island, like South Korea did. Problem is, there’s not enough tests. Contact tracing is the only way. If you were in contact with a person who is positive, come forward.
Below are quotes from the above article. Please tell me which quote bothers your the most? Ok, all of these quotes are SHOCKING for several reasons.
With days to prepare a statement, this has to be the worst most confused statement I have ever read coming from any one in my 50 + years on this planet.
This entire article is unsettling, because of it’s lack of accuracy, and it is incoherent. Non of it agrees with the rest of it and there are several shockers in between. Can you see them?
“health authorities suspect more than a thousand undocumented positive cases currently exists in the territory.”
“While we don’t exactly know how much spread is caused by our asymptomatic group, current estimates place our undocumented cases at approximately 1,482 persons at a minimum,”
The minister further raised concerns for the BVI’s frontline, health and security personnel.
He said nearly 20 percent of these persons are being severely impacted by the virus by either having to be isolated or quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19.
“Limiting the opening hours throughout the territory at this time for a 14 day period not only allows for the team to finalize their contact tracing and testing, but affords the BVI a much needed break in the transmission chain so that while transmission may continue among households, outside households transmission will be reduced,”
The BVI is currently classified as experiencing small clusters of COVID-19 with 38 active cases — two of which are currently hospitalised.
Looks like the Foy not telling the people of the U.K. offer to secure the borders and not accepting the UK’s offer to secure the borders has brought you all more pain and suffering. How you support a man that only supports his c*****s and family members. Auntie still collecting rent from the government for his office? Does know who brought the Covid to the Territory? That is why he refused help from the Royal Navy. The Foy has been seen playing basketball with his friends without a mask and yet he tells the people to obey his words. He speaks with total disrespect to the Governor And shuns his presence and shows disrespect to past leaders. What is the name of the hospital. Listen to his speech. Did he say Peebles or Orlando Smith. This man … will be the sole entity which will destroy the BVI. Stay safe, stay well and stay away from the Foy.
COVID 19 is a highly contagious disease. Notwithstanding the report, we must be thankful that those testing positive have little to no symptoms with only one death. While more testing is important, it is the management of the pandemic that is critical and a high level of personal responsibility is foremost. We must all operate as if everyone around us is positive, thereby employing strict adherence to the protocols established and insisting that those around us do the same. This will be the key to controlling the spread of the virus while eventually fully re-opening the country and operating in the new normal COVID19 environment.
How can the navy stop the spread of a virus? Gtfoh with that colonialistic racist bs.
and while you at it, name all the churches to.
They need to check the basketball court Huntums Ghut under the tree everyday and further up past A-Value where food sell under a tree.
1500 cases. How many hospitalized? How many fatal?
Those are the numbers that actually matter.
Now how many people are loosing their livelihood?
What will the long term effects be to the economy?
Its possible. 1 positive person can infect 2-3 person. So satictics can give you that much
This nuber”1500″ is not a fact. When you read you also need to understand what you read..It’s time for the government to stop playing these fear games with the population.
This is why you learn to cope with the virus and NOT shut down and stick your head in the sand. Now you got businesses failing and the virus is out of control! St Lucia business continues while following the 3Ws.Wear a mask, Wait 6′ apart, Wash your hands! DO these things and you can control the virus!
stay home
Panic Porn. If there are that many cases and no one is sick that’s a good thing. We will all have antibodies and that’s that.
These guys killed the economy and still can’t control the virus proving lock ups don’t work!
Don’t let the American political climate impact decisions on hydroxychloroqine plus zinc plus Zpak. Been used for years even to prevent malaria.
Read Dr. Scott Atlas
or this
It is being used all over the world safely and effectively
Say it ain’t so. Two weeks lag time to see the development of complications from being infected. An estimate of 1500 unknown in the general public.
So how many clusters do we really have? This sounds like community spread
Please stop giving campaign speeches every occasion you speak. Give the facts, the numbers. By now a power point and analysis of the information instead of stumping. Would like more Covid19 related substance.
@@reply. You site a news article that was published about the same time the FDA was withdrawing their emergency authorization for the treatment of hydroxychloraqine.
This is not an American issue, and my opinion is certainly not limited to an American perspective. Indeed WHO has drawn the same conclusion as well.
Now, I know that there are plenty people who believe in hydroxychloraqine treatment for covid19, but I follow the science and read the medical literature.
As someone in the know, I would not recommend it to anyone because I have not seen it work.
Many of my scientic colleagues concur that drug will not save you and potentially kill you given in non-standard dosages and while ill from covid.
While it has been around to treat malaria and lupus for decades, it has shown not to be effective against covid in multiple studies around the world.
Now, just that u know, I speak from experience on the front lines.
You are free to take hydroxychloraqine if God forbids u became infected, and some doctor prescribe it to u, but I personally do not recommend this drug to anyone to cure or treat covid. Thats my medical opinion if u catch my drift, and I stand by my earlier position on this. For a special treat and blessing watch all the way to the end.
WH EVEN SAY THIS!!!!!!!! DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If we have 1500 cases suspected and nobody is in the hospital isnt that a good thing? It means there is no need to lock down and shut down, just keep the vulnerable persons safe.
Two things I would like to ring to your attention.
1. According the several well known virologist, CDC, WHO and other health experts asymptomatic people cannot spread the virus. This was put out since last month. ( not that technique savy, have difficulty posting site but you can check to yourself.)
2. The drug hydroxychloraquine is an approved drug to the FDA but not for this purpose. It most used on lupus patients.
NONSENSE!!! Those other places have lower numbers because they are NOT giving the real information nor are they testing as many people lately.
So I’m guessing no cruise ships next week?
And there are still only two people in the hospital. Oh such a bad virus, Not.
This is not an issue to speculating or guessing or assuming..This an issue you have to bring facts..Cant have people in panic and fear over what u think Carvin…Stop it..U seem bitter because u didnt get your way to lock the country..
that isn’t to bad, it’s mean people not doing severe symptoms
Well it certainly doesn’t help when the Premier announced that we should prepare for a lockdown and scare everyone to go out and panic shop when there was no decision made yet. He should be telling us not to panic and the stores should make sure they follow protocol. There were so many people inside of the stores on Monday. Roadtown was in a panic. All due to the Premiers statement. He contributed to much of the spreading. This is poor leadership.
{Anonymous} The navy will make sure that you keep your a** at home when the curfew is on and will also do a better job of protecting the borders, that’s what they are trained to do.
Leadership ? what leadership, everytime he comes on he goes on about god ( a fictinal char ) and then lies through his teeth and says the say buzz words over and over ” we not out the woods yet” and ” covid is not playing with us and we not playing with it” get a new script writer ffs
he is also racist against any non belonger , if people live here then they should be given the right to vote like they are given in other countries , but then this is a 4th world nation and needs to up its game to get to 3rd world status
We had this under control, like Anguilla etc. and we blew it. Still can’t believe that BVI borders were deliberately left undefended to illegal traffic after warnings. Looks like the Government were playing with Covid after all. Result will be unemployment, evictions, crime.
Why u all listening to this man using fear of covid 19 and laws and life dictation off of assumption that crazy . My people be wise stop listening to these asumers rumors them spreading. So sad what is really going on and y is no one with sense speaking up. Blind leading the blind recipient for disasters. Be careful what u help the blind to lead u to remember what is a leader . And also remember what is a fact . For it not that what that man is on the news speaking he should be sue for falsely misleading the people of BVI .
If you think you have seen the worst, brace your self. I’m not being pessimistic, I am an Optimist.
The worst is yet to come because people have become too complacent and think the virus is a joke. Unfortunately there is no where to run to,.
May God Help us all,.
You All need to stop posting Wrong News, stop the spreading of RUMORS. Your all are dropping below ****, You are losing credablity in the Publice Eyes.