BVI News

“Ayo worthless!” Rymer slams Opposition over no-confidence talk


Communications & Works Minister, Kye Rymer, has lambasted the parliamentary opposition for suggesting the government should face a motion of no-confidence over its inability to govern effectively.

Speaking in the House of Assembly recently, Rymer referenced the Opposition’s leadership fiasco that occurred immediately after the last general elections during their attempts to form a new government. He questioned who would emerge as leader if they successfully ousted the government.

“These are the [same] people that split over whatever the issues were,” Rymer stated, referring to the 2019 split of the National Democratic Party (NDP) that led to the formation of the Ronnie Skelton-led Progressive Virgin Islands Movement.

“They got time and a place for everything, and you going to tell me today’s the day you got a little freedom to talk in the ‘Other Business’ [segment of parliament] you’re going to jump up and talk about the government,” Rymer continued. “We know we in here fighting for our survival to pass these reforms. Man, ayo worthless.”

He accused the Opposition of riling up the public even as lawmakers smiled and laughed with each other after legislative debates.

“I honestly don’t believe that [no-confidence motion] should be a conversation tonight,” Rymer said, arguing that everyone’s focus should be on a looming Commission of Inquiry (COI) recommendations implementation deadline at the end of August.

“We’re going through the COI,” Rymer argued. “But now they get a chance to talk… them here talking about vote of no confidence… This is just what them people like to see. They sitting down and listening to every word. You know, we grew up knowing about this divide and conquer [strategy]… before we try to bring our people together.”

He mocked Opposition members for being in disarray even as they embarked on a proverbial job interview before the voters. “I just want the people of the territory to understand what’s going on over here with these gentlemen, because they talk about this vote of no confidence, but who will be the leader when we come out of this?”

Meanwhile, Rymer accused the Opposition of being hypocritical for criticising the current government, arguing that they (members of the current Opposition who were part of the previously governing NDP from 2011 to 2019) secured loans when they were in government but never fixed the infrastructure and other issues that they are now constantly complaining about.


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  1. BVI? says:

    Kye Rymer When is you going to stop blaming the NDP and do your job and get the roads fixed. All of you in the VIP are a set of CRY BABIES.

    Like 61
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    • Just sayin says:

      He was looking in the mirror when he said that. This vital piece of information is missing from this story

  2. ISLM says:

    The kettle calling the pot bottom black,Kye Rymer you are Worthless,

    Like 49
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  3. DAH MEK SENSE? says:


    Like 41
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  4. Cow says:

    Rymer forgot the desperation of their party was soo ridiculous that they were calling Fraser, skeleton, turnbull even Mather…ANYBODY to join them. For them, it was about numbers. The other parties were carefully trying to agree on policy and the leadership that the merging of the parties would require. That is not a bad thing. That is a good thing. Why is Rymer talking as if this was a bad thing? The bad thing was that the snake hissed her way to your crooked party to become deputy premier. Rymer has no shame because she took his appointment as deputy premier but it goes to show the desperation of the party and their mindset of numbers over policy or leadership. SHAMELESS COW!

    Like 36
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    • Anonymous says:

      Well obviously they didnt have to call anyone because Lorna offered to join the VIP when she realized that NDP wasnt giving her any position, plus she’s smarter than the whole bunch of the Opposition

      Like 3
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      • Cow says:

        @anonymous…VIP called everyone including her. The others were not as desperate as her. She took the bait without thought, like a regular snake.

        Like 7
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  5. Trouble. says:

    Sherri may join the opposition but Theo pposition cannot trust that man from #3. He waiting for the opportunity to get some power even if it means joining the VIP.

    Like 9
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  6. Styles. says:

    The only business Rhymer is in is the “blame other people business”

    You have done nothing during your times in office.

    We have the absolute worst infrastructure in the world and NOTHING is happening.

    What are you waiting for? Another downpour or tropical storm to blame?

    You are worth****.

    Like 22
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    • Well says:

      If Fraser jump Lorna should jump. She is definitely looking to be a one-termer. The best thing for her to do is don’t run again or move to the next side now.

      Like 4
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  7. Hahahhaaaa says:

    Kettle calling pot black. Sir take several seats

  8. Same S**T Different Parties says:

    Yes, the present Government cannot govern. But the opposition are no better. The BVI electorate made a big mistake in electing most of the 13 present members. To eliminate corruption at the heart of government and get the jobs that the people need doing, a whole new set of people should have stood and been elected. But, most are scared. It’s time for honest and capable people to stand and deliver for our country.

    Like 6
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  9. This Man Spewing Nonsense says:

    Here is what Hon. Rymer said: “…members of the current Opposition, who were part of the previously governing NDP from 2011 to 2019, secured loans when they were in government but never fixed the infrastructure and other issues that they are now constantly complaining about.”

    He is right but they left the money there for you. Where is the money? What have you done with it? You have not fixed the infrastructure either after being there for 5 years! I am sick and tired of the government keep pointing fingers and not offering any solutions. All of you: Please resign NOW. You are leading this country to nowhere and we deserve better.

    Like 11
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    • Resident says:

      @This man
      We have no idea where any money is because audits have not been completed for years. The fat man in Miami wanted it that way. Slowman’s fault is he hasn’t accepted that his mentor was a crook and that he needs to do things the right way.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Them already showing what going on behind closed doors out on media.

  11. Turned Off says:

    I was totally turned off by the way that man spoke. There is a time and a place for everything. In the honourable house where they represent us, the least our lawmakers should do is speak proper English.
    I don’t think that is asking too much.

    Like 10
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  12. Blame game says:

    Like chikdren fighting instead of a leader moving the country foreard in spite os move forwars not backward . Stop
    The blame game

  13. @turned off. says:

    Clearly he was rattled.And it showing. He soft. ROTFLMAO

    Like 3
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    is saying )> yo all may not like this , but am telling AL-YO THIS U- AL AIN’T WURT NUTTIN


    the chain of events that was known even before the ( COI ) we , or al lot people were aware of whats been on in this once peaceful and friendly island
    called the BVI . the greed for POWER within the NDP that triggered an Implosion/ then king DREW sence yhe weaknesses and capitalized on them by usung CLANDISTINE methods to gain yhe throne bumy using a set if PUPPETS who don’t know B from bulls foot and INTEGRITY went through the door , like – fast& FURIOUS ●¿● we were introduced to yhe cartels and now we have DRUGS – GUNS – COLDBLOODED KILLERS – AND CORRUPTION ON THE LOOSE HERE ETC and we
    have MUTUMBO hollering out to people AYO WORTHLESS / WHEN IN FACT IT SHOULD BE ( WE ALL ARE WORTHLESS ) talk on the street is – it can’t be WEED he smoking ,so some say it looks like its that white powder / hopefully not

  16. @ TURNED OFF says:

    Well first we don’t speak proper English / 2nd) the canary on the yello site spewing out hatred at the UK so we don’t need the colonialist language (according to nerd ) now you said ( HONORABLE HOUSE ) how can we use the word HONORABLE when we have yhe picture of an individual who has DISGRACED HIS COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE STILL HANGING UP IN THERE ❓️ that clearly SHOWS DISRESPECT AND LACK OF INTEGRITY , ARE THEY BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHER ❓️ and we acting like it ain’t no BIG THING , WHERE IS IUR PRIDE ❓️

  17. Maturity Please says:

    Now, if you are a Member of the highest law making body in the land, you should at least show a tad bit of maturity when speaking in public. Throwing pitchforks everytime the Opposition speaks about our dilapidated infrastructure and the neglected things in this country makes no damn sense as a blind man, blindfolded can see that the infrastructure is shot to hell and we will have a very difficult time bringing it back up.

    So the $2 million spent on a market place that clearly could have been built for $500,000 max, the mentioned CDB loan VIP met after winning the election of $65 million and the $40 million taken from Social Security Board could have replaced our Water and Sewerage pipes, fixed our roads and cut the bush pulling us out of our vehicles. Maybe your constituents who vote some of you in by landslide don’t give a damn, but this cocky don’t care attitude is tiring for the rest of us. You are the Minister of Communication and Works. Do your damn job.

    The Opposition, if they could, would have never left this country to descend in this abysmal state. Make a damn list. Start replacing pipes, ask Electricity about placing lines underground at the same time and start fixing these roads. We are not interested in hearing anything else. Please, make a damn list and do something daily. Start small. Ensure that the flooding experienced in Road Town is alleviated by using Public Works to put in proper drainage and keep the ghuts clear. Yes, we know the bars will miss the sales and daily visits, but putting Public Works to work will truly assist this country in getting back on its feet.

    And by the way, please let the taxi drivers know that you built the bus stop so that they will not block traffic on the highway in front of the post office daily, every single afternoon. Even something simple as calling the head of the Traffic Unit in the Police Force to make sure that happens you guys can’t do. A simple direction to your secretary should fix that. Wow. We are in deep **** with this crew but they use their voice during primetime to chat and throw daggers. Stop it.

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