BVI News

Big mistake! Gov’t shouldn’t have accepted COI recommendations

Myron Walwyn.

The National Unity Government made a serious error when it accepted the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report’s recommendations to be implemented with rigorous timelines through an agreed framework between itself and the United Kingdom (UK) government.

This was the view espoused by former legislator within the previous National Democratic Party (NDP) government, Myron Walwyn, when he appeared on the Talking Points show on ZBVI radio recently.

The COI report proposed that the BVI’s constitution be suspended for at least two years in the first instance, and recommended that an advisory council, led by the BVI’s governor, be instituted to govern the territory in the interim. That suspension would have meant that there would be no legislative body or elected representatives in place during that time.

But the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government joined forces with some members of the political Opposition and agreed to a way forward on how the COI recommendations could be implemented within a two-year timeline to avert that suspension.

Public should have been consulted

Walwyn said he does not agree with the approach, arguing that there should have been consultations with the public before the government settled on a decision.

The former legislator pointed out that the government of the BVI is the major driver of the economy, and said this will not change any time soon.

“So, when you make certain decisions that inhibit that ability to help our people, that, to me, is a problem. And then, to be able to accept the recommendations without coming to the people first, I think was a big mistake on the part of the government,“ Walwyn stated. 

He suggested that, in consultation with the public, a committee of the House of Assembly (HOA) should have been established instead to look at the recommendations coming out of the COI.

According to Walwyn, there was nothing that prevented the territory from coming up with counter recommendations to those proposed in the COI’s report, since the overarching goal is to have good governance, transparency, and accountability. 

The former legislator also noted that he held some concerns with how some of the agreed reforms have been implemented since being agreed upon.

You can’t bind the HOA

While making reference to the framework agreement document, Walwyn said some of the timelines in the document require HOA members to pass them.

“You cannot bind the House of Assembly, you can’t say that you’re going to do something by the 25th of some time when in fact, it is subject to the approval of the House,” Walwyn argued. “Because, on the one hand, you’re trying to protect the very same constitution, but on the other hand, you’re abrogating the value of the constitution by trying to bind the House of Assembly to almost a rubber stamp institution.”

READ: HOA not a rubber stamp, Premier insists

Walwyn, while admitting that some of the recommendations needed to happen, said he believes the territory should have gotten a Caribbean jurist of good repute who could be able to provide critical analysis of the COI report. 

He said, even though some of the COI recommendations might be good, how they were arrived at may have left some things to be desired and was not as informed as they should have been. 

“I think much greater deliberation, simply to account for the nuances in the BVI, had to be given more consideration,” Walwyn added.

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  1. Reality says:

    There was no choice, it was accept and work with the UK or the UK would do the work by itself.
    More pish and grand standing without being linked to the reality of the situation.
    Anybody can say stuff but making it work is different , yes the UK or on the deck of the ship watching but at least the BVI still has the wheel.
    Now if these people run on the assumption of not going along with the COI then as soon as elected the house will be dissolved now that’s the reality.

    Like 37
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  2. Hmm says:

    Wasn’t he part of previous administrations that were described as being dishonest?

    Like 42
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  3. UR wrong says:

    Direct rule by UK or accept CoI recommendations NOW were the choices on May 1st. No time to debate one or the other.

    Like 33
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  4. Whatever says:

    He was part of the problem.

    Like 37
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  5. Reality Check says:

    Order-in-Council!! Very disingenuous to spout that there was a choice as we all know this is just electioneering drivel.

    The BVI has no choice but to change from what was a malfunctioning autocratic system to something, hopefully, resembling democracy. We want transparency, elected officials who answer to all of the voters, and a new constitution which will ensure that happens.

    Like 26
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  6. Dove says:

    I agree with your points 100%. There should have been public consultation first. Don’t tell me that you had to rush to meet a deadline that the same UK government put on you. You have an obligation to the people who elected and you were to make that clear to UK.

    Like 6
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  7. Advice for Turks says:

    My heart bleeds for the BVI people. I lived through this same COI situation in the Turks. The UK are masters of distortion and deceit. They are good turning you against your own people who live and work with. Not because they write things in a report means that it is true or well thought out. They have an objective and they will do every thing to achieve that.
    My advice to BVI people is read and decipher things for yourself. Do not allow the UK government to spoon feed you what garbage they want to swing your mind one way or another. Watch them closely and you will see their lies and deceit start to surface.

    Like 9
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  8. @hmmm says:

    Myron is not a dishonest person so don’t come with that.

    Like 8
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  9. Phillips says:

    Sowande and his brother went and agreed to all these things without consultation with the public and the other members of the House of Assembly. We have a puppet for a Premier. Myron is spot on with his comments

    Like 8
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  10. Laura says:

    Myron, this is NOT the way to do it if you want to get back into politics.

    Instead of criticizing what is already in place, propose solutions to the raggedy a** mess the nation is still in after 50-plus years.

    We need to see progress for our hard-earned money. Progress for our children’s years of studying. Progress for a universally effective medical system for ALL.

    Like 28
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  11. Just says:

    Just one word. “WALL”. Just another word “PRISON”. People will do anything to avoid the second word. Ask the Head Coach!!

    Like 19
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  12. Think? says:

    If people saying that the unity government had no choice but to agree with all the recommendations in a short time then they are admitting that we don’t live in a democratic country. Think about it.

    Like 9
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  13. @hmmm says:

    The person that was accusing the NDP administration of being dishonest was the one who was found to be the dishonest instead. Is it still a question?

    Like 12
  14. waylox says:

    Boy go siddung!

    Like 12
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  15. The watchdog says:

    The man hate locals

    Like 5
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  16. I don't understand? says:

    I don’t understand… Why is it that anyone previously involved in or somehow benefiting from the kind of non-transparent government we have had the last 20 years disagrees with the findings of the Commission of Inquiry?

    Do they think the “wink wink”, payments-under-the-table, kick-backs system we’ve suffered is fair, or somehow democratic?

    Do they think that the rule of whim-and-fancy is somehow doing a service rather than the rule of law?

    I can’t help but feel that somebody must be worried about their income stream.

    Like 15
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  17. LOL says:

    Yeap, you all should have asked the Public. A lot of them would have loved for the UK to step in for 2 years to clean up the mess all you politicians created. Corruption, Cronyism and Victimization.

    Like 20
  18. @Advise for Turks says:

    I don’t believe you lived through the COI in the T&C.
    You’re just spouting your opposition to the COI here.

    Like 9
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  19. @@hmmm says:

    You have to be kidding!!

  20. Big man says:

    Don’t trust people walking around for years after failing to produce in elected position, chin up in the air like they some king.

  21. Vip promoted says:

    They still end up with a Vincy first lady.

    Like 5
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  22. R & R says:

    Actually, I was going to blog on another topic when the good gentleman was asked the question about him contesting next Election but I hesitated for some reasons. May I ask the question: Did the people of the British Virgin Islands really watched and listened to All the COI public Sessions? For some reason I don’t think so. If you haven’t, please, before the next election take some time and do so. I think some of the people of BVI are so high on Coke, Pepsi, or Baking Soda it aint funny. This COI should have happened three (3) decades ago. The BVI would have been soo far ahead right now, WE would have been the envy of the Caribbean. Anyone in their right mind would admit their mistakes and move ahead. One cannot move ahead if first they don’t or won’t accept their mistakes. The BVI like other Regional and International Countries has become a very corrupt Territory and didn’t happen yesterday. If WE are really honest with ourselves and want to do right by our younger generations, Let us All take a good look in our mirrors, truly confess our faults, ask for forgiveness and live clean hereafter. It is not business as usual and it will NEVER be Business as usual. This was the first COI for the BVI BUT it won’t be the last.. Mark my words. The UK is not our Enemy. There is a saying: If there is no enemy inside, the Enemy outside cannot harm us. 20/20 Vision.

    Like 12
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  23. Boss says:

    Boss, if de COI neva cum we wouldah newar no how Corrupt sum ah ay yah war boss. We well glass dem revealed all ah yah worthlessness. (1) De WALL u
    (2) De PLANE de other one wid u (3) and i could go on and on and on… so siddown n shutup!!! Boss

    Like 7
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  24. fnrn says:

    not dishonest . . . apart from that wall right?!

    Like 3
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  25. Better Believe... says:

    We still not voting for you next election.

    Like 7
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  26. Look says:

    All this COI drama is the doing of the ex-premier who stuck his hand in Pandora’s box. He was the one who called for the COI on NDP saying they were corrupt and it backfired on him big time.He created problems with the ex-Governor. I don’t know if many people saw this but, the day the ex-Governor departed the Territory and the ex-premier went to the airport looking like a street bum, the ex-Governor walked onto the plane like a distinguished gentle man and when he turned around to wave goodbye, that look on his face said, I GOT YOU NOW

    Like 3
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  27. ccc says:

    Mvw is against the coi report because he loves co****tion and is against transparency

    People like he should never get near our house of assembly again!

    Like 2
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  28. Nope! says:

    Don’t blame the Unity Gov! Remember it was his brother. The premier even thanked him.

  29. Hey says:

    MyRun, just HUSH.

  30. Shakeema says:

    Walwyn is confused.

    If his former NDP Government has nothing to hide, then why oppose the COI recommendations? Is he also covering for the wrongs committed by the current VIP Administration.

    I like Walwyn…but his position on this matter is overly defensive.

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