BVI News

Big plans for sister islands airports! Night flights to Anegada coming

The Captain Auguste George International Airport is located on Anegada.

Residents can expect more flights through Virgin Gorda and Anegada airports because of rehabilitation works being done by the government as it prepares for the upcoming tourist season.

According to Premier Andrew Fahie, the beautification and rehabilitation project at the Taddy Bay International Airport on Virgin Gorda should be completed by Thanksgiving, which will be celebrated on November 25 this year.

“By next Friday (October 15), rehabilitative work will begin on the airport on Virgin Gorda. Works will commence on the airstrip and improvements made to existing facilities,” Fahie said at a press conference last Friday.

The Premier added that plans are being discussed to begin the construction of a COVID testing facility at the Virgin Gorda-based airport to accommodate the smooth arrival of passengers.

Anegada Airport

In addition to a seaport, Anegada is expected to see new arrivals at the Auguste George International Airport on Anegada.

“The BVI Airports Authority has advised that following a recent inspection by regulators Air Safety Support International (ASSI), the green light was given to allow night-time operations into the Captain Auguste George Airport,” Premier Fahie said.

Night-time flights to Anegada starts next month

The approval comes after lights were recently installed on the runway for night-time air traffic. Arrivals, according to the Premier, is expected to begin on November 1, 2021, once all the requirements set by ASSI are satisfactorily met.

A backup generator will also be installed at the airport. Fahie said the generator was already ordered and it is expected to arrive on the island by the end of this week.

Meanwhile, plans to extend the runway at the Terrance B Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island will take some time in the farther future.

Fahie said extension plans, along with discussions being held with American Airlines to enhance the territories airlift capacity, will take up to three years to be completed.

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  1. Night Flyer says:

    They have had night flights for years we all know that.

    Like 17
    • Pilot says:

      Exactly my point. Flights have been landing there in Anegada for years. why do they always try and fool the poor people?

  2. Observer says:

    If they block your ‘logistical’ access over water, you you pass an amendment to open an airport which is not being monitored. Well done!

  3. Reef man. says:

    There have been regular night flights to Anegada for years…. They just don’t land 😉

    Like 19
  4. These are Plans? says:

    A generator is the only ” improvement ” that was mentioned for Anegada. I bet you that the new generator will not be sent; instead, as usual an old broken down one will. What happened to a Covid testing system on Anegada, and all of the beautification of the airport like you are planning for the other 2 airports? Every day your “Health Minister ” is preaching about being “Vigilant” .Is neglecting to construct a Covid testing site on Anegada being “Vigilant”??

  5. negatively speaking says:

    Anegada will now be a hub for drugs

    Like 12
    • Jim says:

      Yup. Exactly.

      The government’s third pillar of the economy, drugs and smuggling, has been crippled this past year and a half. New revenue streams must be created to allow the smugglers to bring in their product. What better way than an airport with night access? No customs, no police, no problem!

      Like 13
    • Anonymous says:

      Again? I’m told it already is …..

  6. Hmm says:

    Why is this Gov so last min… tourist season is ipon us and they wait until now to begin work??

  7. Windy says:

    Thanks for the notification of a new generator in Anegada. We’ll see how long it takes to be stolen.

  8. LOVING BVI says:

    ‘Residents can expect more flights through Virgin Gorda and Anegada airports because of rehabilitation works being done by the government as it prepares for the upcoming tourist season.’

    My government is finally getting in track

    Dislike 11
  9. ngd man says:

    Anegada has had the ability for night flights for years. where do you people get your information from?

  10. BuzzBvi says:

    They are just words more words. That also most likely will cost us just more money, more money.

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