BVI News

BVI falling behind? USVI named fastest growing tourist destination

A section of the neighbouring US Virgin Islands. (Photo Credit:

As the BVI continues to resuscitate its tourism industry which took a massive hit during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, recent statistics are showing that the neighbouring US Virgin Islands (USVI) is the fastest growing destination in the Caribbean right now.

“The US Virgin Islands has seen a 44 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019 — a growth rate no other destination has managed to match,” said a report from Caribbean Journal — a leading publication for regional tourist destinations.

The report also said the USVI’s growth began during the pandemic and is due to factors such as “expert tourism management and a flexible travel health policy”.

A look next door to the BVI shows that tourism is one of the British Overseas Territory’s main economic pillars. But at the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the territory’s tourism numbers dropped drastically because of the stringent measures the government announced for travellers in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus in the community.

At that time, there were many calls for the rules to be relaxed but the Andrew Fahie-led government was adamant that the rules would remain in place.

As a result, the BVI lost many day-trippers, land tourists and yachters to countries like the USVI that had more favourable COVID-19 policies.

In addition to those factors, there are questions floating as to whether the BVI’s tourism is suffering a fallout from the recent arrest of former Premier Fahie who remains confined to a Miami apartment as he awaits trial in the United States for drug and money laundering charges.

There are also those who’ve posited that the government is distracted with implementing the recommended Commission of Inquiry reforms and doesn’t have time to focus on reviving the tourism industry.

Meanwhile, Premier Wheatley recently revealed that the government is looking at relaxing measures to make it easier for some boaters to travel between the USVI and the BVI.

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  1. Smh says:

    We were warned by one politician last election. I remember Myron saying that the USVI is eating our lunch and he went on to explain in tourism terms what he meant. The next day Claude, VINo and all the other selfish politicians branded him as divisive etc. Lookeee here. We don’t take things seriously in the BVI. Everything is seen in political terms and politicians lack the ability to look beyond colour and see country. The USVI has gobbled up the spoils from our continuous lack of attention to the tourism industry.

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  2. @smh says:

    Bulls**t! The greed of those in high positions namely the administration and it’s leadership were the culprits those enabling the downfall of the tourism impact within the BVI. Look at those ridiculous fees just to visit and exit the Territory. Don’t talk about the shut down entry requirements during the Pandemic. So past and present Administration contributed to our demise not the USVI. If they all weren’t into being so arrogant and puffed up with Power in their selfish NEEDS the BVI will also be prosperous. Stop with the Shinanigans and focus on building the BVI instead of ALL this mouthing off for the camera. It ain’t beffiting or beneficial to the Territory or the People.

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  3. Passport needed says:

    The main reason is you don’t need a passport.

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  4. Tome says:

    Really not surprise, the place stink in everyway possible

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  5. Anonymous says:

    you still cannot sail a charter yacht from STT into the BVI without the vessel being registered in the BVI, this did not happen before Covid, this is the problem, there is nothing else to look at.

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  6. Land & Sea says:

    are the only 2 tourist attractions in the BVI. Sea tourism is portable like yachts and cruise ships. Land tourism is fixed like hotels and villas. During the pandemic the sea tourism assets moved to other islands, notably St. Thomas. Land tourism suffered due to all the Covid restrictions.

    Covid is temporarily under control so land tourism in the BVI may revive but it will take the remainder of this decade. The segment of sea tourism that moved out of the BVI is gone forever.

    Like 17
  7. Hotelier says:

    The two main factors are the lack of transportation and the appalling way we treat our tourists.
    People book to come to BVI then cancel when they see the difficulty and cost of getting here. Airlines have few flights, they cancel them too frequently and the prices are crazy. Its more to come the last 100 miles than the first 2000.
    Then when the tourists arrive we demand that they stand in lines , ( while residents etc are given priority ) , pay numerous taxes, and kow tow to the too often unsmiling gestapo in immigration and customs. And if you think they have forgotten the disgraceful bullying by the former head of Customs and his cohorts, you are wrong. Armed raids at dawn, people arrested for straying over unmarked border lines. These stories do the rounds.

    We are better than the USVI , but the average tourist wants , sun, sand, a welcome and an easy ride and the USVI has all that. And we only have some of it.

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  8. Hmmm says:

    Falling? The BVI is WAY BEHIND!!!!!!!

    Like 21
  9. Rubber Chicken says:

    I keep telling y’all, that we need to join with the USVI. The proof is in the pudding and the eating. The USVI is doing better economically then this big old financial center and there is nothing we can do about it, because our politicians and leaders in the civil service are too busy finding ways to block innovation.

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  10. Trevor says:

    This and the general draconian handling of the sector by public officials who do not know, nor care to know, the yachting industry.

    Like 18
  11. UKM says:

    @ Land & Sea, The USVI tried to capture the charter business but if they don’t sail into the BVI there is no good sailing for their guest. The USVI boats were coming into the BVI picking up charters from hotels and villes, taking work away from us, I agree if they want to do that they should be licenced in the BVI, what I don’t agree with is the fines the BVI were passing out at the beginning of last season,if boats are registered in the USVI and they are bringing their guest into the BVI I don’t agree that they should be registered in the BVI. The BVI and the USVI have been good friends for years and the last two government’s have made a mess of that. It’s time we start working with each other because we need each other.

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  12. The Answer says:

    BVI showed it’s true colors post hurricane. As a bareboat charter captain who visited BVI’s for 20 years, I can say it’s the attitude of many BV Islander and their hatred and resentment of whitey.
    The racism in Tola and VG were blatant and in your face…….not to mention the gestapo at the docks.
    We’ve discovered new, friendlier cruising grounds that actually want our business.
    You’re immigration folks all need to be replaced ASAP. See ya (probably not).

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  13. @ says:

    The BVI is just its own worse enemy. Politicians here would like you to believe its everyone else’s fault why things are not good.

    If jealousy was a destination, BVI would be it.

    We have had incompetent leaders for far too long. Including some of the heads of departments who are just yes men and women.

    USVI ain’t eating no one’s lunch but it’s own. As is every other Caribbean destination. If you are vex about the amount of tourists STT getting .. you don’t want to see places like St.Kitts

    All these other destinations have more to do on land, more hotel space, and more airlift – why are you comparing yourself to them????

    People get that silly cop-out of an idea of STT eating their lunch when they personally sit in STT airport amazed by the number of people and the ambiance of the music, shopping, dancers, and basically, all USVI has to offer.

    Listen, while you sit in STT airport – only one boatload of people MIGHT have came from Tortola to catch flights. The rest of those people filling that airport were in vacation in STT.

    The reality is BVI is a boutique destination and we just struggle to figure out how to appeal to new tourists. We want large cruise ships but have very little for the loads of people to do. Like really — tell me about a major attraction on Tortola that can compete with attractions in STT. Look at STT Mainstreet compare to Tortola Mainstreet. Hardly anything attractive enough to get them off the ship.

    We cannot even figure out how to ease the cost of getting to BVI which also is a growing challenge.

    BVI just needs to get the government system and people cleaned up and stop worrying about STT.

    Like 28
  14. chak. says:

    first thing you have to see is the road from the airport to the different marina…it is unsafe to drive in tortola just check east end and you will see what I am talking.

  15. islandguy says:

    People read. This is no longer the 1980s where dirty laundry can be aired and no one outside of the BVI/USVI would know. Political corruption, drugs, corruption in the police force, guns, greed, and infighting are now common knowledge to anyone that has access to the internet. Instead of building on the beauty that God gave this island, people chose to chase the ever elusive money grab. I keep waiting for some honest, political savior to appear and grab the people of the island and show them what they have and what they could have if only they would get out of their own way. In the mean time they can just sit back, bicker, sell drugs and guns, and watch as the USVI eats their economic lunch.

  16. Vision says:

    We need a strong and knowledgeable Managing Director and board. When we are going to target Puerto Ricans for tourists. People who come here with their food beers and live in their boats and beaches you know that there is no vision in the tourist board.

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  17. @ @ SMH says:


  18. Home boy says:

    Could it be the USVI have better leadership , than us,there tourists dept is second to none.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Well, said.

  20. insight says:


  21. Show me the Vision says:

    The industry lacks vision, plain and simple.

    As a territory, we don’t know what we are about or what we want when it comes to tourism.

    So let’s stop minding our neighbour business and figure out and focus on our own.

    There is no doubt, the market is there, we just need to figure out our target and get cracking!

  22. Chartah Captain says:

    The BVI killed the USVI to BVI charter industry by your own greedy actions. Now your taxes, beach bars, tourist destinations and restaurants are dying a nice slow death. Soon the USVI will kill the BVI day charter industry by enforcing the same dumb rules that the BVI put in place, but this time it will be the BVI boats getting business licenses and paying taxes to the USVI. The BVI Government is so short sighted that they didn’t even recognize that day charter tourists may actually want to come back and stay in the BVI after being there. Of course after they experience the 2 hour customs and immigration delays and rude treatment, there’s not much chance of that. Now I point and laugh at you as I take tourists to the fabulous St John beaches. You dumb BVI… so dumb. Haha Good luck to you!

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  23. Terry says:

    So where is the surprise ? BVI has done everything humanly possible to chase tourists away. Too many rules and regulations that are poorly applied and outragous costs. Let’s not even talk about about the worldwide reputation with the attitude and poor service of our Customs and Immigration officers….disgusting.

  24. winston says:

    Simple. Customs have killed the reputation of the BVI.

  25. USVI says:

    Told you were were killing it the past couple of years. Thanks BVI for the tourists!

  26. ..... says:

    Being hostile to tourists and local businesses that bring them in will generate less tourism. Not a headliner.

    Is the drug trafficking revenue decreasing? Is that why concerns for alternative revenue has peaked interest?

  27. Norris Turnbull. says:

    St.Thomas stink too. I was there last week. No cruise ship. Down rown was ghost. Six jewelery shop open. Taxi men bawlin. Talk dat.

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  28. Shem says:

    It was never in front ,always behind , cannot ever be compared to stt. Cuz u all to selffish .too narrow minded and greed .

  29. Onepeople says:

    This weekend is USVI BVI Friendship day celebrations. Stop spewing division between us. We are one big family. Do not spread no hate between us, we don’t have it. When we were hungry in the 30’s they fed us. When they had need for food, we fed them. Let our relationships be in peace. We are good at mending faults and errors. We don’t need you who just come to incite division which has always been your game. Stop it!

  30. Strupes says:

    What nonsense you talking. Like everywhere else tourist has to stand in the line and if you are a resident you are allowed to come through first. St. Thomas is US based and therefore is more Hassel free for Americans to visit.

  31. IslandSon says:

    Lets ease up the restrictions for Yachts coming into the BVI please. Make it easy and fun and they will come. Get ready for a busy season.

  32. Clean it up BVI says:

    Clean up the place! We all have suffered a lot the past five years. Now it is time to get up and make the BVI great again. Get rid of the still hurricane damaged vehicles, boats, bent poles, etc. Build better docks with railings and lighting. Have good information and signage about the visiting anchorages. Regulate the taxi fares. Greet and treat the visitors like you would like to be treated on holiday. Remove the illegal vendors squatting and building junky looking businesses. Stop giving them permits to operate illegally and turning our communities into dumpy looking places. Everyone should get involved with the leaders taking first charge. It is not too late. BVI is still a great destination. We all need to do our part. Again…with the leaders taking first charge. We can still be proud of this beautiful country. We just need to clean it up and learn from the mistakes. And soon…we still have a chance to improve with support of the Gov if they wake up. .

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  33. Concerned says:

    And don’t forget the boarding of vessels in the early morning with gun’s. If they had a problem with regulations not followed it could have been handled in a civil manner with the vessel-owners. Bullying our visitors!

  34. You know why says:

    When BVI was locked down a lot of charter companies opened bases in St. Thomas. They were not totally locked down and tourist still used to be there in 2020 and with the BVI based charter companies diverting their clients over there to their new base, you can only guess why they having so much tourism and growing fast. It because of some foolish decisions being implemented over here in 2020.

  35. @ Norris says:

    Well they had charter guests, lots.

  36. Oh well says:

    BVI cheapened their once glorious tourist product. Cruise shits have made their deposit and chased the better quality, longer term overnight visitors away. Ask any hotel or villa, high season is February, after that, plenty of vacancies. Not long ago reservations were made at least 6 months out. Since the cruise ships, pretty easy to show up and find a place, even haggle the price.

  37. @Hotelier says:

    You are 100% on point.
    1. This country needs proper airlift.
    2. The leadership of the BVI are it’s biggest downfall period.

    It’s greed that got us here in the first place. The criminal political leaders and their cronies rape the BVI over the years, they have absolutely no pride or self esteem. We the people are to be blamed for this as well, because we are the ones that put them in power and leave them unchecked.

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