BVI records its fifth confirmed case of COVID-19

The British Virgin Islands has recorded yet another confirmed case of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19); bringing the total number of cases the territory has seen to five.
This latest confirmed case was tested among 21 other new samples that were sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad for testing. Those other 21 samples returned with negative results.
Premier Andrew Fahie announced during a national broadcast Sunday evening, April 19 that Patient Number-five is now in isolation at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital in Road Town.
He reported that the patient contracted the disease after coming in contact with the COVID-19 patient who died while receiving treatment at the said medical facility on Friday.
CARPHA also officially confirmed that her death was coronavirus-related.
Persons experiencing any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms such as coughing are urged to contact the territory’s medical hotline at 284-852-7650.
In a bit of more positive news, Premier Fahie said the first three patients that had tested positive for COVID-19 in the BVI have all officially recovered.
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Yep, the more test that are carried out, the more positive results will occur. The crazy thing is, if you carried out the same (RT-PCR) tests in 2018, 2017 you would get positive results. It does not test for the virus SARS-CoV-2 or for the condition COVID-19.
Thank you
You seem like one if the awaken ones
I suspect you are misinformed. If the test were for a previous disease, why COVID-19. I am willing to be convinced, but do you have a reputable source, or is this an internet hand-me-down?
“thoughtful sailor” IS an A**!
Getting from bad to worse. And the fact that those people does from her apartment and we have not heard anything about them,is very worrying. Apparently, a boy was picked up by the authorities.Sad to think of how many people could have come in contact with her
That test that is being used for CODVID 19 is a respiority test. There is NOT a test for codvid nor a vaccine!!
Soo why yall ain’t say the race of this person?!?
I personally feel the the 4 case was racially profiled!! may she rest in peace!!
Who gives a s–t what you think!
The BVI needs to ramp up testing IMMEDIATELY!!! We have no idea how bad this situation is without statistics showing how many people have tested positive and needs to be heavily quarantined!!! PLEASE ORDER MORE TESTS!!!!
I agree completely
Did you and your family go to take the test
Until you need to shut yo trap we don’t need to be in the world’s race of highlighting fear
A major symptom of COVID-19 is the loss of smell and taste…some people don’t have coughing…so please can y’all report that too
World Health Organization:
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough.
Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea.
These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don’t feel unwell.
Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment.
Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing.
Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.
What does this sentence mean…
“He reported that the patient contracted the disease after coming in contact with the COVID-19 patient who died while receiving treatment at the said medical facility on Friday.”
The patient died Saturday morning not Friday.
So, is it saying that the person who is now positive came in contact with the patient on Friday?
Them say that yo sh$t out your guts also, ah true? Me barely ah nyam since a hospital cleaner say that in my apartment complex, she said yo sh$t turns green just before you kick the bucket.
Please can someone tell me if this ah true.
People say ah lot of things can cure Covid19, what about Obeah has anyone thought about trying that? I just want to know, I am so scared, I don’t even want to go to the toilet nor bathed.
Most healthy people do not die of Covid 19 or even have very bad symptoms if they do catch it. People in danger are the old and frail , those with heart and lung conditions, the obese and diabetics and asthma sufferers.
Everyone should avoid catching it but do not make yourself ill worrying about it.
Remember our first 3 cases have recovered without having had really bad symptoms.
Dr. Etienne from PAHO last week projected increases in both confirmed cases and deaths in the Caribbean region. At the time of this projection, the BVI had 3 confirmed cases. Though the low number of cases is reassuring, it can present a false sense of safety and security. To decrease this false economy, it (BVI) must conduct more testing to get a truer representation(approximation) of how many people are infected, have had the disease, number of people that are asymptomatic ………etc.
Armed with this data puts the government in a better position to manage the pandemic. The 24-hour lockdown should have been used to develop goals and objectives, strategies and tactics……..etc to chart the way forward in managing this pandemic. There are no reliable treatment protocols or cure or vaccine for the disease so the VI must manage this pandemic within these realities. The territory must emerge out of lockdown (cannot stay lockdown for an extended period), balancing economy vs public health and safety. Testing, testing, testing! Fellow Virgin Islanders and residents, be safe and stay safe.
Continuing…….the UK should help the VI, along with the other 13 OTs, with testing. Extensive testing and resulting data will provide government with a higher level of confidence in making decisions.
This Covid-19, an easily spreadable and deadly disease, has been raging across the globe for months. What has the UK done to help the VI, an OT and an emerging locale? Several weeks ago, Government requested help from the UK on income for displaced workers as a result of Covid-19. IMO the response thus far has been lukewarm at best.
In a diplomatic way, the VI was told to go pack sand, ie, the Consolidated Fund is healthy and Social Security has a robust trust fund. Some of us are disingenuous calling on social security to provide unemployment insurance when we know full well that it was not in the Social Security Act. If we want it included the HOA would have to amend the Act and fees will have to be increased. An actuary will have to be engaged to develop the fee per individual. IMO unemployment insurance should fall under the Dept of Labour and Workforce Development.
who the h…k is dr etienne , dem have a book to know when someone time up? stop with this fraught ….but what the “AUTHORITIES” predict them only spreading fear .
@Dear Father, you have the right to avoid the professional advice of doctors and scientists at your own peril but you don’t have the right to put other lives in danger. Who is Dr. Etienne? You don’t have to listen to Dr, Etienne but do you dispute the fact that globally there are over 2.4 M confirmed Covid-19 cases and over 168K deaths? Further, do you listen to hurricane forecasters? Do you go to doctors?
Indeed,“Testing, testing, testing!” All the experts around the globe are emphasizing testing as the key action needed for a locale to get its arms around the Covid-19 problem until treatments, a cure and a vaccine are available. Without widespread testing, locales would be operating blind and in the dark. Agree that the UK should be a strong partner with the VI in testing.
Real talk. The BVI must developed a strategic and proactive plan that prevents it from having to react to every Covid-19 positive test. Also the community must be cooperate to ensure that the plan works.
Lacking reliable and consistent treatment protocols or a cure or a vaccine, the best management practice to mitigate the virus is prevention, ie, social distancing, closing the border, lockdown……etc. As a result of the pandemic, coupled with these best management practices, the economy has hit the doldrums. Except for supermarkets, economic activity has significantly stalled. Hundreds of people are without an income, business activity at nought and government revenue concerningly diminishing.
Moreover, though the strong prevention measures kept the confirmed cases low(albeit low testing), action(s) must be taken to emerge out of the economic doldrums and cocoon. The territory cannot stay lockdown. Faced with the harsh realities of the pandemic, it must take actions to approach some level of normalcy. A new normal will emerge. Be safe y’all!
Was any information shared as to whether those persons that left the building where the deceased resided were located?
Also, since the results were returned as negative for people that lived in that building or came into contact with the deceased, are those persons who are considered essential workers now allowed to move around?
Please note that many of the staff that work at supermarkets and live in that building are at work.
Why was that lady turned down?… Why did they not take her serious?… Some would say if they had taken her seriously she would be alive… The hospital should look out.
WTH! Are you for real? Are you an idiot or a retard? You’ll soon drop dead from constipation if your stinking stench don’t kill you first.
Fools die for the lack of knowledge, take your lazy A$$ and go read a book.