BVI News

BVIEC estimating bills after ransomware hack

General Manager of the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) Dr Neil Smith.

The BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) has been forced to estimate customer bills following a devastating ransomware attack that disrupted its operations earlier this week. The attack compromised BVIEC’s systems, leaving the organisation scrambling to restore full functionality while ensuring customers remain connected to their electricity supply.

Dr Neil Smith, General Manager of BVIEC, told ZBVI Radio that although the corporation had previously fended off several cyber-attacks, this recent incident penetrated their defences.

The attack, identified as ransomware, involved malicious software that encrypts an organisation’s data, making it inaccessible, and then demands a ransom to restore access.

The attack has severely hampered BVIEC’s ability to manage its operations digitally. Dr. Smith noted that the corporation had to disconnect all systems as a precautionary measure to prevent further damage. “What we’re looking for is to get the system back to the state of efficiency it was before—where people can make online payments, where we can read your meters remotely,” he said.

In the interim, BVIEC has been estimating bills based on previous usage and encouraging customers to visit the customer service centre to pay their bills.

Just be patient

Dr Smith advised, “Just be patient… if you have an old bill, you come in, and then we’ll calculate your new bill based on that. So that when we get the system back, if we have credit for you, we’ll give you credit. If we didn’t charge you how much you used, then we will make that adjustment.”

Despite the setback, Dr Smith emphasised that customers should continue making regular payments to avoid disconnection, even though online payment options are temporarily unavailable.

“A lot of people are used to making online payments. You wouldn’t be able to do that for at least a couple of days. Just come into the office, go to customer service, they’ll calculate a bill for you, and you’re going to make the payment,” he added.

As of now, the identity of the attackers remains unknown, and negotiations with the cybercriminals are ongoing. Dr Smith compared the situation to a form of terrorism, where communication with the attackers leads to demands, typically for financial compensation. However, he stressed that BVIEC is working diligently to resolve the issue without compromising the security and integrity of the organisation.

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  1. Top Jimmy says:

    What personal information did they get access to? Do we need to take any steps to protect ourselves? More information and guidance is required here!

  2. woah says:

    Sounds like they just robbing people now in excuse of their blunder.

    Like 7
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  3. resident says:

    This is unacceptable, they need to get rid of whoever heads their i.t team

    Like 4
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    • Process says:

      Cyber threats are inevitable. It is what is done next to address the current threat, and to strengthen the security posture going forward that will judge the leadership competency. Be patient for findings, then assess the leadership.

      Like 13
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  4. LOL says:

    The headline should read “CAT LEAVES BAG!”

    They BEEEEEM guestimating our bills…Everything in this place is going to shit. We are NOT ready for primetime.

    Here we have a major issue and our solution is to estimate bills and pack people like sardines up at Long Bush?

    Like 4
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  5. Non-negotiable says:

    “… and negotiations with the cybercriminals are ongoing.”

    Do not negotiate with terrorists.

    You will pay them, they restore you, and then bam, couple weeks later, they take you out again and demand more ransom money.

    Like 13
  6. What if says:

    What if you are not in the Country, how do you visit the centre to pay your bill…?

    Was our data compromised, who has it now…?

    Like 9
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  7. Welsaw says:

    Them want us to come and pay or put money bill but you don’t know what the current bill is. Them can’t estimate what we must pay correctly. What if this problem takes a very long time to resolve what now. Lastly, BVIEC should not be disconnecting no one at all during this time.

    Like 11
  8. SO says:

    Do we have to walk with our last receipt ? . OR BILL

  9. BuzzBvi says:

    Oh dear. Hope they get this sorted out.

  10. @ WHAT IF says:

    If you are out of the country n, then you won’t need our electricity , we do , so you are safe

  11. Eagle says:

    How are you going to calculate based on the old bill? Don’t electricy back up their system?

    If I am away on vacation and not at home how in the world you are going to use my old bill to estimate my usage when no one is there.

  12. @ EAGLE says:

    OK you make a lot of sense , SO how is going to be done ❓️ please enlighten US

  13. Hmm says:

    But estimate you say. I was paying 115 then last month it jumped to o 153 and same appliances and load surge I using nothing was added.

    • @Hmmm says:

      Well, my home has been empty for the last 2 years and each month my bill has increased. The fuel consumption is more than the electricity i am purported to have used. I really don’t understand how BVIEC tabulates their monthly bills. I’ve been using their online portal to make payments, however after learning what has transpired, i notified my banks and asked that both cards be reissued. I can’t afford to lose my hard earned money. Hopefully, when this present drama they are experiencing is over and everything is rectified, our bills can be normalised and we pay for what we actually used not a percentage of the cost of what they paid for fuel because that aint right. I wish they can be honest with their customers and advise if our data has been compromised instead of pussy footing around the issue.

  14. Estimate??! says:

    Estimate my bill? When I don’t still have electricity since ernesto! G.Y.M.S. Estimate your moma milage…

    Like 2
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  15. Dr Lee says:

    Can one pay an estimate via Republic Bank utility bills section
    Which has bVIEC listed ? They could not expect everyone to go
    In person queues would be very long indeed let alone impossible for people overseas ! So far no reply from customer service support. I hope they put customers welfare first

  16. Mail says:

    I gone “foreign” for a lil while.
    What is the mailing address for payment?

  17. That was easy says:

    I am in serious awww and shock at how easy it was to compromise a whole corporation, institution here in the BVI. This should not be and measures need to be taken to mitigate and prevent this in any future events.

  18. Anonymous says:

    estimate like seriously as for as i see all im working for is paying bills smh

  19. @that was easy says:

    I said the same thing. A little too easy!

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