BVI News

BVIHSA to get portion of $100M loan, Premier says

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr Natalio Wheatley has announced that a portion of the one-hundred-million-dollar loan his government intends to borrow will be allocated to the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA).

This announcement comes amid growing public concerns about the urgent need for improved healthcare services on the territory’s sister islands, particularly Virgin Gorda.

“About $4 million will be going to the HSA, but I don’t want people to get confused because through our regular budgetary process, we have made about $40 million available to the HSA for their operations,” the Premier stated.

Dr Wheatley emphasised that healthcare challenges can significantly impact any economy and suggested that the issue of financial sustainability needs to be addressed. He also acknowledged the necessity for better-equipped clinics on the outer islands, including Virgin Gorda and Anegada, assuring the public that the government is committed to addressing healthcare needs across the territory.

Meanwhile, during a House of Assembly (HOA) session last Thursday, September 26, Health Minister Vincent Wheatley expressed his long-held anticipation for the $100-million loan.

Minister Wheatley noted that the funds would be used to create proper signage for the Dr. Orlando Smith Hospital and to make necessary repairs at the Nurse Iris O’Neal Clinic in Virgin Gorda. He added that he had previously compiled a list of priorities for last year’s budget cycle upon first learning about the loan.

“It was not my decision to have this funding in the loan, but the powers that be who control the finances, I guess they thought it prudent to put that funding in the loan,” Minister Wheatley explained. “Be that as it may, money is money.”


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  1. AND says:


  2. controversial says:

    but in the standing finance report it says that it costs $60m to run the hospital and clinics….so who telling the truth????

  3. The Usurper says:

    Oh for BVIHSA it’s not going to any employee raise. The portion of money from the loan is LITERALLY to pay out the MULTITUDE of lawsuits coming down the pipeline. They will not improve infrastructure at all.

  4. Wait a minute says:

    Here is what was reported earlier this week regarding Mr. Wheatley’s apportionment of the $ 100 m loan on this site: 54m for infrastructure, water and sewerage (including 38 m road repairs, plus 3.9m for sewerage in CGB, 7.5 m for same in Long Look plus $ 8m for water issues, which adds up to more than the budgeted amount but set that aside for now), 31m building repairs, 6.5m home ownership, 8 m loan renegotiation. That only leaves $ 0.5 m for anything else. That’s not even remotely close to addressing BVIHSA financial needs. So, what gets cut?

    Doesn’t seem like there was ever any kind of meeting to list the Territory’s major projects, ascribe costs to them, and determine priorities. In other words, same old same old. Make it up as you go along and hope no one answers questions that will force duplicitous answers.

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