BVI News

BVI’s COVID death toll up to 17

The COVID-19 death toll in the BVI is still rising.

At 5 pm on Sunday, July 18, the Ministry of Health confirmed three more COVID-related deaths; bringing the total number of deaths in the territory to 17.

The latest deceased persons are three men; ages 45, 49, and 39 — all of whom died on Saturday at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital.

Meanwhile, as of July 15th, confirmed active cases had fallen to 1,596 due to recoveries.

“We will spare no cost, no effort or no time to get whatever we need to stabilise this condition and return to the Virgin Islands that we know, the Virgin Islands that we love,” Health Minister Carvin Malone has said.

He further committed to continue to do all that is in his power, no matter the challenge, to get the BVI safely out of this sphere.

Reduce your risk of contracting COVID by washing and/or sanitising your hands for at least 20 seconds, wearing masks properly, physically distancing (greater than three feet) and covering coughs and sneezes regardless of your vaccination status.

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  1. Hmm says:

    Sad..but question are the positive cases still rising or do you have it under control by now?

  2. ??? says:


  3. Eagle Eye ?. says:

    Just letting you know the death count is up to 19 sadly. People go and get yourself vaccinated.

    Like 12
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  4. Condolences says:

    to all surviving family members. May they rip.

    People note the ages of these folks who have died recently. They are mostly young and unvaccinated.

    Unvaccinated people are driving the pandemic at this point not just here in the BVI but around the globe. Most of these folks are more likely being infected by the more highly contagious and deadly delta variant.

    Death, severe illness, and hospitalizations are preventable at this point with vaccination.
    Don’t let covid take you out. Fight back. Tell covid to go to h**l. Protect yourselves by becoming vaccinated.

    Like 18
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    • @ Condolences says:

      I would also like to express my condolences to the families that have lost a love one.
      And ask that people like you to stop throwing blame on the people that are not vaccinated. What are you guys really trying to do start a war between the inoculated and unvaccinated.
      At this point and time you are you are just stirring up an ants nest. And your efforts are USELESS. Since people throughout the World still have the RIGHT & FREEDOM to chose what they feel is best for their health.

      Like 7
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      • Condolences says:

        “And ask that people like you to stop throwing blame on the people that are not vaccinated.”
        Stop being ignorant and defensive and downright stupid. What you are saying is devoid of facts and flies in the face of science. I don’t have time for people like yourself who are not receptive to facts and the realities of covid.

        Choosing not to get protected against covid would be your choice to have become terrible ill or die from an infection that was preventable.

        There are some people in this world like you who would take stupid positions on issues even if such positions results in their deaths just to make a point about their “freedom”.

        I know many people like yourself with your mindset who died of covid, some wishing they had gotten vaccinated. Don’t be foolish….educate yourself before it’s too late.

        In life, we all at one point made stupid choices. Im going to tell you up front: to try to go thru this life without protection against covid when there is a vaccine that can prevent you from becoming very sick or dying is stupid.

        Now, I did not post to try to reach out to people like you. People like you are hopeless, and you will learn the hard way about the risk you are taking going unvaccinated.

        You do as you please. If you die from covid, it was your choice to die that way.

        You want to frame this discussion about “freedom to choose what’s best for their health”, but understand this, that freedom you wish to express may very well results in your death and that of others.

        Let me ask: What is best for your health by remaining unvaccinated in a world where a virus is killing people each day? I’m curios, but as far as I am concern you are just full of it.

        No one is trying to force you to take anything. I strongly recommend people protect themselves thru vaccination from covid, but if you personally wish to express your so called choice, by all means remain unvaccinated.

        All the best. Trust when I say I will not be loosing any sleep over your decision.

        If God forbid you contract covid and die of it, just remember when you get ill, it was your own darn fault due to a stupid choice.

        Carry on.

        Like 14
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      • Abysmal says:

        It’s fine if you choose to risk death over life. However, there are persons who cannot vaccinate for health reasons or age issues that you put at risk by not vaccinating. There are variants that morph from the original and current strains because the virus has a stronger sense of survival than you do. The world will never rid of the virus as long as the unvaccinated are getting ill and spreading it around. Further, there are people that have other life threatening illnesses that need surgeries and treatments put on hold by the sick filling up hospitals and using up the doctors and nurses. For the past year plus the message has been we distance, wear masks, stay home and vaccinate to help not just ourselves but others. Ditch the selfish attitude, show some humanity and vaccinate to save the lives of others.

      • Jesus says:

        Your message makes no sense…You are thanking God? If you believe in God then you also have to believe from a Christian stand point that God decides who lives and who dies…so he has killed millions of innocent people with Covid…yet you thank him? Madness.

  5. @ condolences says:

    You couldn’t have said it better. Too many jacks out there spewing nonsense.
    Some of them going regret it when they end up on the COVID ward.

    Like 4
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  6. Anon says:

    God bless those who have passed and May God comfort their families in their time of need. Ps 33:16-22

    We are God’s chosen people and in His love he has sent those with skill and knowledge to protect us. Give thanks for the power of God to bring us vaccines. Those same vaccines stopped smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis and now in his infinite wisdom God has given Man the weapon to fight this disease.

    We pray Lord that the people hear your message or else face the fate of those who mocked Noah. Gen 7:23

  7. Concern nurse says:

    Sending out an alarm,hello as a nurse working with these patients. It pains my heart to see the unnecessary suffering and death of young strong men and women. Please get vaccinated and dont put it off. If suffication is you choice of death then go ahead and play foolish. We will continue to do our best in these circumstances but you got to do your part as well.

  8. Hmmm says:

    Are they cleaning and maintaining those ventilators properly? It could be something else instead of Covid, because many big people with underlying conditions had it and survived.

  9. WEW says:

    No disrespect but thats one way to keep the numbers down

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