By-election senseless, a waste | Just call early General

Opposition Leader, Andrew Fahie.
By Davion Smith, BVI News Staff
With suggestions of a by-election coming directly from the Office of the Supervisor of Elections, Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie has made his position known that he is completely against a by-election happening this close to the constitutionally due general election.
“It makes absolutely no sense. The general election is in a couple months and you could say weeks away so I do not see why we should spend taxpayers’ money doing a by-election,” Fahie said while speaking during the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Let’s Talk radio programme Wednesday evening.
The VIP Chairman also reasoned that going to the polls for a by-election puts an unnecessary hassle on the electorate.
“Our people don’t need to be going through this a second time,” said Fahie, who told BVI News that the VIP is in ‘a state of readiness’ regardless of the course of action taken.
Continuing with his list of reasons that a by-election should not be held, the Opposition Leader said: “The next thing is that our government has reached a section in their political life where I feel we need to free them from each other and get to the general election to allow the people of the territory to decide whether they want ‘NDP one’ or ‘NDP two’, or whether they want the VIP or whoever else’s new party that is coming out.”
Fahie was referring to the rift within the NDP that has begun to fester in the public domain.
Breaking away
Three executive members of the Myron Walwyn-led NDP have consecutively resigned from the party recently — one of those resignees being Archibald Christian, a sitting legislator in the NDP government.
More NDP legislators are expected to follow considering that Health Minister Ronnie Skelton is being reported as the leader of a new, breakaway party being called the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM). PVIM is facetiously being branded ‘NDP two’ considering that its members were NDP supporters up to very recently.
Meanwhile, political observers suspect that, upon his anticipated resignation from the NDP, Skelton will bring with him supporters such as Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull who he shared defeat with during the NDP internal elections back in June.
The PVIM, the VIP, and the NDP are three of at least four political organisations that will vie the for the majority of the electoral seats during the general election which is constitutionally due by the summer of 2019.
The Julian Fraser-led Progressives United party will also be throwing a hat in the political ring.
Decision rests on Premier
According to the Virgin Islands Constitution, there must be a dissolution of the House of Assembly before a general election can occur. This dissolution can only happen early if the Premier of the Virgin Islands gives the say-so, BVI News understands.
“We just need to move towards dissolving the [legislative] council (the House of Assembly) and go into a general election and let the chips fall where they may,” argued Fahie while reiterating that he is against the by-election.
A by-election is being considered for the Fifth Electoral District because the representative of that constituency Delores Christopher had an untimely death due to illness.
She died on October 16.
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Are they going to leave before they release the audit? Are they going to pay back the $7.2 million they gave away to that airline?
Three executive members? Man please! !!!. More like three blind mice looking for a new rat nest to marinate in while they wait for there come up in the political game.Please stop referring to those three as executive.They are a long way off from being considered executive material.
No need for by election so close to a general election. Waste of time and major distraction from the issues.
We need to know all who intends to run for elections and what districts are contested.
You need to revamp yourself first. You really think you are going to be the next Premier HUH? Oh well, I guess there is nothing wrong with dreaming. I just can’t see you as leader of the Country. You just don’t have it in you to be a leader. You don’t have leadership skills and you are boring.Just the thought of you being leader of the Countray, nooooo.
Okay elite & B we will see
I love you to BOBO. LOL.
To remove Fahie and put Eltie makes no sense. No one with sense woupd do that and the 1st District is filled with people with a lot of sense.
I accept that he is entitled to his opinion, but he has ulterior motives. No need to make haste and call early elections. Things are f****d up enough as they are already. Let the Office of the Supervisor of elections do their job without any interference or outside pressures.
Thanks man, A….. Is one of the biggest snakes around. He act as though he is so damn innocent. A….. Please, I see and know what you are trying to do. Say HI to your bossom buddy that was kicked out of Detroit that is coaching you. HISSSSS.Have a good day snake in the grass.
@Crappy, Fahie is right about dissolving the government and call elections now. The government is dysfunctional as it is with members leaving every day; cant make any major decision; Recovery Board making the real decision. 3 years ag0 they were anxious to call elections when things were real rosy. Remember? Big fire works, over $100,000 on opening day of the cruise pier; then called snap elections about 2 weeks after. They had another 365 days to go. Well, they are in a lame duck position; country broke; they just about powerless; UK don’t trust them and scared about them like “White on rice” handling the country’s moneys. Why drag along? Its like you are sick and wont go to a doctor, waiting to see if you will feel better. Lol
A snap election is what we want right now. Them accustom to calling it so why not now?
You are talking crap. The NDP Government of the day do not get along. Most of them do not speak to each other. The country is broke. Government can’t even repair their own buildings from the damages of hurricane Irma and the list goes on and on with all reasons pointing to why Fahie is correct…the BVI needs to have a General Election and not a By-Election! We have a dysfunctional government! The people of the VI are left for dead. ELECTIONS NOW!!!
Good suggestion, Andrew but right now the question of the day is, will electronic voting become the order of the day?
Concerns are accuracy of votes casted, population sensitivity to machinery in question and timing.
We’re not hearing much from Mrs. Penn and we’re hoping that with a critical election such as this, more care will be taken with these matters, going forward.
How was a candidate selected for the 3rd district when to date Fraser hasn’t resigned from the party? Home come they’re not honoring Fraser as a past representative in their gala dinner party?
I think that you are beating a dead horse. Fraser only works with Fraser. Fahie followed Fraser when he was leader but Fraser refused to follow Fahie as leader. That shows that Fraser is about himself and not the people.
Go get a life. The VIP Congress elects the leaders of the VIP not anyone person so sell that story to someone else.
Fraser was undermined and that’s a fact
No matter what you are trying to do Mr. A,you will not lead the Country. I hope MW whip your A** in the polls.
This election is larger than your small mindedness. It is clear by far that Fahie is an excellent leader. Look at how both him and your MW has run their Political Party as the Head. The proof clearly shows who is the better leader!
You can call me whatever the h*ll you like.However, I would prefer to be called mindless than a disloyal can’t be trusted rat.
Fahie you are 100% correct. Don’t mind the noise. You will be the next Premier.
Don’t you know that he will have to win 7 seats in order to do that? The VIP never formed a government without district 3
The constitution is the law of the land. Respect it! Holding an election now would be in your favor Mr.VIP seeing that you started campaigning months ago and you already branded the other two parties as NDP.
Now is a good time for Mr. Fraser to make his move, focus on how he is going to deal with the issues facing the country’s economic recovery and he is a winner!! Fraser should put John Samuel, Julian Willock, Dancia Penn, Jerald Farara, Zoe Walcott,Dago Penn, Dr. Carl Dawson,Shereen Flax, and Bevis Slyvester on his team. He can then join with VIP and form a collision government with Mr. Fraser as Premier and Andrew as deputy.
Yes collision! you know that NDP and PVIM will want to form a collision. So all parties need to keep their words soft in the event they have to eat them. LOL
@ Lawyer, indeed PUP and VIP cooperating will be a collision. Did you mean a coalition government. Don’t you hate that autocorrect feature.
Every day it seems as if trushy chicks and mature trushies are flying away from NDP nest. The NDP is a hot mess; it is in disarray and dysfunctional state. The BVI people deserved better; national growth and development is hanging precariously in a balance. NDP time is up. Dr. Hon Premier Smith dissolve the HOA and set an election date now. Do it before your mates unceremoniously kick you to the curb; it only takes 7 members to do so. The fragmented NDP government is a lame, lame duck and should not be making any major decisions; those major decisions should be left up to the next duly elected government. A by-election at this juncture is not necessary.
Tek dat! LOL. Your wish has been granted Fahie. NO by-election but General election won’t be now either. April, here we come.
You can call me whatever the h*ll you like.However, I would prefer to be called mindless than a disloyal can’t be trusted rat.