BVI News

Cabinet to send stimulus audits to HOA despite ‘accuracy concerns’

The VIP administration has used the summary document of Cabinet’s latest decisions to, once again, note its disapproval of two Auditor General (AG) reports that raised serious concerns about the government’s handling of its COVID-19 stimulus programmes.

The reports in question were about the government’s stimulus programme for farmers and fisherfolk and their stimulus programme for religious organisations, civic groups, daycares, and private schools.

According to the aforementioned summary document, Cabinet decided during its July 14 meeting to lay those two reports before the House of Assembly (HOA). Once presented to the HOA, those documents would then be accessible to the public.

Cabinet ministers said they were laying the documents before the House, “in spite of the concerns over the methodology used in developing the report and concerns over the accuracy of some of the content of the report”.

The document did not specify what accuracy concerns Cabinet had with the reports which, among other things, detailed the government’s systematic failures to follow protocol and the Premier’s Office’s  “deliberate attempts” at blocking her from accessing government files

In a radio appearance last month, Premier Andrew Fahie said while he thinks the AG’s Office is a very crucial component of good governance, the audits on government’s stimulus initiatives only represent a “snapshot picture at a given point in time”. 

“Therefore, at a different point in time, the picture can change as the information changes,” Fahie said at the time.


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  1. heckler says:

    The bobol list…………lol

  2. WEW says:

    Accurate audits don’t exist in the BVI

  3. Joseph says:

    So Cabinet is comprised of House of Assembly members;and House of Assembly members mostly populate the Cabinet?

    Anybody else sees the fundamental flaw in the BVI System of Government: the inherent Conflicts of Interest.

    Like 2
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    • GTFOH says:

      I noticed you conveniently omitted the Governor who presides over the meetings of cabinet and can add anything to the Agenda. Nothing is done in the Cabinet without the Governor’s knowledge.

  4. KLM says:

    I wonder why it took so long to get to Cabinet maybe a little doctoring. We know what went down the Auditor General let us in on that but it will be interested to see what you come up with.

  5. Help us understand says:

    What exactly are these inaccuracies? Tell us please.

  6. Paranoid says:

    The COI really got these people paranoid.. They are trying everything to get out of the strangle hold the COI have them in..Do good and you dont have to worry..You wont have to lose night sleep wondering!!

  7. smh says:

    Still nothing done to help the people who applied and was overlooked and double $$ given to some that were not eligible AT ALL.
    What happens to them?

  8. Snapshot? says:

    “Therefore, at a different point in time, the picture can change as the information changes,” Fahie said at the time.”

    Should we take this as a general understanding when we receive reports from your office? So if we hear that “the country is doing well” that may mean at the time of writing but not necessarily at the time we read it?

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