BVI News

Come clean on increment issues!


Former Speaker of the House of Assembly, Julian Willock, has urged officials to clear the air on the real reasons behind the years-long delays in the payment of salary increments to public servants.

The issue has been a controversial and thorny one for consecutive governments over the years, with teachers at one point threatening to undertake industrial action over the non-payment of their increments.

“I’ve heard all sorts of stuff. I’ve heard some department, because two persons who are missing, they’re not sending through all… So, you’ve heard all sorts of things. I think somebody needs to come clean on the increment issues,” Willock said on the Talking Points radio show recently.

The former Speaker said consecutive Ministers of Finance, including former Premier Andrew Fahie and current Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley have assured the public that funds have been budgeted and passed in the House of Assembly for public service salary increments, yet bottlenecks remain in the transfer of these funds to public servants.

“I think the truth about this whole increment thing needs to come out because you’re hearing all sorts of mixed signals,” Willock argued.

He continued: “If the money was the issue, Ministers of Finance — two Ministers of Finance within the last four years — have clearly stated in the public domain that they have budgeted and passed in the Appropriation Act, the money for increments. The question should become then, if the money is passed, why aren’t civil servants getting their increments?”

“So I am not sure where the blockage is in the system,” he added. “Maybe you ought to speak to the Deputy Governor and the government who’s in charge [of the public service].”

Governor John Rankin assured residents weeks ago that the public service increments will be paid this month, but people have remained sceptical despite this latest assurance.

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  1. Come Clean says:

    Government will not be paying arrears for some of the years they owe, IS THAT LEGAL?

    Why arent the public servants getting their arrears for those years? Can you just not pay moneny you own them?

    Do they really have the money, do they really need the big party on the bay? QTNA!

    Like 11
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  2. says:

    Julian willock the real voice of the people how refreshing

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  3. hmm says:

    I have worked in a private company for over 10 years now and they hardly give raise. Its been years now since I get a a lil raise of pay, who will look into this issue???

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  4. Pocket change says:

    If the government is not broke then tell me how is it that they are not paying the civil servants their owed ARREAS? We will sick out for the next House of Assembly and the next day after that if we have to until they agree to pay ALL ARREAS. If not, on the the third day we flooding the doctor for sick leave. We sick from stress, poor working conditions and cant pay bills and afford to buy food at the same time and no savings syndrom. The Premier admiitted that the Govt aint broke and quater of a million is pocket change, so we having a beach party. Them aint got no KONSHENS them dont care bout we only bout themsleves. They dont get increments, they collet fat checks, living allowances and thier huge pension.

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  5. Tea pot says:

    What about his legal bills? Did he pay them or he still begging for the government to pay them?

  6. Abolish increments says:

    Increments seem to be automatic pay rises awarded irrespective of performance levels given to all government employees. Let’s abolish them, have performance reviews for all Govt staff, and only increase the pay of those performing adequately or better.

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  7. @Come clean says:

    They need to Pay civil servants their arrears.

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  8. COME CLEAN says:


  9. Miracle says:

    If they claimed and say that the funds are there for the Civil Servants to get….Why the funds can’t be deposited one time with their salaries? Something just ain’t adding up for real Willock. All of them needs to strike but in the BVI have too many Cowards(needs to hold one head)…If this was in the Caribbean Islands TRUST & BELIEVE those Civil Servants were STRIKING!!!

  10. Lilly says:

    He knows everything about government, so who is he asking to come clean about increments. Tell us what you know.

  11. @ tea pot says:

    Ha ha he he willock smarter than all you all stay there about legal bill nonsense

  12. Chupes says:

    This b**l frog still running his mouth? No boy is interested. You ain’t get the message yet?

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  13. Piggly wiggly says:

    Why this half of a speaker don’t shut up. Go put on your wig and go in the corner

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  14. Up to now says:

    Up to now airport ain’t get no increment and sound like they not getting, how is that fare.

  15. No increments says:

    Go party instead

  16. Pat says:

    Willock has my vote

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  17. Virgin Islander boy(AH) says:

    Come clean you sound like a buffoon like the rest of your VI people..Civil servants need to earn their increments..nothing should be handed to them since they are under performing in all areas of the government system.

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  18. Paid says:

    Over 1,300 public officers have received their increments to date… The Deputy Governor’s Office has been updating public officers on the status..

  19. The Prophet says:

    If public servants unite and go on strike for their increments it would be the end of the VIP government. Everyday bucket going to the well…

  20. Time to pay up to date. says:

    Hurry up pay the retroactive for the last three years we not letting that go pay your back up bill then we talk.

    I will have much respect for the government that brings all increment and arrears up to date.. clean the slate.. then big up yourself..

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