BVI News

Cop warns businesswoman of ‘stopping license’ in viral clip

A local police sergeant was caught in a viral video warning a businesswoman that he could recommend that her trade license be revoked and hold her legally responsible for her customers’ poor parking habits, despite having a parking lot at her business place.

Sergeant Glenn Callwood of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) was caught on video lecturing the businesswoman inside her store, complaining that her customers were parking inappropriately and causing traffic disruptions.

“I’m saying to you again, this is about the fifth time for the day we come here moving people from here. If you continue, the Magistrate can stop the licence,” Callwood stated.

Callwood, who advised the woman that he has now risen to a higher position in the RVIPF, underscored that his elevated role now focuses on supervisory duties. “When I was working East End here a few years ago, I worked as a Constable, now I am working as a supervisor. It’s a different role I’m playing and my role now I’m playing is not to come and beg you, ‘please’ to have people move,” Callwood told the woman.

The officer further explained that the business could face consequences if the parking violations continue, mentioning the possibility of notifying the Magistrate to pull the store’s trade licence. “We, the police, can make a note to the Magistrate to pull the licence. We can do it,” Callwood stressed.

Legal obligations and the Road Traffic Act

The issue of improper parking falls under the BVI’s Road Traffic Act, which outlines regulations regarding the parking of vehicles on public roads. According to Section 43 of the Act, it is an offence for a vehicle to remain stationary on a road in a position likely to cause danger or obstruct other traffic. Notably, the Act does not speak to the responsibility of business owners.

Although the woman explained that she had no control over where her customers parked, Callwood insisted it was still her responsibility to prevent them from blocking the road. “You’re responsible. When they come in here, ask them where they parked,” he advised.

In the video, the businesswoman can be heard explaining that she has a parking lot and tries to inform her customers when she notices they have parked incorrectly. However, Callwood remained firm. “I’m saying to you, whether you know it or not, the person coming in here to your store, you are responsible for where they park,” he said.

The video has attracted widespread public attention, with one member of the local legal fraternity commenting: “For the avoidance of doubt, traffic tickets are issued to the drivers of motor vehicles who have violated the traffic laws. The proprietors of any adjacent businesses, who the said vehicle drivers support, are not responsible for the negligence of any driver.”

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  1. Pick and choose says:

    Where is this energy for the horrible Parking in Long bush ??!!??

    Like 42
    • lol says:

      and in front of the Hospital. Staff always illegally parked impeding the flow of traffic instead of using the parking lot across the road. Supacop need to go there and issue some tickets

      Like 32
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    • Fluffu says:

      He is now stationed in East end,so hence his desire to straighten out the traffic woes up there!! BUT HAS HE ALSO SPOKEN TO THE BAKERY OWNER ON THE SAME STRETCH??????May GOD GUIDE CSLLWOOD ON THIS VENDETTA HE IS ON!!

    • Hmmm says:

      But the truth is that more than 70% of Government offices DO NOT have adequate parking and most businesses, available parking is worse. Please leave the woman alone.

      It’s a way of life in the Caribbean, space is limited, period!

  2. Former COP says:

    It is a burning shame that Callwood can be boasting about elevating to higher rank, in a supervisory position and do not know the law, do not know the rights of an individual and making himself a total jacka**. It is an embarrassment to the RVIPF. What can Callwood really teach his subordinate officers. Is this the level at which our police force is dropping. God help us.

    Like 59
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    • local says:

      @former cop what standard you talking about just look at the officers that they have hired you see any standard to be an officer.The worst police force in the caribbean .

      Like 15
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  3. …. says:

    Why he don’t go lower estate…is a shame a two way road just full of rentals hate driving through that place

    Like 45
    • .... says:

      Where is the ghost rep of D4…the government coukd mske a easy 5k today just ticket everythibg park in the road and on the side walk repeat daily…

      Part of your trade agreement is that you must have a piece of land to store your rentals not displayed on the goverment streets

  4. Homegrown says:

    Good job callwood you are the best cop.

    Like 10
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    • Go study the law says:

      This woman was targeted that is the nonsense that goes on . He is a bully Does not knowbthe law you D**ce

      Like 14
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      • Anonymous says:

        Totally agree the cop is a disgrace to the uniform always giving All kind of I’ll advice a good lawsuit will set him and his bosses straight

        Like 11
  5. Enforcement says:

    Let’s get Lower Estate by the barbershop and the concrete mixers and car rentals addressed too. Rentals have taken over the road, one lane of traffic at times… because what – these ppl are locals?

    Like 51
  6. Resident says:

    Some people will never be happy. If he gave all her customers tickets, or had them towed, she’d be complaining about that!

    Like 6
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  7. Wild West says:

    worse than Haiti and the fish stinks from the head down

    Like 7
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  8. ....... says:

    He certainly did not go about it the right way, but he is most definitely correct in that parking here by many people, is disgusting.

    Same goes for driving at night with high beams on. Taxi men and people just stopping on main roads to drop off and pick up people. People rushing out into oncoming traffic, and then slowing and going very slow. People that overtake you at blinding speed, and then quickly stop to talk to a woman, or friend on the side of the road.

    I laughed the other day as I passed the East End Police Station and watched three kids right next to the entry reception of the police station talking to each other on unlicensed, bust up scooters, with no helmets, and greeting each other like long lost brothers. That told me all I needed to know about law enforcement in this place!

    The basic courtesies between people are all but gone!

    Like 25
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  9. lol says:

    Keep the same energy with everything then it got man parking boat on sidewalks, people blocking entire lanes parking vehicle how you picking and choosing who to harass and who to turn a blind eye to? This just showing that the police don’t even know the law.

    Like 30
  10. Unknown District says:

    Good job Officer Callwood,
    Once someone is enforcing rules in the BVI, they are wrong. This could have never happened in the USVI or USA.

    Rules are rules, that must be adhered and followed.

    We have gotten away with too much in the BVI and now we are paying the consequences.

    We need more officers like Callwood to do their jobs and not collect a paycheck.

    He need to visit these bars thats operating in neighborhoods and disturbing peoples peace.

    Officer Callwood can I please get your telephone number to call you when bar owners crowds and music is disturbing me. The other officers are a waste of time.

    Keep up the good job Officer Callwood. It’s about time to restore order in this please. When you’re doing right, remember the mass will hate you.

    Like 12
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    • Revolution says:

      Had to be a cop wrote that #1. #2 too many egos in the police force with fragile dispositions. #3 body cams on all these cops for our protection and theirs

      Like 4
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    • Stupidest says:

      The methodology is just as crucial as the action itself. Callwood must grasp this concept in order to effectively uphold the law with dignity rather than resorting to intimidation and verbal abuse. When considering his role within the police force, Callwood appears to unjustly target numerous innocent individuals, using them as outlets for his own frustrations. It appears that the woman in question is one of his victims.

    • THE BVI HMMMMM... says:

      Law is law but it is not the store owner job to move customers from parking in the road. Let the officers do their damn jobs.
      Callwood is wrong, threatening the woman to put a complain to the courts. What good is that going to do to shut the lady business down? They will still gather. There are many buildings that has no parking areas and people park on the roads and the officers do nothing about it.
      Go and find some work to do, you are sickening!

    • Stick to the law says:

      Officer Calwood clearly crosses the line here. He is a bull and thinks he knows the laws. Sure traffic laws, but the other.. Please go back to school Mr Calwood, brush up on your knowledge of the law, and adjust your attitude.

  11. Touch a Car Key says:

    Get promoted? Got it!!!!

    Like 5
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  12. silent majority says:

    Quite right Seargent keep the pressure on. We the silent majority support you. People think they can park anywhere.

    Like 7
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  13. Big Stepper says:

    Good I glad!
    It’s about time some of this behavior gets caught on camera! This is a type of bullying and suppression.
    Remind the police to smile, they on camera now!

    Like 13
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  14. Hmmm says:

    Where is the same energy for * Bank?

    Like 3
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    • Hmmm says:

      Exactly, no parking all around town, by big, small, private and public businesses. Every day, the Banks’ customers blocking traffic 20 – 30 times a day, perhaps more.

      Not even the Admin Complex has sufficient parking. So how he going to win this case. He just needs to use his common sense and good judgement and apply it as necessary. Please stop harassing the woman.

  15. Ignorance says:

    The article tells you the law that governs situation like this
    This is not the Wild West !!


    He had no right to target the business owner that is not her job .
    We are govern by rules
    Callwood is d**b as a fish
    Showing off and does not even know the law under which he operates

    Parking and blocking up traffic is wrong but that is outside the woman job . Calleood job is to ticket them and clean up not the business owner .

    This is how we want Independence’s and we do not know the law as a law enforcement officer
    You make yourself look small , ignorant, a bully, and prejudice

    Go back to school and learn the laws under which you can or cannot operate . Shame on you

    Like 13
  16. okay says:

    Is that the only business operating in this location? I think his behaviour was terrible. Can she control where people park? He needs to do his job and give them tickets. This was completely unnecessary.

    Like 14
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  17. Frustrated says:

    How bout the way dem park in the traffic and fire lane at Rite Way Pasea disrupting traffic flow. Nobody does anything about it. Rite Way has a large parking lot for shoppers to use…it is pure ignorance on the part of the people who park there including taxi drivers and police vehicles…

  18. Fr**en Im****s says:

    He need to do something about fr**en im****s parking them trailers on the road east end an blocking the traffic. Only in the BVI a private individual can park a 40 foot trailer on the government road to be a hinderance to all road users.

  19. Cops... says:

    Please do your own work. Its not the business owners responsibility to control illegal parking. Its the police’s job. Common damn sense.

    • Leave him to God says:

      He only went at her because she is from Guyana he now allegedly have a problem with Guyana people,…. He will continue to Harris her because he is mad about the situation. The top cop is who allowing this bu**y to treat people like that. This is the second time this man is telling people they can go to the highest authority in the land , and nothing is going to change. I wonder if he knows something about them.

  20. ... says:

    This high horse bow down or severely inconvenience you with a choice of weapons & restrains off their belt mentality is why I dont like any encounter with police unless it is an emergency or they are stationary security.

    The fifth time for the day he said! He allegedly has been harassing her multiple times and if it was a man they would be vexed up and he would find a excuse to arrest.

    To me he sounds like a crazed alcoholic be**ar or drug a**ict off a block. His reasoning is flawed his ego is big and all you can do is agree incase he flips.

    Meanwhile all you were doing is minding your own business.

  21. Come Up Water and Sewerage by Qwomar says:



  22. Observer says:

    They need to look into persons parking in front of Republic Bank to go to the ATM. It is ridiculous! How are you going to park on a dual carriage way? 99% of the times when this occurs on the weekends and in the evenings the parking lot behind the bank is empty.

    Like 10
  23. V says:

    Callwood is a bu**y and targets innocent people and he l**s also but God know some of the things he doing to people will soon fall

  24. Rethinking says:

    I know of many people this man as allegedly violated and bullied and talk about his position and the fact that they can’t do nothing about it, he feels like he’s above the law

  25. Bs says:

    IIf he is going to accomplish this by adhering to the law, he must strictly abide by the legal regulations, without resorting to intimidation tactics or speaking to others as if they were his subordinates, whom he is incapable of communicating with directly.

  26. Rite Way says:

    While we are at it, Why ie the illegal and dangerous parking in front of Rite Way in town ignored? Someone is going to get hurt

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