BVI News

CXC math a struggle for BVI! Territory excels in other subjects

The Ministry of Education has indicated the need for improvement in Mathematics as the Virgin Islands recorded a pass rate of 46.45% in June 2024 Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) results.

According to a press release by the Ministry on Thursday, September 26, whilst the island surpasses the regional pass rate of 36% in math, the recorded pass rate of 46.45% indicates room for improvement.

“The Ministry of Education is already engaged in efforts to address the teaching and learning of Mathematics from the foundation levels. This includes targeted professional development for teachers, increasing classroom resources, and the introduction of a Certificate in Mathematics Instruction for primary teachers in 2025. We are committed to strengthening Mathematics education and improving outcomes in the years ahead,” the release stated.

Though the BVI has some way to go in Math passes, the territory continues to see improvement in English A, with a recorded pass rate of 95.55%. This year shows an increased pass rate of three percent from 2023.

Overall, the ministry said the territory’s students sat a total of 35 subjects with the average pass rate for all at 85.3%.

There was also a 100% pass rate in 11 of these subjects, a 90-99% pass rate in seven, and an 80-89% pass rate in five subjects.

The top performers for the Virgin Islands were announced as Orrett Donald Kennedy and Jaydeen Martin of St George’s School. Kennedy passed 11 subjects with 9 Grade I passes while Martin passed 10 subjects with seven Grade I passes., Meanwhile, Gorcia Iona Johnson from Claudia Creque Educational Centre – passed nine subjects, seven of which were Grade I’s.

The Ministry congratulated all the students including the top achievers, and commended the institutions and their teachers for their hard work.

In 2023, the Virgin Islands attained a 46.6% pass rate in Math, which represented a 2.4% decrease from 2022, and a 4.6% increase over 2021. This year’s rate shows a less than one percent decrease from an already notably low score.


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  1. No plan says:

    If we have a 8th grader as the minister who only have the children playing with steam balls what do we expect? There is no plan for education. NONE!

  2. Well sah says:

    Once again two of the smaller school top CSEC results and its played down by the Education Department. It’s very Sad.

    Congratulations to top students Orrett Kennedy and Jaydeen Martion of St. George’s Secondary Division and Gorica Iona Johnson of Claudia Creque Educational Centre.

  3. Resident says:

    Congrats to the top students especially Claudia Creque. When the minister is touting these statistics please include how many students wrote CXC from each school. Also include the average number of subjects written.

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