BVI News

Deadline given for COVID grant recipients’ to say how they spent $$

After doling out millions of dollars in COVID-19 grant aid to local farmers, fisherfolk, and others, government has now issued a deadline for feedback on the impact of this aid.

More than $6 million in grant aid was reportedly given to farmers and fisherfolk in what auditors have presented as inflated amounts and dubious circumstances in some instances.

In a press release issued by the government, persons and businesses that received the COVID-19 Economic Stimulus for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, daycares, pre-schools, private schools, churches, religious organisations, farmers, and fisherfolks are now being asked to complete a ‘COVID-19 Stimulus Feedback Form’ by August 20.

The purpose of the form is reportedly to assist the government with completing its economic stimulus grant report to ascertain and confirm the impact of the support on the respective ventures.

According to the release, recipients will be required to submit general information including names, trade licences, physical addresses, district and contact information, amount of grant received, number of employees where applicable, among other things.

Furthermore, participants are required to list and provide documentation and receipts on how the funds were used. Examples of how monies can be used can include rent, utilities, salaries or severance to employees, payments to suppliers, national health insurance, social security, and Inland Revenue, among other things.

“The government is pleased to have provided assistance to residents and business in need as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as we continue to manage the fiscal affairs of the territory in a transparent and accountable manner, we are asking stimulus recipients to complete a feedback form to advise on how the stimulus received has impacted business and organisations,” Premier and Minister of Finance, Andrew Fahie stated.

The forms for the respective stimulus grant category are located on the government’s website and can be submitted electronically by clicking the ‘submit’ button.

Meanwhile, Premier Fahie’s Cabinet recently promised to table two audit reports in the House of Assembly, despite Cabinet’s concerns over the accuracy of the reports.

The reports issued by Auditor General, Sonia Webster, detailed the government’s systematic failures to follow protocol and the Premier’s Office’s  “deliberate attempts” at blocking her from accessing government files.

The issuance of grants to farmers and fisherfolk, in particular, received much blowback from residents after its details were first made public through leaked documents circulated on social media.

The Premier, in his defence at the time, said the grants can be fully accounted for and promised that “time will reveal the truth”.


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  1. WTF says:

    Is this a legal requirement? Where is it written? What will you do when they say no?

    Like 11
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    • Really says:

      They bought clothes in Orlando, cars in Miami and whores in Ft Lauderdale. You really think any of these people going to answer the deadline. No shot. Foy stop trying to make it look like you’re responsible. You weren’t when you gave out the money. Nothing is going to save your fat a** from the COI. You aren’t smart enough.

      Like 16
    • Payback Time says:

      I always knew there was a catch to doing this if they haven’t learn from 2020 lockdown, then they never will….. Good luck giving account for the government money

  2. LOL says:


    Like 15
  3. Band-Aid says:

    Another one on the leaky VIP ship sinking in 2021.

    Like 13
  4. Lodger says:

    Isnt this a bit late? Plenty of time to make up figues.

    Like 12
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  5. Really? Help wasn't needed for says:

    BVIslanders with a few roof, windows and doors? Wow! You should see how some residents are living. Some refusing to leave your place so an attempt can be made to fix it. Our Governments always find the worst way to show they care when big money is involved. Just wow!

    Like 2
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  6. unreal says:


  7. WEW says:

    Cars & go fast boats, Drugs

    Like 6
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  8. Thoughtful sailorl says:

    It seems to me that when the Government gives a grant in excess of a request, it’s likely that some of the money will be spent on discretionary items of whatever sort, and unlikely to be recorded. That is human nature. Now, the Government wants an accounting in excess of what it, itself, was willing to do. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. My guess is they would not have bothered, but for the COI and the embarrassment it has caused them.

    Like 4
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  9. Want2Kno says:

    Whey de list de Premier said he was going to produce? Let’s see de list!!

    Like 7
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  10. No Plan Govt. says:

    That form you sending out now should have been part of the application process. People don’t have time with you all error and nonsense now..Failing to plan has consequences. Thats your loss, deal with it.

    Like 9
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    • You dunno what you talking bout says:

      When the people got their cheques they were instructed to account for the money. The letter asked for all the ways the money would be spent and reminded the recipients to pay all outstanding NHI INCOME TAX AND SS bills. Shut your mouth when you do not know the truth.

      Like 6
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  11. So what? says:

    Andf if they don’t tell you what they did, what are you going to do about it?

    Like 4
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  12. Rubber Duck says:

    So Albert, you won’t tell us and probably don’t know, who got the money in the first place. And now you want these unknown recipients to tell you how they spent it .

    I don’t think Sir Gary is going to be impressed with this level of governance Al.

    Like 5
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  13. Anonymous says:

    Such a freaking joke and farce! And still being lied to at every turn. No hope for poor people. Not even a roll of tying wire for a fish pot! Yet some got thousands. Some use properly but most NOT. But I suppose if you got thousands more than you asked for that could be construed as a freebie/gift!
    No accountability or fairness when the millions was given out so why would one expect the people to answer NOW

    Like 3
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  14. Unconventional leadership says:

    Honestly speaking if most of these ministers were employed in the private sector they would have been out long time. You were hired to do a job, you are being paid to do a job yet you want to bring in consultants and advisors to consult and advise. Are we not paying two and three times over for the same thing. Wouldn’t it be better just to pay the advisors to do the job. But you promise the electorate under false pretenses that you can do the job. You submit your application and we accept now you are saying that you can’t handle. I thought labor was bad but education is a disgrace.

    Like 4
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  15. Concerned says:

    $6 mil??????? wow, and ppl this homeless? nah man

  16. esst says:

    clubs and corn.

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