DeCastro, Malone, Flax, Smith selected as VIP’s At-Large candidates

VIP At-Large candidates, from left: Sharie DeCastro (seated front), Neville Smith, Carvin Malone (back, right) and Shereen Flax.
Congress of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) has decided on its four Territorial At-Large candidates who will contest the next General Elections.
The At-Large VIP contenders are Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith, Sharie DeCastro, Carvin Malone, and Shereen Flax.
Congress selected the quartet during an internal meeting on Saturday, December 1.
All that now remains is for the party to select a candidate to contest the Second Electoral District seat.
The other VIP candidates chosen so far comprise Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie who will seek re-election in the First District, Carnel Clyne in the Second District, Dr Arlene Smith-Thompson for Third, and Director of Culture Luce Hodge-Smith, who was named as the VIP’s candidate for the Fourth.
Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles Kye Rhymer will be the party’s challenger for the Fifth District while former Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications & Works John Samuel was named as the VIP’s contender for the Sixth District.
VIP President Dr Natalio ‘Sowande’ Wheatley will contest in the Seventh, former Deputy Commissioner of Customs Dean Byron Fahie will take on the Eighth, and recently-resigned Sister Islands Coordinator Vincent Wheatley will seek election in the Ninth District.
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
The Second District Candidate has already been selected. The VIP Flag bearer will be Carnel Cline
Turnbull is in trouble.
Carnel is a good choice.
Pack of dead horse
Try get away. This is a good balance for At-Large. VIP now has my full support.
Thumbs up if you think Vip have a better At- large
Thumbs down if you think NDP have a better At large
Neither. Most of them, DOA.
NDP – Myron, VIP – perhaps Carvin.
Speak for yourself. No matter who runs they will never be good enough for some of you. So you go run then and see if you could avoid being DOA.
Persons like you think Tortola is the only island in the British Virgin Islands so in your book any person that is from any of the sister islands can never win At-Large. This is why we the sister islands are suffering because of mentality like yours and others in Tortola. This is why I respect Fahie & the VIP. I pray and urge every sister island voter to vote VIP especially seeing that they are the only party that had the wisdom to put one of our people from the sister islands on their At-Large team.
To ???? – I am speaking for myself. This is my opinion. All you have to do, is to say I respectfully disagree and give your own opinion.
To To ??? – Please don’t infer what I think, which doesn’t have anything to do with whether the candidates are from Tortola or the sister islands.
It is to do with the candidates themselves.
And NDP1 and NDP2 are DOD (dead on departure). At least VIP will leave the gate.
I wonder what VINO has to say about Mr Willock not being selected.
@not2sure, V— was blocking a lot of blogs that was supporting Myron. They were only putting the negative blogs against Myron on the site. Now look, look. Good for his A**.
Do they control the blogs to control how the people think and gather information?
That site sensors the blogs! I am still waiting for many of my posts…
Let me inform you people what is what in terms of NDP vs VIP. NDP has the better leader MVW over Fahie. And giving that the Premier will be the person to direct where the monies is going as Finance Minister, looking at who is the potential leader is very important. MVW nor Fahie are ideal in my book, but MVW is far closer to being ideal over Fahie.
Here is the thing; NDP has a sour pick of candidates (and So does the VIP). I just expected better picks from the NDP (maybe its the results of having the lack of options).
Here’s my analysis of the candidates;
District 1:- Fahie should not have even be elected as there representative due to his shady past, But many people from that district vote for family and suffer from chronic lack of intelligence.
District 2:- ? Anybody thats not worst than Turnbull.
Dis #3:- Arlene (whose personality is lacking many qualities) nor Fraser (no explanation needed) are not worthy. I would give Parillon a chance.
Dis #4:- Mark Vanterpool needs to be voted out (from trying to justify the overspending at the Pier Park, supporting the needless airport expansion, including using much of the UK development loan for that, trying to back people like Cline, overspending @ the hospital..etc)
Dist. #5:- Cant believe the NDP brought Harrigan. Bring in a new person of substance.
Dist#6:- Caines Maduro might/should get back in
Dis #7:- Pickering NEEDS TO GO. He is the worst performing minister. His logic and opinions often makes me question his IQ. Lets give Dr Natalio ‘Sowande’ Wheatley a chance.
Dist #8:- Marlon should be the select.
Dist #9:- That eye Dr. NEEDS TO GO. He does not have a good personality. He is just another A$$wipe.
NDP AND VIP HAVE A BAD HAND OF CARDS. MVW might be the best of the At large on both sides. If there is any good Independent at large person, we should give them a chance.
Overall results:- NDP remains the better party to run this country.
Big thumbs up on your comment.
Myron stop blogging on yourself I know how you speak
You don’t sound too intelligent to me. You are trying to make your lies sound like facts. Fahie continies to show to ALL that he’s a true leader. Look where he brought the VIP from. And look where Walwyn is taking the NDP—Staright to hell. Fahie is the best leader for this time.
Your blog is the most disrespectful & lies that I have ever read. Trying to start with the gossip game to discredit Andrew A. Fahie will not work. If it wasn’t for him we the people would not have known about all the mismanagment of our public funds by the NDP. The only shady past he has is the one you & the NDP tried & keep trying to give him. The only political shady people that the facts reveal is both NDP 1 & NDP 2. Fahie is a true leader and a champion for the people. He has taken a party that Fraser left almost dead and turn it around. The majority of people love him, respect him and will be voting for him & the entire Virgin Islands Party. He is a very intelligent person. We are tired of lossers like you who think that we are going to sit down and drink your lies because you are a hater. Go get some intelligence. Go find our plane money. Go find our sewage money. Go find sense.
Fraser had a few weeks to form a party,Fahie had 2+ years to form a party and the truth is that his best candidates are himself, Carnel, Kye and possibly Wheatley in the 9th. Let us call a spade a spade. As soon as VIP elected Fraser as Chairman in 2015 and had their split, the NDP pounced on the opportunity and called a snap election leaving Fraser with no time to find good candidates. Fahie has been preparing for the 2019 elections since 2016. Fielding a better slate than Fraser does not make it a good slate to win and form a Government. VIP will win 3 seats (4 if they can upset Mitch). Fraser will win the 3rd. NDP will win 8 seats and form the next Government.
The thing ain’t start yet. Hold on
So your party has Carvin Malone as an atlarge candidate and one of your campaign talking points will be sewage monies? Ummm okay!!
You hit the nail right pan tap e head..hundred of thousands in contracts for the sewage and still e no fix.. Just SMDH! He and he chairman think we have memory loss….
They didn’t want Fraser. Take it and blog whatever because Fraser is the realist of those politicians. They acted like they supported him and then stabbed him in the back. “taking a party Fraser left dead”? Where are the candidates that were fairly chosen by the congress? Why Fahie didn’t bring them back if indeed it was Fraser. Fahie knows it was the candidates mainly that’s why he is selectively and discretely and strategically stating what is to be. Don’t go no where with Willock? Bad mistake. Fraser won’t talk but who knows fed up of this constant degrading of the man. He is a true fighter of this country/island. What you see is what you get and we need that now more than ever. Would never be bought and that’s what irritated them. Move on let’s get this thing started.????????
If Doc Pickering NEED TO GO, why Dr. Smith didn’t fire him. The Claim is that he told the NDP 7th District Committee that he will not be running with NDP. Ronnie got fired for the BVI Beacon and Dr. Pickering did not get fire for advising his Committee. This politics is double standard.
I guess if they fire him the Government will fall.
You seem very petty. Telling his committee what his plans are is not grounds for being fired. Archie and Mitch both resigned. Ronnie was quoted in a national publication confirming that he is the head of a new political party that will be contesting the upcoming elections. Dr. Pickering is way smarter than all of them. Dr. Smith had also told the NDP he is not running again so he should resign now? Even if Pickering told his committee he wasnt running with NDP I am sure he didnt tell them that he is a member of another political organisation. The Premier cannot just fire people it has to be on certain grounds.
@What: So it is okay for the NDP to name a candidate for the 7 and disrespect Dr. Pickering who is the link holding the Government together. It is okay to announce the Principal of the Elmore Stoutt High School, Trefor Grant who was just given 3 years as Chairman of the BVI Port Authority and is on other Government Boards, and Henry still with BVIEC as at-large candidates for the NDP without repercussions. The Premier should know that these are double standards and do not speak well of the integrity of the him and the NDP!
Last I checked the media named them. When contacted the chairman of ndp said candidates would be announced shortly. Also as far as Im aware Mr Rhymer has officially announced his candidacy and remains in his post at DMV so not sure what you are getting at. Regarding picko he made it clear he is loyal to Dr Smith and he wont be running with Walwyn.
Marlon should go
Excellent Line-Up!
Now this is what I call a winning combination of young, capable and able-bodied persons, ready to build the future of these islands for the BVI of tomorrow!
Really? You think so huh? Wait until the heat pipes up. Most of them will be scurrying to jump out the burning volcano. I am curious to see how they are going to build the future of the BVI. Anyone can jump into politics but, can they or are they truly ready to take the the heat of politics.
Ain’t look too bad all of them are winners
No esteemed?????
I am glad that someone from one of our sister Islands is running At-Large for VIP.
Really wish they had given Claude a chance. Honestly think he would be a better candidate and elected rep than all of those that were selected. But I’m not on the congress
Carvin is the only one that can win on a national level. Atlarge will be NDP 3 VIP 1. NDP will form the Government with 8 winning candidates overall.
3 At-Large
Speak for yourself. The majority of people in the BVI will not be putting the NDP back into government. We will not reward them for their lies. We will not reward them for their deciet. We will not reward them for mismanaging our public funds. We will not reward them for corruption. We will not reward them for how poor they handled the country especially government workers and properties after Irma. We will take our chances with the VIP this time.
The NDP has a much different make up to what it was and I think people will take that into consideration. Regardless of who you like the fact is Myron is a far better person for Premier and NDP Atlarge team is a far better fit
No matter how you dress a pig it is still a pig.
I already have close to 50, yes 50 people including myself, husband and other friends who is voting NDP. Yes, our goal is to put NDP back in office.
Until they can tell us what happened to the airline that they invested in, and produce the financial audit reports, they cannot and will not get any of my votes. After all, they crucified The VIP for the same thing, and won.
Boss where you from TALKING piss about the first district since you so bright and intelligent go and run in the first and guess what you will make an ass of your self from the results
Not one of those at large candidates will get in.
Only Andrew will get in from the VIP. Maybe Luce. Not another seat they will get.
Speak for yourself. All four VIP At-Large will win. The VIP will be the next government. The people are not stupid and will not be gooled by the NDP anymore because they have failed us miserably.
Luce beat Mark in the 4th? Ok. VIP win 4 atlarge with that slate? Ok. Not because election is slated in April means that we will be fools.
@Jokes that might have been true when Mark was the Action Man. Mark is damaged goods, questionable, lame and limping. He himself knows it. Notice how angry he’s been in the HOA; but how quiet he has become otherwise. How challenging is it to beat the the man with a serious limp…and Questionable in the eyes of many? Is anyone going to let it slide?.
Dream on, dream on…..
Carvin Malone need go sit down. His family done r— this country enough. Let — explain all that sewerage money — got and never fixed the problems..still went back to govt for another contract to do the same work — never finished but got paid for..thank God P— was at the helm then.
C is the new minister for works and communications. Should get a good view from there.
Who Luce?? Wah you smoking buddy??
Reading these comments always make me smile or laugh.
Serious jokes.
NDP 1 & NDP 2 bloggers are out in full force hoping to try to paint the VIP bad as usual but this election it WILL NOT WORK!
No BOBO, the pastor and J was out here trying to bring down and smear Myron, did it get them anywhere? BOBO, when you plot on people and discredit a person,your S**t is right around the corner waiting for you. Leave Myron alone. So tell me you two, how does it feel to be overlooked.
I agree, you play dirty,it will clip you big time. Those two tried but they failed big time. Myron is the one who should be elected premier and he will be. Myron, don’t play into their hands with the smear that they try to level against you. Don’t let them see you sweat like most of them is doing.#NDPALLTHEWAY. Happy Sunday Folks.
Myron bringing down himself
VIP is the only organized and steady political party that is stable. I am with VIP all the way.
Carvin Malone really ????
Whether one likes Fahie or not, you must admire and respect the fact that he took a political party that was left for dead under Fraser and turn it around into a viable political option. In my book he is a diamond in the rough.
Fraser had weeks to mend a broken party for a snap election. Fahie had over 2 years and has 4 good candidates out of 13. Not much has changed and it will he evident come campaign time.
I am voting ALL 4 VIP At-Large.
Some of these bad post about the VIP is why I as a youth getting to hate this place. All of say give the youth a chance. Now Fahie & vip giving a youth a chance & tis a problem for some of you. All of us say the sister islands need more respresentation. Now Fahie & vip give a persons from the sister island a chance to be on the At-Large and now some of you have a problem. The NDP rob us blind but some of you saying put them back in. You can do nothing right for some of these ungrateful people in the BVI. That’s why we suffering.
When you’re young and with VIP you should be respected and given a chance. When you’re young and with NDP you’re a blind fool, you are brainwashed, you drank the koolaid, Myron fool you and the list goes on. You just gotta love the double standards.
NDP supporter 100%. Love you to boots.Oh, Champgane wishes and Caviar dreams to you boots.
Rob who blind.You sound so coached and rehearsed. Tell the person who is coaching you to please stop trying so hard. Yes, I am one who is saying NDP should be put back in office. You don’t like it, you can go have a seat in the corner with the other haters and let the grown folks, NDP, do their job.
@Youthman, I am with you 110%. Democracy is about everyone having an equal opportunity; the young and not so young. Why should the same ones that are making or lives miserable be given chance after chances..when there are others, I am sure, capable, empowered, love and passionate about our country and the leadership and development of it?
Instead of belittling those who aspire to position of leadership why not consider such things like character, honesty, accountability, transparency, communication skills, ability to represent home and abroad, accomplishment/s in business and work life etc., . In reality we are hiring a team of persons to represent us and manage our affairs. Don’t just take them at face value; get to know them.
Elections 2019 can and must be a defining moment in our politics and country’s future; for example, whether we continue to govern ourselves or be governed, whether we will return to prosperity and growth, whether we will find ourselves once again, existing off UKs “Grant in Aid”. To avoid these scenarios lt’s consider electing individuals we truly believe can return our politics to true representative government, visionary leadership, accountable, transparency, government in the sunshine, protocols-abiding, eagle-eyed with our moneys and resources. Leadership matters..our country is urgently in need of it. Let’s enter the voting booth clear of emotions and family and friendship connections etc.
If we were taking an exam in school we would want to pass with high marks.
Politics is Serious Business; In a way, its like a Chess Game. One bad move and your a..s is grass.
Less we forget, no government in our country’s
history has ever taken us to this low level of existence or shaken our confidence this much about country’s progress, sustainability and future.
I am not a 100% VIP fan but I am now because the VIP is the only party that have the courage to allow a person from a sister island to be on their At-Large team. This is remarkable seeing that since the late Mr. Rieeal George it has never happened again. Kudos to the VIP.
And she will get a few votes in VG and thats it. This is not tokenism, this is our Territory we are speaking about. No way I can vote VIP atlarge over NDP atlarge. NO WAY!
Other than gossip & the attempt to discredit then I do not see any sensible reason why the four at-large and the VIP overall will not win the elections ans be the next government.
Unlike the NDP who selected their team based on family & friends, the VIP used a democratic process to select some very humble, intelligent, and hard working persons that will surprise a lot of persons.
So what is Sharie and Kye aren’t they cousins
No one is MW Cousin he roots from Antigua, you tell me who is his cousins ayo want to bring them island people to the BVI that’s why we left the NDP
Talk only what you know please.
What a mock in the politics of this country. Fahie got his chance to lead the party now and what a mock they produce.
They could not even attract good people to run in this election. None of them who are leading any party can.
It is alleged that Carvin is considered a major hammy for this party in the past.Including fahie been a loose cannon when it comes to spending.
Sheep will have to convince the voters why they should allow him to steer their destinies and what type of work he does at Harney’s.
It is alleged that both of these women have such terrible personalities.
Please…stop talking piddle.
You all have a drunkard on the atlarge team talk that school children say de mouth does smell of alcohol at work
All four getting my vote- VIP all the way to get rid of this impostor and crooked government
S. Flax not getting my vote! What social roles they been apart of?
How do they plan to rebuild this place. She not getting in, too much confusion. Belly ain’t full already. No sah..
God will decide the future of the Virgin Islands. Mud slinging will not.
God only help those who help themselves. Faith alone is not enough to make Him save our land.
I would only vote for Calvin.
I am voting for all VIP candidates.
We voting ndp all the way..
Without willock VIP dead in the water
W———– is now one of those inflated balloons you see at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade at the factory getting deflated. He played dirty and it got him deflated with the prick of a tiny needle. LOL.
You mean without Willock the VIP have a chance
Nobody voted for All Out. He has gotten zit…And you telling me the great chairman didn’t have a hand in this…Struppes
Well, the Congress has spoken; it is democracy at work but democracy at times does not result in the best option. It is a surprise that JW was not among the 4; JW was one of the most progressive of the 9. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to find out what was the thought process for picking the At Large candidates. Where does JW go now? I see him running independent and winning, playing a role in a coalition government or partnering with PUP. The latter is the most likely for obvious reasons.
Moreover, the talent pool is rather shallow; it is spread out among too many entities. There is strength in numbers, normally. However, in this case not too sure. So far no party has a red hot team; the partys’ slate is luke warm. Further, many talented people are sitting on the sideline, for elected office is a popularity/beauty contest. Too many talented people isolate themselves in their elite/class grouping; not a good recipe for earning the vote of the masses, the proles. Nonetheless, the BVI is in crisis and needs a strong, qualified, experienced team so as to hit the ground sprinting, not just running. Congrats to the 4 finalists: Sheree, Sharie, Neville and Carvin. This was the first step in a long journey.
W—– done pissed off to many people with his news site. Lots of votes lost. I think it is a good move. Every vote counts!
— sure did, and i dropped his site.He was not playing fair.
V— sucks . and they only approve certain comments
While I appreciate the revamping of both parties, can someone please share the current numbers as it relates to registered voters per party please? TYIA.
Vote VIP, Ok. Help me place them in ministries based on their skill-set.
Premier/MOF – Anrew Fahie
MC&W –
ME&C –
Jr. Min/Tourism –
Jr. Min/Trade –
Jr. Min/Youth Affairs Sports and Recreation (new)
Jr. Min/Sister Island Development (new)
Jr. Min/BVI Cleanup, Beautification and Waste disposal (new)
You yourself realize that you cannot fill those slots with VIP candidates LOL!
Split Culture and Education. We need a Junior
minister for Culture.
Thanks, i missed that one it should have been listed after Jr. Min/Trade
One of the virtues of a parliamentary democratic political process is that it is supposedly open, fair and equitable. There is certainty in the democratic process, i.e., winners and losers. However, as political actions/results regionally, internationally…….etc show, democracy may not always deliver the choice/preference of many may. Nonetheless, the process (plurality or majority of votes) must be respected.
Running for political office is tough; it comes with the with high of winning and low of losing. Thumbs up to winners; now is the time to persuade voters to cast votes for you; it is the last stage of the interview process (assuming that there was an ongoing interview process). Further, voters should listen to all candidates views, review and compare/contrast their plans of actions and milestones with one another and vote in the best interest of the territory.
Further, the BVI is at a turning point for the way forward amidst an economic recovery post hurricanes Irma and Maria decimation estimated at $3.6B. Therefore, the BVI needs a strong, steady/stable, abled, experienced……etc team to chart a new course forward for the BVI. These are serious/sober times. Every registered voter should engage in the process; the 0 (one’s vote may not make a diffrence) may not apply in the VI, due to the small electorate size. Every vote matters.
Correction: the 0 (one’s vote may not make a diffrence) may not apply in the VI, due to the small electorate size.” Shoud have read Downs paradox(one’s……………) may not apply in the VI due to the small electorate size.
One of the virtues of a parliamentary democratic political process is that it is supposedly open, fair and equitable. There is certainty in the democratic process, i.e., winners and losers. However, as political actions/results regionally, internationally…….etc show, democracy may not always deliver what many may desire. Nonetheless, the process must be respected.
Running for political office is tough; it comes with the with high of winning and low of losing. Thumbs up to winners; now is the to persuade voters to cast votes for you; it is the last stage of the interview process (assuming that there was an ongoing interview process). Further, voters should listen to all candidates views, review and compare their plans of actions and milestones with one another and vote in the best interest of the territory.
The BVI is at a turning point for the way forward amidst an economic recovery post hurricanes Irma and Maria devastation estimated at $3.6B.
Dear P.O.
I am just sick of you and your deranged view of BVI politics. You really think J- is a person worthy to help run this country? Did you smoke crack in your earlier years or are you still doing it now?
J- is a con——– —- who has no respect for our court system and labour laws. In the past, every time he was to appear in court (like for a labour violation matter), he would make excuses that he has to travel or he was sick. Effectively making himself a fugitive. The police had to find his tail and drag him to prison.
The — website that he runs is notorious for misinformation and bias opinion article favoring the VIP and Fraser. As a matter of fact, it was sued for libel and deformation on many a few occasions. It was also threatened many times to be sued for the lies.
People that knows —– well will tell you that he has some screws missing. Ask the people that worked for him and with him. Many might be able to tell you how he treats people under him. This is not the kind of person to be promoting.
Split Culture and Education. We need a Junior
minister for Culture.
You could never please people mehson
I don’t know if VIP, PPP, LMNOP is the answer but one thing is is definite is that NDP has not earned a 3rd term. If constituents hired NDP to run their personal affairs they would have been fired long time but even with the negative results they still have a chance because stupidity happens all the time.
Good points but we still have to look at the slates and vote honestly and reasonably. In 2007 we voted just out of spite and look where it got us! The NDP made some missteps and we have to ensure that they answer to them on the campaign trail but at this point Im willing to take my chances with a Walwyn led NDP with the names that are out rather than a Fahie led VIP with that slate. Just my opinion at this stage and that may change as we get more information on plans etc.
I like the VIP team and will vote for them. The NDP has destroyed our country and they ahould not be rewarded by putting them back but rather they must be taken out.
Give examples of the destruction. You do know what destruction/destroyed means right? So, tell us what has been destroyed and how VIP will repair it.
Under NDP agriculture has dwindled, Our finances have suffered greatly (even before Irma) overspending on walls, pier park, buying planes that flew away permanently, implementing NHI to eliminate government covering the cost for private citizens in health emergencies only to face even bigger bills and running deficits. Schools begging for everyday supplies. Pave roads, potholes ,pave again ,potholes, Pave again.
Tell us happened under the VIP again???? Father God please roll back the curtains us. Trust me he will.
JW and the pastor got just what their hands called for. They were walking around with their snouts in the air like pig sty don’t reek. Now look, hey boys, I hope you enjoyed your grill crow with a touch of hickory smoked barbecue sauce.
no bother talk about queen not the calypso queen the other one. Not even in a church she say hello to people. She lives in a one fish bowl. Fish can’t vote for sister.
Seize the time.