BVI News

DeCastro mocks Opposition over ‘8th Grader’ taunts

Education Minister Sharie deCastro

During a spirited House of Assembly session, Education Minister Sharie deCastro hit back at Opposition members who accused the government of being run by ‘eighth graders’.

While the remarks from the Opposition criticised the government’s approach, deCastro used the opportunity to turn the tables, making pointed remarks about the Opposition’s lack of unity.

DeCastro highlighted that they could not form a government despite the Opposition having more seats following the last election. “When the Virgin Islands Party won the government, we had six seats. The Opposition parties had seven, which means that they were well capable by that account and by that number of forming the government,” she said during the debate.

“The math ain’t mathing with some of the things that are being said in the House,” deCastro said as she accused the Opposition of name-calling and indecency.

Her comments focused on the failure of the Opposition to unite after the last election, stating that while the Opposition struggled with basic arithmetic, the so-called ‘eighth graders’ in government successfully formed the administration.
“All the numbers and maths and accounting they’re here quoting, they still clearly didn’t have the capacity to be able to add three, plus three, plus one and form the government. But this government over here, eighth graders, were able to add six plus one and form the government,” she said, mocking the Opposition’s inability to create a working majority.

The minister also used the moment to illustrate the government’s diligence in lobbying for funds, especially for education, while criticising the Opposition for their silence on key budgetary issues. She referred to her role in the budget process, stating, “If the six members of the Opposition supported me and spoke the reality of funding… the ministry would have had the funding in the budget to be able to facilitate the work that is being requested of us”.

DeCastro reminded the House that the government has achieved substantial progress despite the criticisms of the Opposition, even under challenging circumstances.

She asserted that if numbers don’t lie, the government’s accomplishments in forming the government and managing its operations cannot be denied.


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  1. The main 8th grader says:

    You are the main 8th grader in the government. You have no plan for education whatsoever. I hear that you hardly ever come to the House of Assembly or cabinet unless there is something for you on the agenda. I sure she must grieving because she couldn’t go on the trip to Greece behind the students.

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  2. Shakespeare says:

    The poem minister is definitely an 8th grader.

    Like 14
  3. The math ain’t mathing with some of the things that are being said in the House says:

    Did our Minister of Education really say this? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

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  4. 1st District says:

    Bunch of clowns! These fools has the place in a mess! Tick for Tack. A bunch of 8th graders leading us.

    Like 10
  5. Teacher says:

    Ms. Decastro, doesn’t even know what’s taught or done in 8th Grade. She needs to rest her mouth. When last has she visited or spent valuable time in a school or class. She quitted on her students so….

  6. Strupes says:

    Look the woman who taught for 45 days and up a down calling herself an educator. Waste of precious time.

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