BVI News

‘Deport me’, St Lucian tells Court

“Send me home, deport me. I spent five months in jail sitting down. You’ve taken my freedom,” St Lucian Shervon Francis appealed to Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards when she announced his October 27 sentencing date on Wednesday.

Francis was on trial for overstaying in the territory. He was also charged with eight counts of criminal damage and one count of criminal trespassing to which he pleaded guilty.

According to Police Constable Severn Simmons, the prosecution’s witness attached to the East End Police station, he received a report of a domestic violence situation on Sunday, May 2.

Officer Simmons told the court that based on the evidence provided, a search warrant was issued for Francis but he was not found at his given address. However, Francis turned up at the East End Police station and was arrested on suspicion of assault causing bodily harm and criminal damage to his then-girlfriend’s property.

The policeman revealed that further checks showed Francis’s work permit had expired on July 14, 2018. And there was no evidence of an extension being granted to him, the court heard.

Immigration promise?

This evidence was corroborated by the prosecution’s second witness, Immigration Officer Stephen Gilbert. Throughout the trial, Francis was adamant that his situation was unique as his girlfriend had a meeting with her boss, who is Chief of Immigration Ian Penn, regarding his dilemma.

“The Chief told me to get a new employer and they’d stamp my passport. My passport was expired but the Chief would stamp it once I get a new one,” Francis told the court.

However, Gilbert said under normal circumstances, a work permit approval would not be communicated verbally but in a written format. Also, extensions would be done by the Immigration Processing Unit.

You must leave the territory

Francis’ girlfriend who worked in the Administrative Office at the Immigration Department also appeared to give evidence. She told the court she tried to help Francis with his work permit status by speaking to Penn after she found out his documents were not ‘straight’ in the summer of last year.

However, she said her boss mentioned that Francis had to leave the territory immediately and not get in any trouble with the law. Afterwards, he (Francis) could seek employment and write a letter requesting permission to re-enter the territory.

She added that at no point from the time she found out about his documents up til his arrest did she process an application for a work permit renewal for him or indicated Francis had permission to stay in the country.

Francis maintained he was in the process of renewing his passport to get the work permit renewed. He told the court he had gotten his police certificate and only required a fingerprint scan to complete his passport renewal which would have enabled him to renew his work permit.

The St Lucian will have to wait in custody for another three weeks before he can know his fate.

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  1. Expat says:

    well send him back home. why waste our money.

    Like 30
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  2. Romanus says:

    Government invite Tenders for various CSK projects.

    (1) Construction reproduction Roman Amphitheatre

    (2) Supply 20 male Lions from the wild.

    (3) Train lions for Premiers festive days when COI enemies of state will be fed live to the animals.

    (4) Supply gold and silk robes and honey for our Holy Emperor

    (5) All Tenders must be delivered in person to the Emperor by 4pm Friday 8th October 2021

    Like 9
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  3. Smh says:

    You are wrong and still want to be strong. From since 2018 you have been here illegally. You should’ve left got yourself sorted out and then come back.

    Like 15
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  4. Slim Jim says:

    Ok, so…

    We have an employee within the Immigration Department finding (since last summer) out that her boyfriend is there illegally, and instead of assisting him with leaving the island while his application is processed correctly, she instead facilitates his overstaying, even having discussions with her boss about it. Its only when he gets in criminal trouble (likely a domestic dispute between them), is it “discovered” by the authorities that he is in fact here illegally.

    Seems to me that both she and her boss (who had knowledge of the situation) should be held accountable in part for this breach by the gentleman. He committed the crime, she enabled it, and her boss was negligent. Why is only the defendant being punished?

    And for the record, I am a proud born-here BVIslander who just doesn’t like to see un-equal justice being meted out… fair is fair.

    Like 62
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  5. BVI says:

    Oh Ok. So that is where he has been all this time, enjoying the view from Balsam Ghut. I missed his presence from showing off himself in the past few months. Didn’t know he was illegal from the way he was so boastful around the place. When you are illegal, you need to stay home and keep quiet.

    Like 15
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  6. Is this for real says:

    So the COI knew this man was overstaying from his girlfriend who works immigration…she remained with him and nothing was done…smh

    Like 9
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  7. The Nation says:

    Please put a microscope on the Immigration Department employee and her actions connected with this man overstaying his time…PLEASE…because other people children getting send off the island the minute they lose their job even though they been law abiding…. right this way COI…

    Like 18
  8. Just my two cents says:

    Go easy on she the eggplant sweet.

    Like 2
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  9. Jokes says:

    He is obviously looking for a free ticket back home. I hope the Court makes him pay for it though.

  10. Jess says:

    So this Immigration employee has kniwingly been bern harboring a criminal .
    That makes her a criminal and unfit for her current employmenshould be fired.

    Like 7
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  11. lawyer says:

    The immigration lady is a victim not an accomplice or aiding. She was already in a relationship when she found out about his expired passport and that he was over staying. The correct thing for her to do was to consult her superiors or depart from him. Obviously he didnt like what she did why he wanted to abuse her. She did the right thing to call the police on him.

    Like 1
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  12. Must Stop says:

    Please stop accommodating criminals. Anyone who accommodates criminals in any way should be charged. There are too many criminals running around here who should have been deported because we are not following the law. Running to govenor and politicians when you should be mandatory deported is a no no. Who wants to live in a place that’s overrun by criminals? Some things shouldn’t even be considered!

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  13. Dumb says:

    This such is nuisence NO MANNERS ANS NI RESPECT..

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