BVI News

Disloyal! Talk show host bemoans Ronnie Skelton’s treatment

Claude Skelton Cline

Talk show host Claude Skelton Cline has condemned what he described as political disloyalty to former Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton following his recent ousting from the post in the House of Assembly.

Appearing on his radio programme Honestly Speaking, Skelton Cline, who is also Ronnie Skelton’s nephew, expressed personal and political disappointment at how the veteran politician was treated by opposition members now forming the breakaway Alliance group.

“What the honourable member Skelton has shown throughout his political career is that he has been loyal to a whole bunch of people who ain’t been loyal to him,” Skelton Cline stated.

Skelton, who served more than two decades in public office, was replaced by Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn last week after Alliance members submitted a letter to the Governor claiming majority support. Skelton Cline, however, questioned the manner and timing of the move.

“In their rush and their pursuit for power, [they] didn’t even have the strategy to say, ‘Let’s wait and let’s not be seen as rushing the brush.’ No, they ain’t wait for that,” he argued.

He said Skelton had brought several political figures under his wing, only to be sidelined when their ambitions grew. “Because he didn’t move the way they wanted him to move or when he wanted to move, they in essence have blatantly disrespected,” Skelton Cline asserted.

Skelton was last seen physically separated from the other opposition members during a recent House of Assembly sitting. While Skelton Cline noted he had emotional ties to the issue, he stressed that his critique also stemmed from intellectual and historical observations.

“There’s a man who’s given 28, 30 years of his life in public service,” he said, adding that many political actors appeared more focused on “being the big baller shot caller” than building the territory.

Skelton Cline also warned of repeating past mistakes, saying the Alliance’s pattern of political disruption mirrored earlier internal party divisions. “Every time a move has been made, it has been seen to be as a disruptive move that has severed ties, severed relationships, break up parties,” he noted.

While acknowledging that “politics is a full-contact sport,” he said leadership should prioritise national interest over personal ambition.

“We have not shown ourselves to be loyal to anything or anybody,” Skelton Cline said. “You don’t solve a crisis by creating another crisis.”

Walwyn sworn in as Opposition Leader

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  1. Just shut up already man says:

    Skelton Cline, you are way played out in the game. Your days of sucking on the Government breast has long expired. READ MY LIPS SKELTON, WALWYN, MATHER AND TURNBULL IS THE FRESH BREATH OF AIR THAT IS NEEDED TO TURN THINGS AROUND. #THE ALLIANCE.

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  2. But wait says:

    Who is more disloyal than you Skelton Cline?

    Like 25
    • @But Wait says:

      Taking Government contracts and tax payers money and not fulfilling contracts is being disloyal and a thief aka swindler to your Country. Skelton is just tight because his UNC got kicked to the curb. Tell your UNC his days in Politics is over.

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  3. What I see says:

    Firstly, Ronnie is Claude’s uncle so he will always defend his uncle. I don’t consider him credible on this issue.

    But looking at the issue objectively Ronnie has not been performing and we all know that. We have to be able to call a spade a spade. The same way he called out the Marlon as not being leadership material, the same is true for Ronnie right now. The opposition look like a joke. A simple vote of no confidence they couldn’t file properly. They lost Lorna and Fraser to Natalio. Mitch and Mather left Ronnie. There has to be a reason and the reason cannot be that they are disloyal. Ronnie is not providing proper leadership and it is obvious.

    He wants to be Premier without doing the work. He caused the break up of the NDP by forming PVIM because he lost the NDP elections. This is what I call disloyal. PVIM members have left him and now he want to go back to NDP all of a sudden. He said that he was not running again but soon as the alliance formed all of a sudden he is running again.

    Ronnie has been the chief at playing games. What about when he had the majority in the opposition and he moved Andrew as opposition leader? There was only 3 months before election and he did that. So now it’s being done to him it’s a problem?

    Like 26
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  4. Chupes says:

    People’s loyalty should be to the country not a man. Ronnie wasn’t doing nothing and the country is suffering. Get him out of the way yes. He need to retire.

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  5. How quick we forget says:

    Ronnie was the encourager to throw out Dr. Smith from leading the NDP. We have short short memories.

    Remember his best friend John Cline went on radio thrashing Dr. Smith and demanding that Ronnie be Minister of Finance. Dr. Smith then removed Cline from the chairman of the hospital. You all really think that Ronnie did not know that his best friend would do this?

    He broke up the NDP because he did not win their internal elections. This alone tells me who this man is. If he is not in charge then he doesn’t want to be involved. So only him could be leader of the opposition? The opposition have 5 members any of them should be able to be leader. Ronnie is suffering from entitlement. That is his problem. He is lazy. He can’t talk. But because he claim he is indigenous he should be in charge. Gimme a break

    Like 27
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    • I swear says:

      The next person that utter the word indigenous is going to get choked out. You indigenous ones is the ones who got us all F…ed up and in the position we are in today. Gant your out of here with the entitlement S..t.

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      • Indigenous BVIslander says:

        Please get use to the term “Indigenous BVIslander” being used as it will be added to the Virgin Islands’ constitution in the near future.

        Trash like you are free to the leave the BVI and let us be. Talking folly about entitlement. This is our country! Go home!

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        • I don’t give a damn says:

          Trash like me? I was born here b…ch just like you. If indeed you were. Thing is, I don’t go around flapping my mouth with the I born here and the indigenous thing and think I am entitled or supposed to be entitled. Go roll up a fat 6” joint and puff the ignorance away.

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  6. ? says:

    Nobody cares what CSC has to say so why are you wasting space with this?

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  7. Karma says:

    I don’t call it disloyal. I call it Karma. Karma is fast and swift these days.

    NDP broke up in 2018 over the fact Myron won their party elections over Skelton. No doubt that Myron would have been Premier if that didn’t happen. Skelton preferred Andrew to be Premier over Myron because Myron has expatriate parents.

    Ronnie took Archie and Mitch from NDP and made three of them went to the opposition bench to oppose their party. It was three. The alliance is also three. Interesting.

    Now the alliance has done to Ronnie what he did to others before. That is karma nephew Claude. Karma!

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  8. Raid says:

    Claude is very bias. A few weeks ago I heard him tell the alliance to do what they got to do. Part of what they got to do is remove the leader of opposition to a more effective one. Now it’s a problem because its his uncle.
    You all see why the BVI in the mess it is in!!!! Everybody about their own interest. The rules apply in this country based on who it is.

    Like 15
  9. History lesson says:

    If the Alliance has 3 members. PVIM has 1. NDP has 1. What is wrong if the Alliance take control of the opposition? The constitution allows for it to happen.

    In 2018 it had Fraser and Andrew on the opposition. Ronnie, Mitch and Archie formed a group and went on the opposition. PVIM group had 3. VIP had 1. PU had 1. Exact scenario and Ronnie moved Andrew to become opposition leader. Claude didn’t cry out then.

    Now the same thing has happened in 2025 and it’s a problem because it is his uncle that is being affected this time. We really special.

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  10. Eldread says:

    This scamp Claude didn’t see any disloyalty when Fraser leave and went over to sowandie and when Lorna leave, but now the “I-3’S” get together as an intellectual bunch to help stop sowandie from flying first class or paying anymore quarter million dollars USD to Vybz Kartel or any future hippie coming here to gyrate and chat crap to lead and inspire the youths to crime life Claude Skelton cline mad. He does say he associate with god, is he? He worried that these 3 will render sowandie helpless and even cause a shift in seat in the house coming towards them, so Claude out there bugging down pen and Ronnie to go over to sowandie to stop the unseating of sowandie that’s pending.

  11. Was he loyal when.... says:

    Was that loyalty when a duly elected leader of the party and was chosen and he decided to take his marbles and play elsewhere? Was that loyalty to the party other members and constituents? Hon Skelton was parayzed without any clue as to what move to make as leader of opposition. he should have done the honorable thing and stepped down but instead was intoxicated by the power of the title and had to be pushed out.

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  12. Fish says:

    Myron will get what coming to him pot does be boiling

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    • @Fish says:

      What did Myron do?
      He won a party democratic election
      His colleagues on the opposition supported him for leader of the opposition
      What must he do? Say no no. Give it to king Ronnie?

      You all really sick dread.

      Like 13
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    • @Fish says:

      So let the F pot boil. Anyway you twist it, the best fish is going to emerge from the boiling pot.


      While you are at it boiling the pot for Myron make sure you save a space in the boiling pot for your fat A because your karma is right around the corner honey buns/sweet muffin pie. You ain’t slithering back up in the HOA to curl up like the underhanded evil dirty snake you are. SSSSSSSSSSNAKE. A snake in a wig.

  13. Sturpss says:

    The elephant in the room is that nobody was impressed with Skelton as opposition leader neither his team or the public. Cline can talk about loyalty? The minute NDP didn’t renew his contract they were the worst organization on the planet. I can’t support loyalty to a situation that clearly not working out. I have my reservations about walwyn but I absolutely think he is capable of being better than Skelton.

    Like 14
  14. LMAO says:

    Shut up BVI big mouth. Ronnie knew something was brewing in his cup of bush tea. A whole lot of us knew this was about to go down. Ronnie and Marlon played the greedy game for power and they got sent to the dog house. Ronnie and Marlon wanted to be Premier and Deputy Premier and it backfired big time. It ain’t happening. Like it or not, MYRON IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PREMIER OF THE BVI. HE IS THE ONE WITH THE MOST EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE AS HOW TO RUN THE TERRITORY AND GET US OUT OF THE MESS THAT WE ARE IN. I AM STANDING WITH THE ALLIANCE. FIST PUMP.

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  15. CSC, you are right. says:

    “politics is a full-contact sport,”
    So, if you stand around on the field of play doing nothing you are going to get pushed aside.

  16. Exit already says:

    Ronnie it is time to go hell home. You are played out. You have not shown us anything for the two years you have been opposition leader. Nothing! If you can’t be an opposition leader then I can’t see you being a good Premier.

    Like 10
  17. Another history lesson says:

    They call everybody power hungry except those who are really power hungry.

    Remember during the time of the COI even before it started a group went down to the Governor to recommend that they remove the VIP and Andrew Fahie and put in Ronnie and others as local leaders without an election. Remember who was the main instigator – John cline.

    And mind you this was before the COI process had actually start. Only an announcement of the COI was made at that time.

  18. My take says:

    Skelton need one hot roasting slap across his face and a muzzle on his big mouth. Do every one a favor, and take the next thing leaving out of dodge to Detroit and take your bad tasting sub par pizza with you.

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  19. Hmm says:

    From the time he lost NDP internal elections that was a democratic process and decided he not taking that and split up the party because HE didn’t win. Then want to merge back into NDP and be leader just so without democratically being elected as leader of the new NDP. In my opinion he the most power hungry person there. Is like to hell with everything if I not going to be the leader and it shouldn’t go to no vote because it’s mines! Honestly he should just retire and collect his greedy bill package.

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  20. Lacking respect says:

    Out of Ronnie Skelton’s 5 opposition members, 2 have defected, and 3 have formed their own alliance and deposed him. This suggests to me that in the HOA there is little respect for ex opposition leader.

  21. PLEASEEEEEEEE! says:


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    • @PLEEAAASSSEEE says:

      first, the corner lady should set the example, but besides that age shouldn’t be a factor because if they’re able that’s all that matters. Secondly a leader does not have to be loud to be taken seriously or to be effectively and thirdly what broke it up in the first place can’t rebuild it; it is now fixed. NDP and PVIM do not split because no matter how much trouble we are in now VIP will not spilt. Let’s get out of this twilight zone.

  22. Bad minded. says:

    Even that picture showing how tired this man look. The NDP when they started used to cuss Ralph and call him old. Saying why he don’t go home. Now look at them. Ronnie 73 years and still would t go home.

    • Shut your stupid mouth says:

      Biden, Trump and Putin are all over 70 and running
      big countries…So why can’t a person over 70 run lil BVI???

      • @Shut your stupid mouth says:

        Look how well that working out putting old people in charge. The world is in Chaos. I can’t even believe you used Biden as an example the man used to be confused can’t even find his way off the stage why you think the dems pressure him to retire and put up Kamala. I also blame Biden for hyping up Ukraine then leaving them to take blows.

  23. Watch the game says:

    Marlon is giving the leadership of NDP to Ronnie just because he don’t want Myron to get it. That is why they don’t want to join up with the other three. So if Ronnie get leader then Marlon will get deputy. If they bring the two parties together fully Marlon would get neither leader or deputy.
    Who really power hungry then

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    • @watch the game says:

      No matter how much Marlon try to plot on Myron, he is still not getting deputy position. Marlon the under cover Texas rattle snake is slowly shaking his tail rattle. When a rattle snake start to shake the rattle on its tail…………….,.,

  24. Another history lesson says:

    Claude is accusing the alliance of rushing the brush and telling them to wait.
    In 2011, Claude came back from Detroit away being away forever. He hardly knew the people. Didn’t even settle down but went to run straight away against Alvin Christopher who was a seasoned politician.
    Why didn’t you wait Claude? These man is clowns mehson.

  25. Hmmm says:

    They blame Ronnie for staying and not shouting when he was on the NDP and being loyal to Dr Smith when the plane and the wall and the Pier Park projects were being financially abused. He stood up finally and separated himself from the bad NDP to form his own party that stood on his morals and now they crucify him again and say he left because Myron won an internal election. Forgetting that Myron forced a snap election while Ronnie was away on vacation and unprepared for the unexpected internal election. Ronnie pushed for a vote of No Confidence that wasn’t supported by his team as it should have been. They criticize him for trying to create disharmony under the COI pressures. Now they criticize Ronnie and saying he was non-performing. No matter what Skelton does, it is a problem. There is no politician who has been more morally sound and ethical and loyal than Skelton. A son of the soil who puts BVI first and never relied on government to fill his pockets. But he is the victim of disloyalty and power hungry team members. History will prove him right. He may not be an eloquent speaker, but he is the best person to run the BVI through these times.

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    • @Hmmm says:

      Lord you can make up story

      1 his loyalty should have been to the people and the country not to dr smith.

      2 he left conveniently after losing election for leader that kinda gives off sore loser vibes.

      3 you say he never fill his pockets with government money while collecting 30k a month from government renting office space.

      4 you say his teammates were not in support of the motion of no confidence. Literally only Marlon pick up and went Australia while the rest of the team was fighting to get the motion on the table after HE couldn’t even file it properly the first time. Giving the premier time to come up with further delay tactics.

      he might mean well but he didn’t inspire confidence. The other members of HIS team is who leave and join Myron I don’t think they had plan to do that from the start or made that decision on a whim cause they just like the bow tie Myron wear today is leadership qualities they saw in Myron they don’t see in Skelton this is twice it happen now. You telling me Myron so good that he can sway people that truly believe in you and your leadership to join him instead just so?

      Not to mention the impasse between NDP and PVIM. Just want to be leader just so without a vote like he is some monarch. Both him and Marlon now they getting what the duck get.

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    • @@Hmmm says:

      You are on the button. All your facts are right. There was an election going on to vote in Skelton or Walwyn and someone had to call Skelton overseas and tell him about it.

      Don’t worry, time longer than twine. Whatever God has for his children they will get it. All these shenanigans are just that, shenanigans. All we want is a well run Territory, one that is growing and benefiting from allour tax money spent each year. It is not a pissing contest on who can do better or best. And what do we know? When Hon. Skelton was Minister for Finance he got things done. He got value for money. He not only built buildings, Hospital, but he helped those on the lower spectrum of the pay grade, $10,000, free of taxes. All this calling people out of their names about who tired and who aren’t tired, well those that are full of energy should show us their motion. Make decisions for all. Build a Public Library, open the doggone Admin Complex, fix the roads. Spend our tax dollars to do these things. Make sure the water issues are to a minimum and when we turn on our pipes water flows through.
      For what is a country that cannot take care of its citizens, 30,000 of them while spending over half a billion dollars each year?

      And, please, while you are at it, stop that young man in Labour from rubber stamping every damn application for a work permit that crosses his desk. Some of the Asians are actually filling gallons of water now from public bathrooms Do something about these rising prices. We are not going to be able to eat in this country soon. The country is overrun. Time to slow his damn roll.

  26. FYI says:


  27. Here this says:

    Marlon and Ronnie was born here but they are two big sellouts. The power that they are itching and scratching for like a piece of stinging nettle sting is going to be their downfall.

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  28. @Chupes says:

    A leader does not have to be loud to be effective; relax.

  29. @ FISH & HMMM , says:

    FIRE ●¿●

  30. Observation says:

    Skelton and penn lack of leadership is what leave the door wide open for this to happen. They always think they have more time than they actually have this is why they not the government after winning the majority after the election.

  31. My Opinion says:

    A leader does not kill the whole team chances at success out of fear of losing his position of leader. If anything a real leader will quicker drop on the sword so that the whole team can survive and complete the mission. Both Penn and Skelton were afraid of Myron that’s why whatever was to happen with NDP/PVIM it couldn’t be a democratic process. Marlon himself was never voted NDP chairman. Neither of them were confident in their ability to remain leaders if it went to a vote. How you going to just want to merge parties and just be leader just so. based on what you never got voted for as chairman. Do we really want cowards focused on self preservation leading us? If anything I have even more respect for Myron for having these two seasoned career politicians shaking in their boots till they couldn’t move.

  32. Norris Turnbull says:

    Dam PoppyShow

  33. BuzzBvi says:

    C.oS-C. You say what?? And BVI News posts it. You cousins?

  34. Relieve it or not says:

    Natalio is on his way out the door soon.

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  35. He got bad mind says:

    I have label- badminded! That is what Ronnie Skelton is

    He formed PVIM after he lost the NDP elections to Myron

    He said he wasn’t running again until the Alliance formed

    He went back to NDP one day after he was replaced as opposition leader.

    These are all facts! This old man is bad minded and entitled. Do Claude don’t come with your nonsense talk. Your uncle is the problem.

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  36. Quietly Watching says:

    I love it. Best move Hon. Penn and Hon. Skelton could make. No matter who criticize and throw daggers, concentrate on building a strong team. They want to say you are played out, Hon. Skelton and should go home? Well, the young, young, young people are running the country and tiyr criticizers seem to be forgetting. This is the only country where the people keep handing over millions of dollars to the young people and they don’t have a damn clue what to do with it. So like teenagers they say let’s party. Let’s have a good time. Let’s travel every time there is an opportunity to do so. They are spending over $400 million every single year for the years that they have been in power, plus SAPs and we are no better off. What they lack? Experience and guess what, most experience persons have a few grey hairs. Not you though, so you shine that bald head and get to work for I KNOW you will do a much better job. And guess what, they do too, that’s why they can’t stop calling your name.

    Notice Ms. Lorna back in the VIP corner and Hon. Walwyn snatched away two PVIM members but all their talk is Hon. Skelton, Hon. Skelton. We all know why. You can get this country straight. And God’s willing soon, soon you will get the chance. full stop.


    the holy-one,us saying)> just check out mah smile – this is your boi- csc , your holiness , the city SLICKer, CONsultant , psychic , those are just some of the of my skills, ( and remember you read here first ) AM GONNA BE YOUR NEXT PREMIER . don’t say ah did tell ya~all

  38. @How quick we forget says:

    It’s still fresh but you left out the part where they called the internal election when Ronnie wasn’t there. No?

  39. STRAWBERRY says:


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