Environmental impact of airport runway extension a major concern

Residents have expressed concerns over the potential environmental impact of the proposed expansion of the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport runway, particularly on Trellis Bay and the surrounding marine environment.
At a business case meeting held on Tuesday, November 26, at Elmore Stoutt High School, several local residents raised alarms about how the runway extension could affect both the bay and the wider environment.
The current runway length of approximately 4,500 feet is proposed to be extended by 2,400 feet to a total of 7,000 feet, but some residents are concerned about the long-term effects.
Irreversible damage
One local resident questioned the benefits of the extension, saying, “The extension doesn’t necessarily give us growth, it takes away a lot from our environment, including the functionality of one of our central bays.” He emphasized that the proposed expansion could irreversibly damage the transit hub that Beef Island represents.
Jeffrey Seider, a global advisor with WSP Group — the consultancy firm tasked with attracting investors for the project — acknowledged that while the expansion may limit free access to the bay, it would still allow for a navigable channel.
Other residents voiced more serious concerns, highlighting the potential harm to the coral reefs and changes to the tidal flow. One resident warned that the project could lead to dangerous conditions, saying, “The current changes could create whirlpools in the bay, making it dangerous for those using the area.” She added that the altered tide could eventually impact Long Bay.
Environmental impact being reviewed
In response, Seider explained that the environmental aspects of the project are still under review. He assured the public that the goal is to make the expansion both economically viable and environmentally sustainable, striving for a balance between development and conservation.
The airport’s masterplan was initially created in 2017, with WSP engaged to update it. The business case, being developed by KPMG (BVI) Ltd, is due to be completed by February 2025, with a final decision to follow.
Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley has reiterated that the government intends to move forward with the project before the end of its term in 2027. He also assured residents that financial plans are still being discussed, with options including public-private partnerships, loans secured by the Airports Authority, or leasing the airport.
More consultations
The Premier emphasised that public consultations would continue to gather feedback from residents and stakeholders.
The runway expansion is expected to improve the BVI’s global connectivity, making the territory more accessible and attractive to international visitors, while potentially boosting the local economy.
The Ministry of Communication and Works will hold additional meetings to continue the public consultation process, with a session scheduled for Wednesday, November 27, at 6 pm at the Francis Lettsome Primary School.
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BVI govt is only paying lip service to this issue. They are hell bent on building their white elephant regardless of the consequences and costs.
“…several local residents raised alarms…”
Beyond local residents raising alarms, I would hope that 90% of the island’s population will raise alarms.
Incidentally, the opening photograph reveals the appalling architectural standard of the school’s interior spaces. The resemblance is that of a factory shed.
Roger Burnett
You are really reaching. I am familiar with that particular room and it is in proper condition. It’s the type of building and nothing is wrong with it. Stick to the topic at hand. People like yourself is why BVI would never move forward, always stuck on negative and stupid!
In response to @ Roger.
My comment was not concerning the condition of the room, but its aesthetic appearance and fitness for purpose. And by extension, I would add the building of which it forms a part. If we are surrounded by that which is ugly, we begin to accept ugliness as the norm.
I consider myself fortunate to have intimately known these islands since the 1970’s. In the intervening years what has been deemed as progress, has all too often been retrograde.
If my concerns for these islands appear to be “negative and stupid”, so be it.
Roger Burnett
They modelled it on the CTL warehouse so the students would feel at home. It is the students new normal
It doesn’t matter what… with or without expansion… BVI people will always see an issue with anything that involves change or development…us BVI people is our own downfall when it comes to BVI where it is today.. we have SOO MUCH potential but we lack vision and the wisdom to propel our Virgin Islands to a greater future…
What about noise pollution from increased airport traffic? It’s unhealthy for developing children’s brains. What about increased pollution from fuel usage by these planes on the population? What do their studies reveal??
This sounds like a done deal
20 years ago we were here with the same bullshit, which is why we are now here with the same bullshit (read it again). Keep it up BVI, keep it up!
I don’t understand the point of this meeting when it has been stated by the dicator Natalio that the government intends to move forward with the project before the end of its term in 2027 anyway.
What is the point and what is the point of having a rogue elected leader? Is that photo of the criminal still on the wall?
These people drive me crazy about expanding the airport. Pay attention .Do you know the sea bed devastation reclaiming wickham cay done to the bvi.But it had to happen commercial and financial services. Our you wanted it as a bird sanctuary. With no kind of growth. Meson start the airport. U lose some to something bigger.thats life
do we really need this much extra runway? I guess we do if we want to attract middle america to join their cruise ship types and congest our little island even more and drive away the villa and charterboat tourists who spend real money. Do we want to be like St Thomas or more like St Barths? I say add 1000 feet or so in order for the AA type and size planes can land and take off when the weathers not perfect. Lets be reasonable…we dont need a massive loan to extend the runway only to attract low spending tourists.
The BVI will never be St. Barths so stop talking bulls**t because you have your own belief. We need airlift if we want to continue to have a tourism product, THE END! Stop the noise, extend the airport and let’s get the place moving again. The BVI is behind because we continue to listen to a bunch of losers who take no risk, own nothing, run nothing except their mouths and only understand emotions and politics.
Boy you come out swingin’. Agreed we need extention but by a reasonable amount. You want St Thomas but I want more like St Barths. You want chaos, traffic jams, more crime, less money, more stress, big debt, big hotels etc. We dont need huge planes clogging up the whole place with cheap tourists. Just extend runway enough to allow the current AA plane types to operate safely and reliably.
Environmental damage must be mitigated but the runway expansion is also a 21st century necessity. American Airlines has not been steadily increasing its direct BVI-Miami flights just “for so.” There is clearly a demand and it beats the hassle of St Thomas. Ask anyone who has done it.
Many years ago, there were those who wanted to keep the old pull-yourself-across barge that connected Tortola to get to the airstrip on Beef Island instead of a bridge, because it was more “quaint”.
I am old enough to remember that it was the British Royal Engineers who initially expanded the airport runway to its modern state. They should probably be approached again by Government to undertake this expansion, almost certainly at lower cost than other possibilities.
With the extension of the run way and bigger planes, our crime will go sky high, and where are you going to put all of these people that you want to bring in.Natalio Wheatley you are going to drag the BVI down to a point of no return if you don’t stop.
Criminals can come in by boat as well as the regular planes that are landing at beef presently.
What I would like to know is what are the arrival numbers since AA started in May 22 in comparison to before AA? Why I ask is we need to know if the direct flights has led to an increase in numbers rather than a diversion in numbers from traditional SJU route to the more convenient direct route. Expanding an airport is one thing, but maintaining and paying for it another.
Secondly what kind of arrangement does AA have with the BVI Government to operate here? Is it an exclusive one where no other airline can operate to compete with them? Why is it Delta or Jetblue cannot operate on the existing runway? Is the Market too small so AA is wary of competition?
Also what is the BVI Government’s plan for tourism? Is it Mass tourism or Niche market tourism?
The premier is hell bent on doing what he wants with anything including this project.
He listens to no one
Why hold meetings . It is just fro a smoke screen . Does he listen NO
He wants to start all kinds of projects half done , not uo
To standard Hurry! Hurry! To say at the next election he did something
“ Watch me work baby .”
Look at the Trellis Bay cattle ranch they build !!
When it rains go shelter in the bathrooms.
Waste of space that could have been better utilized
This airport runway need extending, but you know the problem is that you sell the cats like great camano to the white people,so now you have to tip toe around them to build that airport, white supervision is deciding what the black majority can have for their development, and UK is in charge so white people get emboldened, the few black people in the meeting to object are planted by white people. And the natalio Wheatley went to that meeting and speak carefully as he himself has to tip toe around white people to be loved by UK and retain power.
If only the issue was Black and White. Not in the racist way you are talking though. Better stick to the issue for now but take a look at your out dated problem as a racist.
Black people like you make black people like me embarrassed. this not a racial issue. we will all be richer (not just money) in so many ways if we do this development to maximise the attractiveness of BVI for both we residents and visitors.
Just build the airport! We have been discussing this to death now. Extend the runway with as much care as possible. There will be some destruction unfortunately but that is life. We must develop and developments have pros and cons. The pros outweigh the cons.
Get Moving with the extension!