BVI News

Ethically challenged! Skelton slams VIP’s record


Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) leader, Ronnie Skelton, described the BVI’s current political leaders as ethically challenged as he sought to demonstrate why he should replace Dr Natalio Wheatley as the territory’s next Premier.

Skelton served previously as the BVI’s Health and Social Development Minister under a previous National Democratic Party (NDP), but was fired from that post after disagreements with party leadership just before the previous elections in 2019. He then contested the last elections as leader of the PVIM but was unsuccessful in his bid.

He slammed the current Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government over its performance and accused it of poor governance in its handling of the post-2017 hurricane recovery and management of the global pandemic. The VIP has been rocked by a number of scandals over the past few years, including the arrest of its former leader and Premier Andrew Fahie in the United States last year on charges of drug smuggling and money laundering.

Skelton said there are serious problems facing the territory and argued that now is the time to return the BVI to a prosperous place. “This is the time when we need serious people with good leadership skills, vision and integrity. We need to save the country from the ethically challenged,” he argued.

The former legislator also called for a reset and recast to the BVI’s relationship with the United Kingdom (UK) to let them know there are capable people on the ground that can lead the terrirory and can follow rules of transparency, integrity, and accountability.

According to Skelton, while serving as Minister of Finance and as Health Minister previously, he did much to improve the welfare of residents of the BVI, building homes and improving various policies within the government he served. “I was the one who introduced the policy to make the first $10,000 of your income payroll tax free,” Skelton stated.

Meanwhile, Skelton addressed the controversial National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme which he helped introduce and said it was not just a good initiative, but an extremely important one. Skelton said critics of the scheme who don’t know what they are saying ‘should go sit down’.

Skelton said the current government has neither the capacity nor the will to fix the issues with the NHI and acknowledged that after a number of years there would be a need for ‘tweaking’ of the legislation and processes associated with the scheme.

“There is over 60 per cent of this population who cannot afford private health insurance. That is why the NHI came into existence,” Skelton said while assuring residents that he will fix the issues once elected.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    VIP all the way!! Who and what is PVIM? Ohhh.. NDP 2 ?

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  2. L says:

    VIP all the way! Who and what is PVIM?

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  3. Salty Fish says:

    Don’t throw stones in a glass house Sir!

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  4. Foxy says:

    We don’t want you as no premier we sticking with showanda

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  5. No no no says:

    Ronnie you can not speak. You are just like your old boss.. can’t speak. Wheatley is the best man for the job. Trust !

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  6. Not my vote says:

    I cannot vote for Ronnie. I am sorry. Dr. Pickering was able to put aside whatever differences he had to come back to the NDP for the sake of country. Ronnie if he is a maths person like he says should know that not joining back with his old colleagues would increase the chances of this same ethically challenged government regaining the government for 4 more years. I guess his hatred for his former colleagues is greater than his love for country. A man who cannot forgive, forget and move on is a dangerous person to put in a leadership position. He lost the NDP leadership election and that still eats away at him it seems. This smacks of someone who thinks he is entitled and this is the way he behaves.

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  7. Hmmm says:

    For good of country NDP and VPIM need to sort themselves out and put up one candidate per district or votes will be split allowing the VIP candidate to get in

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  8. CallZoe says:

    When you want answers, call Zoe

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  9. New voters says:

    None of the candidates seem to be addressing the approx 2,000 new belongers that will be voting for the first time.

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  10. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Agreed. They voted for the greedy bill. Come to think about it so did Mitch. They all need to get 300 kicked in the sea

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  11. Not convinced says:

    I am all for the BVI heading towards following rules of transparency, integrity and accountability but for some reason I’m not convinced by him. Why every time he has the opportunity to speak he talks about what he’s going to fix but never can say how he plans to fix anything. At this point everyone in BVI are aware of the problems, let talk about how we plan to fix them. You would think as experienced and senior he is he would give us more than telling us what we already know. Hot air!

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  12. Local says:

    What was Ronnie saying had to ask Alexer to interpret, is this what will be on international stage everyone needing Alexer to understand what he’s saying. Go and come again let Sowanda take the wheel it’s clear as day when he talks.Sorry but your party not convincing and not ready for the task at hand.

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  13. Truth says:

    @ Not My Vote. People in the BVI seem to have a problem with truth and would rather rely on one sided stories. The issues with the split with Ronnie, NDP, and others is far bigger that the one sided stories being told. If Ronnie was the problem, then the NDP should have no problem getting itself off the ground. NDP needs to move on but the same problem still exists and those at the helm will bury the truth for their own selfish gain. Be that as it may, the BVI is in a bigger mess, for we have the UK holding an Order in Council over our heads for the next two to three years and is watching keenly on the outcome of the upcoming election. THAT IS WHAT WE NEED TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT. NDP and VIP and PU all have candidates who are under suspicion, and they should have not even considered running in this election. If elected, the UK will not allow anyone of them to sit as Ministers! Ronnie has not been under the UK investigation for anything and he has a proven track record of doing good for the BVI! We need to move on and look at what is best for the BVI, especially now in these trying circumstances.

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  14. Actions says:

    @ not convinenced. Actions speak louder than words and his track record proves just this. Anyone can say anything. BUT LOOK AT WHAT THEY DO! LOOK AT WHERE WE ARE! PVIM is the best team to take this country in the direction it needs to go!

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  15. SMH says:

    @local When we focus on the wrong things, it is the reason we are IN A MESS!

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  16. Fact says:

    NDP and PVIM should be ashamed of themselves. This is all about POWER and nothing to do with the country. If VIP was so corrupt why did Marlon and Mitch join Sowande for a year? Don’t tell me it’s about saving the BVI from the UK because that is rubbish. They are all on a quest for power. If the BVI was at heart both sides would’ve come together with a powerhouse team that people could support 100%. Now we have a repeat of last election with these quickly thrown together teams that cannot win anything. VIP will form the next government easily.

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  17. PVIM says:


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  18. Funny says:

    @not my vote. The question is was the differences put aside for country or self? REMEMER: A leopard never changes it’s spots. I guess we must forget 4 years later!

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  19. John Public says:

    Ayo could class Showonde with Ronnie?……..COME ON!…..Ask him where his father is and what has he done within his personal life to be on the same level with Ronnie, just answer that!

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  20. Say I say so says:

    Pound for pound Skelton is a bigger/heavier fish than all the other leaders of the 3 parties.

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  21. Well well well says:

    Look who is talking about being unethical. I listen to PVIM rally, and I was disgusted by their presentations. I am not a party person but all I heard them doing is bashing, bashing, bashing. It was total turn off.

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  22. Give and Take says:

    I presume you are a VIP Supporter in disguise. Don’t start what you can’t take. Run a clean campaign and present your issues to the public PERIODT!! Stop the crap about NDP 1 and NDP 2. Weak tactic to continue to distract and deceive the people. Two different teams and totally different characters. If it’s ok for one, it should be ok for all, so don’t get mad when the TRUTH is told. Stick to the issues.

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  23. @ say I say so says:

    The size of his head alone so you’re right

  24. Sigh says:

    @facts. You have it all wrong. VIP should be ashamed of themselves. If you were following carefully, the VIP’s proposal alone to the UK could not stand! So yes, Marlon and MItch were needed to keep us alive! Know the facts. Be thankful that they and others were willing to fight for country above self at a much critical time. We need to focus more on the positives than the negatives. Wrong is being called right and right is being called wrong, all sorts and it’s sad. Wake up!

    Like 11
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  25. Kuwasi says:

    I agree with youit was a totally shameful

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  26. What is Shameful says:

    PVIM and NDP not about about false things they are talking about the shame the VIP has brought to our BVI. VOTE THEM OUT!!

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  27. Shameful says:

    @kuwasi if the truth is shameful, we are in deeper problems. Please serve this same negative energy under the VIP posts instead of cheering in the crowd and ringing your bells on same behavior. Don’t be a hypocrite.

  28. Facts says:

    I will give the reason after what transpired with the former premier UK had no confidence in the VIP party continuing running the country.

    They wanted to suspend our constitution and have an interim government ran by the governor.

    For that to not take place the Unity Government was formed which was the best way forward.

    The VIP is to blame for that not NDP or PVIM

    Like 12
  29. Well meh boy! says:

    ?????Me and arl was wondering what deh hell was Unvle Ronnie saying too. I think he was speaking in amish?

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  30. THINK1 says:

    Ronnie all I want you to tell us is where is the $7,200,00.00 or the airplane. Until you talk dat, do not say a word Mr. Finance.

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  31. @ Not my Vote says:

    So you would want to date someone after you already divorced them? Mehn the level of logical reasoning around here seems to be at an all time low! Skelton & Turnbull divorced themselves (Archibald too) from NDP and now ayo want them to kiss and make up like Pickering/Walwyn/Penn? How dat make sense? It’s either you stand for something or fall for everything! How many VIP have ran/run businesses without the need for Government contracts? Suss that and then come back to respond.

  32. @Think1 says:

    why don’t you ask the VIP about the 10 million dollars in covid assistance? or about the 20 million in contracts given out…..the plane story is old….lets stick to what has happened in the last 4 years.

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  33. Zone 6 says:

    Replace what premier
    Go sit down
    What you did to protect the country from the UK when you was in office
    Remember most of the issues the current premier is face with is from previous administration dating back at least 20yrs including your time go sit down we sticking with our premier tired all of all you fools you had enough time in office to do what was right
    Yes the vip made mistakes cause of Andrew and we accept that they wasn’t strong enough to challenge him but we forgive them and sticking with them

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  34. Well Sah! says:

    @@Think1 and the 6 million paid to Cox, Cox became a full fledged millionaire from the BVI taxes payer money just like that. The same British that we soo detested. And all the grants that Head Coach dished out of the Ministry of Finance to his damn family, friends and cronies. Ah you pay back awe damn money to the treasury. That’s the first thing should be on UK’s agenda after this elections, Governor please take note. Don’t leave no stone unturned

  35. Don't Forget says:

    Remember he was the Finance Minister when he allowed the then Primer Dr. Smith to buy the 7 million dollar plane. How can I trust him now

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  36. Ethically challenged? says:

    What kind of weak foolishness is that? “Ethically Challenged?” That’s the best you can do? Weak! Hit these jokers hard based on their affiliation to “Head Coach.” Many of them were at the table when the madness was being agreed to. They should be lumped into the same hurricane of corruption as H.C. Guilty by association!! The time for niceties is over!! Constantly drive home the point that they are corrupt! This isn’t even up for debate!

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  37. Till Now? says:


    When the hate is real, the hate is real. You all can’t get over 7.2 million that was obviously a very BAD investment

    let’s talk about the SSB GRANTS $40M FOR COVID-19 RELIEF that were given to fake farmers and fake fishermen. Let’s talk about the nearly $18 million social security homes project as part of a $62.9 million stimulus package designed to boost the economy during the pandemic. Never mind that apartments were vacant, and homes were being foreclosed on. Let’s talk about the EZ Shipping barges that cost government $2 million. Let’s talk about the six-month petty contract which paid $16,330 per month with a five per cent end-of-contract gratuity to CCS. Let’s talk about the nearly $23 million in assistance grants between January 2019 and May 2022 without adequate accountability or transparency, including more than $200,000 to one senior public officer and their immediate family members, according to a scathing

    Like 12
  38. Lodger says:

    You can immediately fix the NHI by forcing the private medical practitioners to drop their fees back to where they were before NHI STARTED. THAT WAY BOTH GOVT AND PUBLIC WILL BE BETTER OFF.

  39. Rubber Duck says:

    Do I trust him? No

    Do I trust Lorna? Yes

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  40. VIP Fingers busy says:

    But if Ronnie wins his seat he is the next Premier..Simple as that..

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  41. Really you VIP and NDP Supporters says:

    Not only all the squandered money AF gave away on grants, look back, 6 Million for Greenhouses never used and yearly license fees for these greenhouses in excess of 1 Million per year. What is a license fee for a greenhouse? – never heard such muck. Having to pay 20 Million breach of contract for a water contract which had been in place before VIP signed their now long forgotten controversial contract.
    NDP with letting their cronies raise prices for Medical services to robb the NHI. Buying Prospect Reef to help out a crony and let it deteriorate. The list of mismanagement of our funds from both parties is just endless. So you all go and vote them all back in for them to laugh all the way to the Bank?

  42. Wolf-man says:

    Hear this MS about ethically challenged when he was down water pass scotia telling man a set a bad words. You will say anything to get elected Ronnie but you DOA.

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  43. You lie! says:

    That is a lie. Check the record you liar.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Honestly why I can’t vote for Ronnie and his Elitist Party … He went missing in action after the last election, when Head Coach put this territory to shame. As a leader we never heard as much as a squeak from Ronnie and when he was asked a few weeks ago how come he never spoke up on the situation his answer was, and I quote “I don’t like confusion” really? SMDH! And a next thing Ronnie it Can’t be just I did this and I did that you were part of an administration. You couldn’t pass none of the initiatives by yourself you were part of the NDP administration and cabinet. So stop giving the impression it was done by you alone

  45. To old says:

    Serious I don’t like to see Ronnie. He’s e**l if he only one. This give clause to much power

  46. Who says:

    When he was Minsiter of Finance, did he do a great job????

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  47. Really says:

    You trust Lor**, good for you.

    She was already Premier for 8 years. She done had her chance

    Like 3
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  48. ReX FeRaL says:

    ‘He slammed the current Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government over its performance and accused it of poor governance in its handling of the post-2017 hurricane recovery.”

  49. Big E says:

    Your premier is to weak he is going to get eaten up like fish from those people from the UK he just not ready to be a leader and the people didnt put him there.

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