EZ Shipping received more than $700K pay when barges not used

An audit report on the COVID-19 border security contracts for marine platforms between the Andrew Fahie-led government and EZ Shipping showed that the company received payments even when it provided no services.
According to the report issued by Auditor General Sonia Webster, the payments made to EZ Shipping covered two months when the barges were not used.
The audit concluded that incorrect information was provided to the National Security Council (NSC) and Cabinet to facilitate approval of the contracts and support unearned payments of more than $700,000.
EZ shipping was paid more than $2 million for use of three of its barges — Midnight Stone, Midnight Czar, and Midnight Chief — as radar platforms between September 2020 and January 2021, but records show that use of the radar platforms ceased in November 2020.
Use of Midnight Chief ceased on November 15, 2020, Midnight Czar on November 21, 2020, and Midnight Stone on November 25, 2020.
Platform logs, corroborated by the mobile vessel logs also show that no police officers were transported to the radar platforms after the dates indicated. Furthermore, no information was provided on why usage ceased, and no instructions were seen for the discontinuance.
The audit report further revealed that Commissioner of Customs Wade Smith, in correspondence with then Acting Financial Secretary, Jeremiah Frett, in March 2021 asserted that the barges were used from September 2020 to January 2021.
However, in the same correspondence, Smith refused to sign the certificate on the payment voucher to confirm the barges had been used during the period between December 23 to January 22 for the last contract.
Webster recommended that an assessment should be performed by the Attorney General’s Chambers to determine whether the government should pursue recovery of the amounts paid to EZ Shipping for the period November 26, 2020, to January 22, 2021, when the barges were not in use by the government.
She also recommended that an assessment should be performed by the Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions on whether any offences were committed concerning the engagement of the marine platforms.
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Something very rotten in the state of BVI
The fact that Wade refused to sign the last payment voucher rather suggests that he was not party to any fraud.
Seems that all the contracts between EZ Shipping and the VIP government in 2020 and 2021 are unenforceable due to mistake so therefore invalid. The best remedy is for EZ Shipping to return ALL the money loaned/paid from the VIP government forthwith. If EZ unable to return the funds then arrest and auction all the concerned vessels.
Please remember the UK Navy offered to protect the BVI’s borders at no cost in 2020 and 2021.
Wow wow wow. See the kind of wickedness that was allowed because of the love for money.
Where are these reports published – I would like to read them myself.
Only issue we have is ra***t ranking and Collins who much go!
That’s why they don’t want police bill pass cause it will be a seize fiesta in the bvi lol
Wade is a very wily operator. He knew that that was a bridge too far.
Paying for useless barges when the Royal Navy offered to do the job for nothing is one thing.
Paying for barges that werent even being used is another.
if you think that is the only issue in the BVI, you are either one of the crooks, or a person so dumb they cant spell “ must”
These are criminal offences and persons need to be charged. Can’t just give away tax payers money like that without any consequences.
The level of corruption in this place would rival any big country. Thank God we still have some decent law abiding citizens and some oversight bodies to prevent us from becoming another little Haiti.
I’m sure there’s more to the story cause he ain’t all that innocent
Yet EZ Shipping allegedly don’t have insurance for staff not even NHI‼️
Wade Smith wanted Frett to pay for the barges till the end of January.
But he allegedly didnt want his name on the paper.
Sly operator.
None of the 3 Midnight vessels are registered in the BVI. All fly flags of convenience so the crew is not bound by BVI labor laws. HOWEVER the fraud crimes were committed within the jurisdiction of the BVI courts so the criminal and civil proceedings must commence in the BVI against the owners and the other co conspirators in private or public employment.
Andrew told a bunch of lies on the former government to get into government to do what he was falsely accusing them of doing. The whole VIP especially the current Premier was complicit in this and they all fully well knew that those contracts were to reward Skelton Cline for his support in the elections.
Who owns EZ Shipping?
The auditor general’s report is seriously flawed. There was only 1 party interviewed …something if off with that . Please report on the full context of this matter
That money thrown down the drain would have covered a new scrubber for our struggling waste system in Packwood Pond that is on fire every day.
I often wonder what happened to the billions of government revenue paid in since the 1980s. I can see it wasn’t spent on infrastructure or public education.
I suppose lots of contracts like this one provides the explanation.
The real victims are the BVIslanders who have had their inheritance stolen or wasted. I can’t believe there isn’t more public anger about it.
I suppose that’s a by product of the poor educational system. The absence of public scrutiny suits the small ruling clique.
The whole deal was fixed from the start, no authorisation from the National Security council, who laughed and threw the proposal/contract in the bin…
Anyone look at these vessels??? 1970’s technology, their radars very low spec and old technology.
Lets call this as it was… a contract to help out a family that supported the VIP to get into power that now needed the favour returned as business was closed.. or at least the legitimate business.. White Powder Freight Forwarders still worked?
clearly they were used for other purposes
Correct, except that i believe they paid SK to keep his mouth shut about stuff he knew about . Stuff that involved illegal actions by ministers and others.
What’s this vid with ** bank employees performing oral s*x on each other inside the bathroom of the bank… what kind of professionalism is this??? ?? seems like everyone on this island is loosing or have lost their plot ?
This is just the tip of the ice burg VIP is guilty of crimes against humanity. The entire legacy of that party is all about injustice and corruption.
How many vessels are foreign flagged here in bvi…. Most!! Obviously you’re not in the maritime industry
and all the kickbacks ? I’m sure that there was enough to go around
At least we see a wall!
The British Royal Navy with all of their technology, were going to provide the same service at a much higher level FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!
All who agree and signed off on this…Say no more.. Wow. This is more than craziness. This is madness..
You are 100% correct. Someone said he did not want to lose in 20 minutes what he waited for for 20 years but it look like during them 20 years he was concocting a whole plan to turn the bvi into Goodness knows what! And the smiling deputy minister along with the weak cabinet supported him every step of the way and still supported him as of recently. So no one in cabinet had the brains to ask for evidence of the operation of the vessel or to order an inspection of it for the amount of money. Well look how the cartels almost became my neighbours.
Not only that. We still see a wall that withstood Irma when most structures did not and it still serving its purpose today, over 5 years later. Looks like value for money to me!
One question with all that spended foolishly dont you all think a cuttler patrol ship could have been bought by the government for the very same reason. Listen i dont knock a mans hustle but the reason eyes and blames are being cast is through our careless and reckless use of funds and then running to the uk or other countries for moneies to keep us afloat. It high time their be an appointed group other that government friend to micro manage the way funds are being spent. That will potential solve the problem of outside Attacks.
Ummmm aint nobody in the VIRGIN ISLANDS go running to the UK or any other countries to keep us afloat. I’m so sick of the disinformation that comes out on these blogs.
No. Smith wrote that the barges were used but refused to sign the document. That means he lied deliberately.
protect the borders for a lot of money yet f*t h*g was still letting the white p**der in
Other than for vessel passage, when within our waters and working, BVI Law will apply. Trade licence, work permits, payroll tax, SS, and NHI to be paid. Or was this owner exempt. If so by which law and by whom.
Exactly. value for MONNEYYYYYYYYYYY
Correct. Also, the beneficiary owners are domiciled here btw….
They need to investigate the contract he was given by BVIPA to provide Tug services / assistance for when ships come in. Last time I check Kenneth C is in the Bahamas.
check on**l from national parks its her fault
Wither bound BVI!
This is abuse of process. All involved need locking to h**l up.
Well Sa! Anybody could have see through the whole deal and see corruption to the highest.All persons/party involve shiuld be made to pay back tax payers money and charge for some kind of fraud. Such of abuse of position
Usually when boats are away they leave another company to do the work. I am pretty sure this is the case otherwise ships wouldn’t be docking would they . Wow mind your business dude .. you ain’t got noting better to do. You that fixed on that family that you tracking their boats?!!! That’s a while not her level of upsets ! Come on now . You just outed yourself . And it wasn’t even a valid point ???
we got to understand the barges played a major role in this ( rodeo ) … the way was clear then the product was sent on its final journey to the US , so the offer by the UK navy even though it was free , it had to be refused / which raised a red flag ? ( these wise gentlemen who thought they were geniuses outsmarted themselves , the brits know there had to a big fish after the small fries were being caught , and some may have snitched ,so he was given enough rope to hang himself ( example ) DIS AINT MUH FUS RODEO • and he did a wonderful job of walking into the lions den , with a smile on his face . the rest is history
Andrew was effing up our sk**try.
U see where all the civil servants money goi g. And. Ant even get a raise. No care fir the morale and motivation of the hard worki g people then u wonder y some gone currupt. Alot cant even pay their rent, cost of living rocket high and these foola theifin g all the money. Not even the schools they wanted to rebuild.uuk needs to stay.
You tell me if anyone in their right frame of mind will ever vote for any VIP member again.After Andrew and his gang of thieves turn the BVI in such deplorable state.They were all in it,hook,line,sinker.Pls.UK come now we can’t take no more.To hear the sl**man admit he made a mistake to support such only states that he should resign like long before now.
A blind man could have seen something was wrong with them vessel providing security with no proper equipment onboard even Stevie Wonder can see it clearly.
I for one will be sending all my cargo with Stoutt’s barge in the future.
I’m very surprised at the Chalwell’s. Wait, I’m kidding…
Just think, Head Coach used taxpayer monies to make it look like he was fighting the drug trade when it was all a show so he could move more drugs. The HOA was (still is) in on it !
The coordinates for all the south American trips too.Its easy no stress the app does all the work…way better with pro version.Do you realize every yatchey in the BVI probably tracked their fleet already..they all have ship tracking apps as part of the marine industry.Ppl nosey ain’t..just like YOu
I’m sorry but I can’t help but laugh at this. The moment it was reported that barges were being contracted for border security I think we all knew this was some Blsht! Especially since the Navy woulda done it free of charge. So why now all this time later, everybody involved is acting like the misuse of funds is NEWS? Y’all can’t be serious. ANY and EVERYBODY that was responsible for singing or authorizing payments for this foolishness needs to be FIRED!!! EVERY last one. Tell me, just how was the water secured via these barges? How? Steupzzzzz
Some folks play with TikTok..some track ships..it’s a thing a wholesome hobby sir.Have a jolly good day