Fahie bewails: I tried my best to address VG banking woes

Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Andrew Fahie.
While thanking Scotiabank for its years of service to residents of Virgin Gorda, Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie said he has exhausted all avenues required to ‘urgently’ address the void that the bank’s departure will create.
Fahie said he spoke to ‘most’ of the relevant stakeholders in the banking sector locally, including to the President of the Banking Association, Sjoerd Koster.
“I want to assure my people of Virgin Gorda that as Leader of the Opposition, I tried my utmost best to intervene in this matter,” he said.
Physical presence still a priority
The opposition leader said a physical banking option for Virgin Gordians still remains a priority as the island being bank-less would only ‘slow down’ its recovery process from last year’s disasters.
He also said it would prove to be more of a hurdle to residents as they would now require to travel to Tortola where the bank’s main branch is located.
“I will continue to press for the physical presence of banking services on Virgin Gorda as well as improved banking service on all our sister islands,” he added.
Fahie said based on his conversations with these banking facilities, “it was clear that only one bank seemed willing to fill the void created in Virgin Gorda.”
“I remain prayerful and hopeful that in the not-too-distant future that this financial institution, which I will not name at this time, will make this a reality.”
He said he will remain ‘relentless’ on this and others issues still affecting the territory.
The bank will officially close its sister island branch today August 31 in a bid to cut costs.
In the lead-up to today, technology conferences were held for residents to get familiar with the use of technology; something Fahie also commended.
Meanwhile, the National Bank of the Virgin Islands and Banco Popular are said to be exploring the possibility of opening a branch on the sister island.
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Please help Anegada with an ATM machine that can be maintain and even try opening up first bank up there.
First Bank was opened in Anegada and closed its doors too. I think an ATM is possible. Scotia left one on VG so why cant Anegada have one too
How the other news made it seem as if Fahie made a deal and got a bank to agree to setup over there? I’m glad these things are happening though so certain people can realize that everything does’t revolve around the BVI, life is real.
He is well protected and glorified over there until the publisher get the boot.
Andrew Fahie we got you, you the next premier of the BVI!!
Fahie can’t be no worse than what we have now. The NDP knew for one year now that Scotia Bank on VG was closing and they did nothing until recently when the VG population and Fahie started to cry out and look into the matter. The NDP once again has showed that they are poor leaders.
I have not set foot in my U.K. bank premises for more than ten years. Everything is done on the Internet. That’s the future. Live with it.
Unfortunately we live in a region that is not very strong with its networking infrastructure to allow for three flow of transactions in a seamless and uninterupted manner. Because of this, outer islands have to rely on cash to conduct business and they can’t very well be expected to put that cash under their beds can they? Therefore a presence is necessary unless some sort of cash recycling facility can be made available. Let’s remember that these options are not cheap and institutions are more keen to look at their bottom line and their return on investment.
I am 36, live in the UK and I always use my bank as I prefer to deal in cash as it gives great discounts with no card charges. Nobody can hack cash! I have never owned a credit card and sleep much better knowing that. I can also never have a debt except for my mortgage which I do pay by direct debit. It’s not an all or nothing approach. Not everyone wants to do things the way Rubber Dick does.
And Mr Rubber Duck, you send all your checks and cash for deposit by carrier pigeon – or pelican pouch!
Well government workers will need a day off per month to go from VG to Tortola to get their banking affairs done. Yes – a whole day. Can you imagine that length of the line when so many people have to do this. I hope each bank will have a Virgin Gorda line set up. Yes – a whole day! Who wants to spend $30 to just go to the bank. Cuss all you want.
What banking cannot be done with an ATM. Deposit/withdraw money, deposit checks, check your funds in the bank, And with a computer you can move money anywhere in the world where you have an account, you can send money to anyone, you can pay your bills, you can pay your mortgage. I have full access to my banks but I never step foot in them. I do everything with my computer and so can everyone on VG. The world is changing and the folks on VG need to change. Too much is done with cash. Maybe that is a way to hide income, I don’t know.
The ATM being provided by Scotiabank on VG does NOT accept any deposits….just cash withdrawals. Now what do you have to say?
you are also able to transfer funds from one account to another
I took my brother two days (one after the other), to find out if his check had been deposits…and to withdraw some Cash.
On the second day when he asked me to take him (by car), I asked him why not apply for an Internet Banking account; so he’ll be able to check online b4 wasting gas and ware-N-tear on my jeep. Being in his late 60’s and uses Whats App (and no computer), he seemed a little unaware it can be done; then said that he’ll see. Lol
I suppose the Future is still waiting for some of us in these beautiful but little Future-challenged parts.
How about all the banks closing their branches on Tortola also! Perhaps you will agree that is a good move for the entire BVI.
This man cant even get first district problems sorted out…No customs..No ferry dock..No police station..No schools..No fire station..No post office..No clinic but he here trying to score political points..SICKENING!!!!!
You clown heckler????
ASK Mark Vanterpool about the port, governor about the Police station, Myron about the schools and the list goes on and on. Then all of them need to go . As ministers they are responsible for their respective portfolios and the budgets. Andrew is NO minister.
@VIP Heckler, just a few months ago we all went through the worst experience of our lives, at the hands, (winds) of hurricanes Irma and Maria. We all came together and helped out with Calming each others fears, Stresses and spirits…and helped out where and how we could. It was brotherly, sisterly and truly felt like we were putting country above Self; for once. We were thinking Survival; not who was VIP or NDP. Now with the passage of a few months, why do we have to roll back the experience of togetherness we shared?
Hon. Fahie has been heard time and time again; same as Hon Frazer, pleading for help in correcting and repairing the damages to their districts.
What has brother Fahie done that is causing you ill feelings?
I am a belonger and reside on Virgin Gorda. Hon. Fahie went out of his way to travel to Virgin Gorda to attend the first meeting held when we learned that Scotia Bank was really closing its VG branch. The room at Fischers Cove was packed with whites and locals, investors and workers. Hon Fahie simply got up and reported to the gathering about his several meetings with the banks; the head of the banking association and of a further meeting he was trying to arrange. Hon. Fahie is not only 3rd district representative, but also Leader for of the government’s Opposition and for all the districts. He is also head of the Public Accounts Committee of the government…and All the districts. Never once did he mentioned during his informative presentation, that he was representative of the 3rd district or used the initials VIP. He merely introduced himself as leader of the Opposition.
It is clear that what he is and has been doing, should have been done by the representative of the 9th and the 4 At Large Representatives. Perhaps Hon. Fahie is seeing that the system isn’t working and is trying to fill the Void.
What I would like to say to you brother, sister or friend, in the words of Rodney King during the Los Angeles riots when he was beaten by police perhaps within moments of losing his life: “Can we all get along?”
Hon. Fahie is rep for the 1st district
First of I hear what you saying and all that he is and does etc etc. I am not a supporter of NDP nor am I a supporter of VIP. qAdditionally I am not against either of them. What I am a supporter of is simple principles such as integrity, honesty, fairness and TRUTH. However, the truth is an offense but not a sin. He didn’the just show up to the meeting… His appearance and motive was politically tainted! It was all politics. He brought no information that wasn’t already known. He made statements that quite a few persons present knew were not true… why lie for small simple things? I can’t imagine what else is being manipulated. He has never gotten back to anyone regarding his meeting with the Banking association etc…yet he issues a letter saYing what really? He “invited” persons to accompany him to the meeting with the Banking association…never heard a word since. It’s time for everyone to stop playing games
@Its time for the truth”, at least Hon Fahie is sticking to his message and pledge to carry on the fight in support of not only VG, but the other sister islands getting the banking they need and desire. Hon Fahie also offered some practical and useful ideas; like the idea of converting a section of government’s Admin unused building space to be used by the bank; or more than one bank, on a temporary; (if high rent is a factor) as has been indicated by some. Let’s keep our blogging Fair N Balanced. How many times has Hon. O’neal showed up and what has he reported or shared that’s useful or practical? What about when Dr. Orlando and his crew showed for their meeting? Dr. Pickering is reported to have walked out of the meeting while making some derogatory expressions; apparently frustrated by the points made by some persons.
By the way, everything is political; that’s the nature of life. Even our kids and spouses do or say things that are political in nature; whether they intended it or not. The thing is if the idea, suggestion or solution offered is practical or useful.
What ever happened 15 years ago can still be found on offshorealert.com
That 15yr old NDP plot is washed out. Go look for our two planes or our $7.5 million. Go look for our $8 million from the east end sewage project. Go look for our $1.6 million for that over budgeted school wall.
What makes Fahies failure with the banks any more glorious than Bertie’s lack of success? Lets call a spade a spade!
No customs..No ferry dock..No police station..No schools..No fire station..No post office..No clinic
The Government of the day is at fault with All of those issues you pointed out
The real reasons that all the banks have pulled out of VG is the fact that the people don’t use the service. They rather come down to Tortola to do their business. Sometimes even at the same bank that is on VG. Use it or loose it.
First of I hear what you saying and all that he is and does etc etc. I am not a supporter of NDP nor am I a supporter of VIP. qAdditionally I am not against either of them. What I am a supporter of is simple principles such as integrity, honesty, fairness and TRUTH. However, the truth is an offense but not a sin. He didn’the just show up to the meeting… His appearance and motive was politically tainted! It was all politics. He brought no information that wasn’t already known. He made statements that quite a few persons present knew were not true… why lie for small simple things? I can’t imagine what else is being manipulated. He has never gotten back to anyone regarding his meeting with the Banking association etc…yet he issues a letter saYing what really? He “invited” persons to accompany him to the meeting with the Banking association…never heard a word since. It’s time for everyone to stop playing games
Ayo will learn about he
@Its time for the truth, check this out. “A man, or woman, convinced against his/her will is of the same opinion still”.
If you were a supporter of Hon Fahie, (you said you are not; which already taints your thinking and opinion towards him), you would looked past analysing his reasons and motives of showing up for a Virgin Gorda banking-failure meeting. Interestingly Hon. Fahie held a meeting on Virgin Gorda, similar to the meetings he held in other districts, and invited the representative. That was about 2-3 months ago. Banking was a sore topic and was discussed at length; but at the time it was being talked about as a rumor or perhaps a distance away. So you see, Hon Fahie saw the situation as possible and was proactive in thinking about it even before it became a reality. That’s how leaders are suppose to think and act; people in business and athletes as well. You see beyond NOW; from a distance.
First we had one bank; than another and another came in. Then First Bank left, then right in the middle of the aftermath of the hurricanes First Caribbean left; and now the last standing bank also pulls out. This is more than enough to frustrate the community and give any politician reasons to invite himself in to show this/her support and offer ideas and solutions; especially the representative, his government or At Large college. But Hon Fahie looked around and didn’t see anyone; not even Hon Bertie. Hon Fahie is in the business of politics.By the way, we often see politics as something negative; but in the right sense, politics is about Representing; putting yourself in place of, standing in, speaking and acting for.
I tell you what; lets give the man a break, and lets just see through it that Hon. Fahie just loves his country and wants to see all treated equally, fairly and respectfully.
Well said.