BVI News

Fahie promised Senegalese man $133K — US Prosecutors

Disgraced former Premier Andrew Fahie

Court documents filed in the case against former Premier Andrew Fahie, who is now awaiting sentencing in the US for a drug conviction, have unveiled new details that Fahie agreed to pay his Senegalese friend, Baye Cisse, $133,000 as part of the drug smuggling operation — a sum significantly higher than initially reported.

These revelations came to light through the prosecution’s objections to Fahie’s Presentence Investigation (PSI) report, which shed more light on his alleged leadership role in the conspiracy.

In early March 2022, Fahie met with a confidential source (CS) in Tortola, where he approved the drug trafficking proposal and accepted a $20,000 bribe to solidify his commitment.

Court documents previously showed that Fahie told the informant he also needed $83,000 in cash to pay a debt to someone in Senegal, Cisse, who had helped “fix” some political problems for him.

But new court documents dated June 28, 2024, indicated that Fahie had consulted Cisse about participating in the cocaine importation scheme. This reportedly came to light through a series of voice messages exchanged between the two.

Cisse allegedly approved of Fahie’s participation, and the pair planned to meet in St. Martin for $133,000 — considerably more than the $83,000.

Prosecutors said Fahie’s role in the scheme was extensive and critical, and as Premier of the BVI, he wielded significant influence, which he used to co-opt others in attempts to facilitate the importation of cocaine through BVI’s ports.


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  1. lol says:

    He got scammed

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    • Jim says:

      And he was dumb enough to do it. The fool wanted money for smuggling like every official in BVI. Port authorities, customs, all scheisters and crooks wanting a piece of the pie. The spotlight shines on bvi as a drug haven. Thanks Fahie for that.

      Like 11
    • St Croix says:

      As the former Minister of Education and Maths teacher he should be sentenced to life at hard labour for needing a calculator for assessing his 10% take of $63m a week.

    • Lawd says:

      FAHEY didn’t know not to trust those online Nigerian scams ? How he made it to Premier, Buddy?

  2. Hocus Pocus says:

    Playing dice with chicken bones and dancing around a fire in paint while chanting for success did NOT work!! Poor boss hog should have known better than to mock God with his fake praying on his knees.

    Like 58
  3. Removing says:

    The competition in Sea Cows

    Like 12
  4. Friday says:

    Humala shumala wah

  5. All in All says:

    Giving up your freedom for anything is not worth it at the end of the day. If I had only known always comes to late.

    Like 18
  6. Kingdom Chic says:

    Yet they say the BVI is a Christian nation. What truly got over Fahie’s head that clouded his thoughts? This is deep and sad but I’m thankful the Holy Spirit eyes is everywhere and will continue to expose all the nonsense.

    Like 33
    • @ Kingdom Chic says:

      Money and greed just like the rest of them in power.

      And people still think the UK was wrong for stepping in and calling it out.


      Like 36
    • Migoman says:

      What got in his head? 12% of millions and millions.. thats what clouded his thoughts

  7. BVI? says:


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  8. strpz says:

    And bunchie on tola radio saying the obeah man was properly blessing the country? really?

    you ever see blessings come out of wickedness?

    yall would say anything to defend this trash human being

    i can’t wait for this sentencing so yall can finally shut up

    hopefull yall visit he in jail let he give aya the kiss of judas

    Like 25
    • @srupz says:

      u does listen to bunchie? You aint see that boy…..

    • @ strpz says:

      If that bunchie boy really said that he better repent and turn from evil.

      Leviticus 20:6

      “I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.”

    • @Strpz says:

      Sorry and I am not saying it in a bad way or mean anything bad but B* lol be looking nervous and uncomfortable sitting on the panel. Relax dude, relax, it is not that serious.

  9. resident says:

    head coach have to be dumb to belive in this magic crap

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  10. I will say this mich says:

    Be very careful whose names is being called. Heard the guy on the radio saying the Feds is up at some Spanish bar asking the women for all kind of favors and the lady saying that the COI WAS FAKE. No one knows who the Feds on the Island are. Just be careful as to what you say and how you say things because you can end up the next target. The lawyer that was killed in his home…………………..

    Like 4
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  11. my2cents says:

    When GOD is with you even your enemies can be made at peace with you. Sentences can be overturned. Illness can be healed. When you make a mockery of HIM, even your children’s children will suffer. It’s never too late to repent. I hope he has and will continue to choose the straight and upright path for the rest of his days. If he wants to be better he can be.

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  12. @lol says:

    He wouldn’t be the 1st in the BVI to get scammed, it have a big hardback up belle vue who always sending money to scammers LOL

    Like 6
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  13. Anonymous says:


  14. Hitman says:

    Where is Baye Cisse now? Senegal? BVI?

  15. Lodger says:

    According to wikipedia the obeah man works for the UN. Surely he should be investigated?

  16. ... says:

    Some people are possessed by devils. Perhaps he needed an exorcism as he seemed committed to his dark worship.

    There is a next set that worship the human as idols. To some of them the feds is their new god.

    People slip up all the time people know who the CI & feds are they just dont want to believe it when the “FAKE” sign is displayed & the lie is told.

    Start with the people who have a certain image to uphold ‘gangster, rasta, dealer’ and then continue to the people who are try to get people in trouble or seem to be fishing for information. We are all humans stop it.

    When according to the court Fahie said he had a way of telling lies, he knew the man was a fake in his heart but refused to believe his instinct which told him the truth in real time.

  17. Smith says:

    And this is who we had as our Premier. It says alot about our voters and mindset in the BVI. We talk a good talk but are very dumb when it comes to making decisions. Just this week so many gathered in thousand dollar outfits to celebrate what? Look at the place, standard of living, standard of education, standard of the economy, state of politics/leadership. Everything is crumbling while we partake in petty arguments and foolishness.

    Like 25
    • BLACK SAM says:

      WEll once one of the king ANTI MAN come out its hole to put on spectacles that’s important to us idiots. As long as we got our own money and can buy thousand dollar outfits why those shallow no spirit low vibration satanist going care bout their country.

  18. @i will say this mich says:

    You got to be a real moomoo to believe the FEDS will be in a Spanish bar LMFAO!! Were they having drinks with 2pac & Elvis??? L O L

    Like 1
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    • @@i will say this much says:

      I was sitting in my car listening to Tola Radio when Bunchie said it and I was like whatttttt? did he really said that? If it was real, he would have blown the FEDS cover. No one on the Island knows who the FEDS are. FYI, the FEDS is white, black, male and females.Next time Bunchie, learn how to think before you open your mouth.

      Like 6
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  19. The curse says:

    Because of Andrew messing with the dark side, the BVI is under a curse. The innocent is now suffering for the guilty. When you mess with the dark side, it will always backfire. When I was a little girl growing up in the USVI, a next door neighbor that was into obeah use to go to the graveyard at night and disturb the dead with whatever he was doing, people that lived near the graveyard heard a loud scream, the next morning they found the obeah man laying dead with his hands holding his throat, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth and eyes wide open staring off in space. Granny said he mess with the wrong spirit.

  20. VEX says:

    well on the bright side, he might lose some weight

    • @Vex says:

      More than likely him and Maynard will lose weight. The Feds feed their inmates a balance meal. They will have to get use to the food or starve. No more tarts, coconut bread, fish and fungi, salt fish and dumplings and other local foods they will be eating for a long time. DAMNNNNN, was it worth giving up your freedom to end up eating spaghetti with meat sauce a slice of whole wheat bread a salad, a box juice or box milk on a tray? Or for breakfast a hard boiled or scramble instant eggs, a slice of whole wheat bread and coffee with powder creamer, box milk and juice. One never truly miss what they had or appreciate what they have/had until it is snatched away. You all need to be humble and stop the greedy envious ways and appreciate what you have. You live in a 2 room wood house, be thankful for that and show appreciation and gratitude for what you have.

  21. Smh says:

    Let them all cook in their own fat now. One word for all of this… GREED! Set of fat greedy pigs make the whole nation look bad. Make bacon out of them now.

    Like 10
  22. Keeping it real says:

    Be very careful of who you associate yourselves with or who you get to close with. Believe it or not a lot of people right here on the Island has been put up as human sacrifice or has been sacrificed for others to advance.

  23. Junie says:

    This is utter madness! Can you believe that Head Coach knew the authorities had all this info and still entered a ‘Not Guilty’ plea?

    Then $133,000 for his friend but asked for $83,000? That’s a difference of $50,000. So, what’s that all about?

    Then, his supporters chanting ‘Free the Drew’? When? His lawyer has criminal tendencies as well. She was aware of all of this and asking for him to do the minimum prison sentence allowed for his crimes. Nonsense! Let’s wait and see which side is able to persuade the judge to see it their way… the prosecution arguing for the maximum number of years behind bars and the defense arguing for little or no time behind bars.

    • Anonymous says:

      Andrew deserves life imprisonment or at least 99 years and a monetary fine as compensation to the damage he has done to his country and those neighboring If he entiled to a pension it should be given to these BVI as compensation. Mocking God had its drawbacks.

  24. Damn Bunchie says:

    You should have never say what you said the obeah man was blessing the Country on the radio. Joke or not. We don’t need no type of blessings on the Island from no OBEAH man. See how things are backfiring and crumbling? Because of Andrew and his wicked dark ways, there is a dark cloud hanging over the BVI.

  25. Welllll says:


  26. LMAO says:

    Yellow site is very quiet on the drew and all this LOL

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  27. Feds says:

    Scotland Yard here too! You will never know who they are so easily. The Feds too. If you ain’t doing nothing wrong you have no need to worry

  28. @ LMAO says:

    so you noticed that too , maybe he is cleaning his precious WIG , so when he gets a chance or remembers , we will see his – broken record * FREE
    THE DREW * that dude needs to be with PUMKIN

  29. ... says:

    You will never know who they are so easily.

    The island is small stop it. Let them sit in front the right person with their fakery and they will expose themselves. Their job puts them at risk by nature. Worship god not man.

    If you place an FBI, FED and M14-20 in a small room over a period of time do you not think they will recognize each other in a small way at least? They depend on one lie, its not me.

    If you dont beleive that one lie you can see the truth. How do you know your partner is cheating?

    The one lie Id never cheat you disregard it and trust the signs they really give out.

    I dont trust those people because they have free card to run amok and power corrupts as we have seen time & time again through history everyone in public service needs to operate with checks & balance.

    Slavery was legal, pouring boiling water down their throat was legal. OK? We can not go back to wearing a yellow star. Look how this failed war on drugs has as intended destabilized our and many other countries.

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