Fake visa cases climbing, 3 more held with counterfeits

Captured in this photograph are the three newest Dominican Republic natives found with fake BVI visas.
Local authorities have apprehended even more persons with fake British Virgin Islands visas.
Like the previous two cases, these newest fake visa carriers are also from the Dominican Republic.
They have been identified as 21-year-old Wilbin Encarnacion Rodriquez, 31-year-old Carlos Manuel Ventura Done, and 21-year-old Junior Manuel Mejia Aquino.
They all pleaded guilty during their arrest appearance before Magistrate Shawn Innocent on Tuesday.
The Hispanic trio was found working aboard a Dominican Republic cargo vessel that was docked in the BVI.
The court heard that local law enforcement officers were prompted to conduct a search operation on the vessel after another employee on the same boat – Angel Rafael Mena Collado – was caught smuggling himself on to Tortola for cigarettes.
The three men were each found with a fake document On October 29 and were subsequently arrested and charged.
Local officials noted that the visas were indeed fake when the word ‘Islandas’ was used instead of the word ‘Islands’ in ‘British Virgin Islands’.
Furthermore, the type of visas that the men used should have been ‘crew’ visas, however, they bore ‘tourist’ and ‘BVI employee’ type visas.
During a subsequent police interview, the trio denied knowledge that their documents were counterfeit.
Show mercy
The attorney for the trio, Leroy Jones, told the court that the men were remorseful and were led to believe that their visas were genuine — the same arguement he used for previous fake visa offenders.
He pleaded with the court to show mercy and impose a fine as opposed to a custodial sentence on his clients.
Prosecutors, however, urged the court that the matter has become prevalent and one of a serious nature.
They urged the court to ‘assist in securing the territory’s borders’ when handing down the sentence.
The Spanish-speaking offenders will return to court on Wednesday for sentencing.
At least seven fake visa cases in last few months
In the meantime, the trio had also been charged with furnishing false information and uttering forged documents.
However, the Crown indicated that they had no evidence to offer for those two charges and, as such, the court dismissed those offences.
These latest offenders bring the count to at least seven in relation to the number of Dominican Republic natives found entering the BVI with fake visas.
Two were held at the TB Lettsome Airport last week with fake visas. There matter is still being dragged through the court.
Another pair was held back in March have since been sentenced to prison.
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seems history has come full circle with regards to human leaving home to seek bread elsewhere.
It is not clear if our ancestors migrated to Hispaniola, DR, Cuba and others illegally, but the purpose was the same, the fulfillment of a bread.
So some symphaty for their human crisis is valid, but they should immigrate legally.
I think they are of the opinion that we are not paying attention because we were hit by two major hurricanes last year. They are thinking things are out of order. Sorry, but we are up and running.
I understand what you are saying about the migration in reverse of what it ised to be in the 50’s and 40’s but the V.I. both British and U.S. are inundated with people from the Dominican Republic and that needs yo be cleaned up. I am sure most of the Dominicans and Haitians that are in the V.I are there illegally and all who speak with an Spanish pr Haitian accent need to be asked for their proper papers when encountered by law enforcement.
And anyone in the V.I legally but has help them illegally enter and they themselves were not born in the V.I. they should now be stripped of the right to remain and also deported to their place of origin. I might sound cold and callus but I believe imagration should be done the legal way. We have our own criminals and dont need those from abroad.
Another thing if you are illegal and have child in the B.V.I. and the other parent is not legal that child should not have automatic citizenship.
Your ignorance and divisive thought process is the same as the clown sitting in Washington house of confusion.
Keep the heat on. Protect the VI. Good job officers.
It’s amazing what people will do to get to the BVI
So why doesn’t immigration and labor liaised with the Airport authorities so when flights are landed they have a accurate idea who they should be expecting with work permit and other authorized documents entering the country other than guessing and going through all of this?????????????
You obviously never dealt with Immigration/Labour before!! Instead of working together, they try to make the process as extremely difficult and drawn out as possible. Everyone needs to feel important I guess.
Check the Government Offices as well. Something fishy!!!
There is a lot more and immigrations and customs needs to do more pop up on different work sites and places, weed them out and deport. Its ridiculous now man, these people believe their brain bigger than anyone else.
this ned to sort out there alot of bad people coming in, trust me
There is a lot more out there. Not to mention the vast number of persons in the BVI that are undocumented.
Check those Colombians & Venezuelans who pretending to come in on vacation just to do hits.
Listen there needs to be a major investigation with these people who voting. It is alleged many of them should not be voting.
It is alleged Many of them have gotten fake documents to get passports. Immigration needs reforming and the politicians to stay out of there daily operations so that let the department function as it should.
The crown is weak.
BVINEWS.COM should not have reported what was wrong with the visa. Fake was enough. You just played into the spurrious document maker hand.
Bvinews.com should not have reported what was wrong with the visa. Fake was enough. You have just played into the hands of the spurrious document maker. Got to be more careful and prudent with what you report.
BVINEWS.COM should not have reported what was wrong with the visa. Fake was enough. You just played into the spurrious document maker hand.
Build that wall!!
People will continue to migrate as a result of the pillagers of the world. Yes, those tycoon that dress in suits so called business men, the one that think they own the world. The reason many Africans have wars and migrate to other countries mainly EU is b/c of those pillager of the world who strike deals with local corrupt politicians to steel the local resources from a country. If you don’ believe me, go and ask the Brits and the Spanish how they got their wealth and became royalties and Kings.
Our ancestors were invited to those country to do work. They just didnt s hishow up illegally.