Family insists land dispute with gov’t is about principle, not money

Mickey and Clyde Chalwell, the brothers at the center of a land dispute with the government in Hodge’s Creek, have defended their decision to fence off their property amid ongoing roadworks in the area, stating it is a matter of principle.
The Public Works Department is carrying out road improvements, but the Chalwells told BVI News on Monday that a section of the project is encroaching on private land that belongs to their family.
While they appreciate the government’s efforts to improve infrastructure, the brothers argued that due diligence should have been exercised by consulting property owners before beginning the work.
“I guess the government decided they were going to fix the road there to provide better entrances, which is fine. But I think they started the whole process wrong by not talking to any of the landowners,” Mickey Chalwell said.
He explained that his family was surprised to return to the area recently and discover that work had already begun on their land.
“We went away and came back about a week after to see a bunch of sticks on the property, highlighted with an orange color,” he recounted.
No proper consultation?
Upon inquiring, they learned about the road project but refused to allow it to continue without proper consultation.
“We had meetings, and they said they’d come back to us with a proposal of what’s happening—which is what they should have done from the beginning,” he said.
When asked whether they would permit the project to proceed after reviewing the proposals, Chalwell was clear: “As long as we get what we want.”
However, he declined to disclose specific details about their demands, emphasizing that their stance is not financially motivated.
“This has nothing to do with money. It has to do with principle,” Clyde Chalwell added.
The brothers said the dispute has been ongoing for more than a year. They also noted that a cease-and-desist letter had been sent to the government over three months ago, before they installed the poles that now obstruct roadworks.
The situation escalated when they erected the poles, preventing completion of that section of the road. They stated that the land has been in their family for forty years and that they have continuously challenged the government’s use of it without proper authorisation.
They also revealed plans to reinforce the fence with barbed wire.
Currently, roads in the area remain closed until Wednesday, February 26, affecting the stretch from H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) to Hodge’s Creek to facilitate concrete works on a segment of the roadway.
Despite the landowners’ actions, Public Works Director Jeremy Hodge has stated that the project will continue.

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i support this fight
This is exactly why you are part of the problem!!!
Just boycott the chalwell businesses, can’t expect us to mash up or vehicles and not be able to get to work on time or don’t get get adequate rest because we in traffic all day over land you was never using and now it’s principle.
Say less.
so if you have a piece of land you not using as yet and the government just start building a road on it, you just showed up a day and meet work going on YOUR land; you not going to have a problem with it? I understand why they being disagreeable but at the same time the amount of money passing for it have to be within reason too.
@principle … you can go a head a boycott their business… you still gonna suffer. Government wrong and been wrong for years… they feel they can do what ever they want to do by breaking the law. That is not the way the world works, that is why the island is the way it is and will continue to be the way it is. They have tons of road that can be used to do there road work use it and stop infringing on people land. If it was a white person they wouldn’t do it but because it’s a local they feel they can. Further more just because they don’t use it doesn’t mean government have right to it. They people them have kids and generations to pass down their property to. You people does make me sick to your entailment of other people property.
This is exactly the problem. People are standing their ground and you are talking about boycott. What can anybody here do the Chalwells? This is why they can take this stance because they do not depend on you all for their bread. They run international businesses that does not rely on your little support. If the land is their land and government isn’t doing what it’s supposed to then I support them.
@principle you all done make all that money from the Government by fraud and stop talk shit about dont have to depend on Government……we the people know what went on .
You must know since you get some of that same so call money… lmao
@@Principle. Don’t forget that * money
Oh yes and we tax money that was given. To them to “secure our boarders” during covid
You all are our own detriment to the BVI
But yes keep … and making millions while the honest hard workers continue to drive on poor roads while you fix your suspension system with the blink of an eye
Same road we tax paying for
Now all this noise for a piece land that has been unused for decades.
And you telling me you off island for so long? This project ain announced since way last year??? Stopping and starting several times??? And not one single person friend or family ain see your land getting touched? Yea right.
It’s still there land
I ain’t blame Alyo mehson! The government does overstep a lot. Enough is enough!
You can imagine you building on someone land without consulting them?? What sort of nonsense is that?? According to morning Braff they already have sidewalks without consultation now they come again?!!! Hmmm
I never once thought it was bout money. You can’t mind the bloggers .
Main road or not . That’s the people them family land.. they have to stick up for what is theirs and not what is wrong … regardless! If they don’t then who.. not me nor you . Right is right and wrong is wrong( PERIOD)
They don’t want Alyo money.. go around it! Leave the people them land alone smh
That same side took customers from Romney Penn to Chalwell establishment
Government gets a F+ in every area. Education, Tourism, Health, etc, etc.
Think we can add Blackmail to part of our cultural heritage. Race Track, Georgie Hill Road. Wait until we start building the $90Million dollar est E d Ferry T rmin l.
the solution is simple either pay what they want or find another spot
You better understand you don’t own the Land. You pay taxes to the same government which can take that land from you right now because of the fine print that you don’t understand. All land can be taking away once the government see it fits so watch out because this will blow up I’m your face in time. Word from the wise you own nothing in this devil’s run Earth. The only thing you own is your soul… period
Are they related to sweet? Set of wicked people. . Refused to give motorists a little easement by blocking the entrance through their estate. What road would they use when their entrance is blocked. Bad minded to the core
That same sweet allegedly has his boat on other people’s property…They never blocked him one day
They want more water rights in exchange for giving up the road rights. Slick talking about it isn’t about money. Lmbo. They didn’t get the sea bed and water rights so that’s why they fence up. Govt need to take possession by eminent domain now!
Principle? So because I am not using my land it gives you the right to taking it without asking.
I do not understand this younger generation. I remembered government wanted to build a road through this elderly man family property, because he knew it wound benefit his family and other motorists he said yes and did not ask for any money. This road is going to benefit all. how much land so is government taking?. Disgusting.
They want to gov to pay them,they were waiting for this to happen,before the project started why didn’t they cloydi ask the gov to do something,but it seems they are going broke since things get tight in the bvi and head couch tied up,and I am sure they would ask the gov for nothing less than a 500k and if the gov pay for that land I would consider them idiots,the hill side could be shave down to accommodate the road and you don’t need both side walk,only a fool will walk on ege of the hill for a rock to roll on their head.
Going broke? Clearly you don’t know these guys! LMAO!!!!
Dumb shi* read! Or can’t you comprehend? They said it’s been going on over a year now!
Imagine they always have containers on government road like its their land, suddenly they know about boundaries.
i feel government should go with them containers that always blocking the damn road smh
when you send a boy to do a man’s job you’ll end up with problems. why was the area open up so wide like they didn’t know what they were doing.
Imminent Domain. Ayo ain’t tired eat off of the BVI Government? The tax payers done give to this one family over and over. Time ayo give back for all the freebies over decades.
shame shame shame
of course it shouldn’t be about money, head coach already took care of the part.
Much Respect to the Chalwells llll!!!
A resounding F to the VI Gov on this and everything else ,education,health,water,land ownership…..
government need this kinda of energy down on the horse track
In democracies like the BVI public benefit in regards to infrastructure(roads) ALWAYS wins over private land ownership. There may be an exchange of consideration(money) in favor of the land owner. Nevertheless government just legally condemns the land in dispute then expropriates it for the benefit of the public.
Wasn’t the previous delay on the project because they needed to re-survey the area?
Who did the survey?
No really who did the survey and who from The Town and Country Planning Department gave the OK to proceed?
This is not considered value for the Taxpayers.
It appears to me that in the public’s interest road safety and proper road construction is more important than a slitter of land owned privately.
The private owners allege that their obstruction if you will is not about money, and they will only apparently green light the road construction if they get what they want.
The question is: What exactly do they want? If it’s not about money, what is it?
Undoubtedly, it has to be about something of value to them.
Look as far as I am concern, the government should respectfully enter/continue negotiations with them. If they can’t come to a reasonable agreement acceptable to them, then they have no choice other than to claim eminent domain which will be in the publics best interest.
I’m a bit peeved by this development because we all know for years our roads are bad. The government has been criticized ad nauseum over our poor road networks. Now that they have finally prioritize getting some of the roads fix, up comes this issue.
The government cannot allow the country to have poor infrastructure because of these kinds of issues. There needs to be respectable negotiations on these issues when they pop up, and if need be claim eminent domain.
If everyone claim the government cannot use needed land to build roads that is beneficial to all, then we will never have proper roads in this place.
I am not suggesting the government should just up and take over peoples private land. What I am suggesting is that there needs to be negotiations between the government and private owners as necessary to get these projects done keeping the larger public good in mind.
Or better yet.. let them build the road through your land.. and if you and them can’t come to an agreement then let them take your land. Everyone trying to sound educated and knowledgeable because it ain’t their land.. but I understand because the gov did something similar to me . In the end they failed because the situation did not prevent them from progressing in their work.. it’s a similar situation here. The gov cannot take the land because it does not prevent them from progressing! The Project manager already said this! Just leave the people with their land! It is their land not yours or the gov ! They have a right to protect it! According to the sons. Their dad brought it some 40 years ago! Stop bullying local families! It is unjust , it is not right! It sickens me to see this! Fight the white man on the Conner! Where they narrowed the road to benefit him! For heaven sakes! Come on BVI! Don’t let the world see how ignorant we can be as a nation !
So this is a white vs black issue? Is that what it’s all about?
Look in my view I don’t care the color of the land owner. As I said earlier, the government needs to enter respectable negotiations with the goal of finding a suitable resolution to keep the project moving forward.
We need safe and well constructed roads. That’s the goal here.
If intransigence remains, they have no option other than to claim eminent domain. In other words, let the courts handle it, and the government has all that right.
Again, I am not suggesting the government at will seize peoples property, but the public’s interest trumps private interest in these cases.
How much harm will be done to the private owners by the government using the little slitter of land in question to finish the road? It does not seem a lot.
That entire section of road about their property was pot hole heaven prior to this road project. One would think they would be happy that the government is finally fixing the road adjacent to their valued property but no they come up with this flex.
Again, the government should work with them to resolve their concerns. If they cannot come to a satisfactory resolution, imo, the government will then be within their right to claim eminent domain .
If everyone was to flex similarly, this country will never get far in it’s development. There has to be a compromise here on both sides. Cooler and reasonable heads need to prevail.
By the way, let me correct you on something: I am NOT “trying to sound educated and knowledgeable.” I AM both and more. You can take that to the bank and cash it.
You are uneducated and unknowledgeable… cause you missed the whole point on what they person was saying… the engineer has said they don’t need the land and it doesn’t prevent them from finishing the road… but you obviously would like to see the land be taking… which they can’t do cause it doesn’t hinder them from finishing the road. The engineer has already said so, but the wicked people on this island are clearly can’t read and just because it is the Chalwell family everyone got something to say.
You are clearly biased in your opinion. You continue to ignore the fact that I am not suggesting people’s land be taken at will by the government. You will never acknowledge that because you are only seeing one side.
Nevertheless, the government will do what they have to do.
Last words:
You do not define me. I define myself thru my knowledge, skills, and education among other things.. Your thoughts of me are of no consequence.
Your words does not deter me in the least in stating my opinions. Take that also to the bank. That check is good. 🙂
Oops did I struck a nerve lol… don’t need your check might bounce lol … you and your bias opinion will be fine lol didn’t know I had that power to make you feel you have to justify whatever education you deem to have. Lmao it shows that my opinion do matter… have a good night and checkmate
This back and forth is quite boring, don’t have nothing else to say to you…continue to share your wisdom on the matter smh … since you are so highly educated in the field. But I know for a fact I will continue to live rent free your head. Cheers
“ take it to the bank and cash it?” Anyone who speaks like that I’d rather not.. it might bounce! No thank you ! You sounded good until that part. Very ignorant tone. “ take it to the bank and cash it ??
One thing in BVI, everybody got talk for what does not concern them! It’s always wrong to stand up until it’s your turn. Nothing will get better in this crab in a bucket place.
All I going to say is if this was a RDA project it was going to be handled better than this.
It is disheartening to know that the members of the duly elected are suspect when it comes to landownership of private citizens whose landholding ,some at century plus is not extended due respect honor fairness and worth. The lands of BVIslanders,a rare,sacred and priceless gift of generational ownership endowed by our ancestors,now readily disadvantaged by their local Black elected brethren and gate keepers,perpetrators of the Black on Black crime which by far is more pervasive and destructive to the minds souls and bodies of their black brethrens than the inherent effects of servitude imposed on our ancestors by the whyte interlopers
of yesterday and the todays.We can’t breathe,no matter how we gasp.
It’s always about “principle”…
Electricity poles on their land to, look trouble here today.
It appears that this government is really incompetent. Before the beginning of the project,lands owners were to informed, lands were to be valued, money was to be placed in the treasury. No one should be able to stand in the way of government when it comes to national development. You guys got to be kidding me…
That’s all they want. Sea bed lease to increase the value of that property and land to sell on for millions. GTFOH- burr principle! bS
As someone who is not a resident of Hodge’s Creek and has no idea what was actually done to encroach I’d have to see pictures to understand their grievance. I thought the gov’t was paving the public road.