Father convicted for ‘touching’ daughter

The building that houses the High Court and the House of Assembly.
A 42-year-old father was today convicted of molesting his underage daughter.
The St Vincent and The Grenadines native was found guilty when he appeared before Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards inside a de facto courtroom at the House of Assembly building in Road Town.
His name is being withheld to protect the identity of the child.
Reports are that the offender committed the offence more than two years ago when his daughter was under the age of 16.
It is reported that he molested the daughter by inserting his fingers into her vagina.
The indecent sexual encounter happened on more than one occasion, the court heard.
It is said that after participating in an unrelated a sex education class at her school, the daughter told her sibling about the encounter in confidence.
However, the sibling subsequently told their mother who then reported it to police.
The father was then arrested and charged with indecent assault. He has been on remand since December 2015.
Following Magistrate Richards’ guilty verdict, the offender’s attorney asked the court to release him for the time he already served in prison.
“Humbly, we are requesting that no further custodial sentence [be given],” the attorney said, adding that the offender would like to ‘bridge the gap’ between him and his daughter.
“He will not repeat the activities for which he was convicted,” the attorney further told the court today.
Magistrate Richards will make a decision on the matter when she sentences the offender during his next court appearance.
A person convicted of indecent assault at the magistrate level can be slapped with a sentence of up to five years in prison.
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Is there anything sacred with some of our people anymore? Our morals have sunk to the lowest. Just disgusting…
Women of.today take too much pride in wearing the pants that they all ending up single or dykin.
What a stupid comment.
You can’t be serious with that comment? You are sounding real salty.
Some of the women of today are empowering themselves to be better women in their home and society on a large. Look around you and see what is happening. I would encourage some of these men who are belittling and degrading women to empower themselves, do and be better upstanding men. Our society and home need strong men with morals.
Dude your own flesh and blood whom you saw as little baby and held in ur arms vowing to protect at all costs. Come on man come on no matter how much the thought gets inside your head that’s your daughter, your seed. Come on man.
Poison he M.SK*NT yes !!!..
This is disgusting. A father who should be there to protect his daughter. I pray and hope that he would be put behind bars for ever. A disgrace
It have strip club with woman you could touch for $50 if ya so thirsty. Your own daughter you had to resort to touching. Damn sickening. I hope you get life.
As distasteful as I find your act, I am here to tell you there is redemption for you too. We all fail, repent of your wrong doing to God and your family and pray for healing of your mind. God bless you.
Daddy don’t touch mi there
I’m gonna tell on you one day I swear
Can’t you see I’m scared
You suppose to be ma father
Without reading i automatically knew it was a vincy
He would like to bridge the gap? He needs to serve time in jail and then be deported. Because if he has no problem doing that to his own child who else will he do it to or has done it too.
Imagine that! Bridge gap! for what reason? sick, perverted mind! His own child. The world is getting worse and worse as it is controlled by Satan. When a woman can’t trust her own child father with her child this is showing the seriousness of the times that we are living in.
If I was his defense lawyer, he couldn’t pay me enough to say that sh*t to get him leniency. Makes me want to vomit just thinking about it. So many women out there, prostitutes and all and he couldn’t pay to get his relief. Something is wrong with his a** I applaud her mother for calling the police. Some women try to keep it secret or turn against their own daughters thinking they’re lying. Your daughter is going to cherish your relationship for supporting her (hopefully). Hope the daughter isn’t tainted for life.
This is gut churning.Pls discard the piece of filt to his homeland.He a pervert and for to be back in society he might want come at my daughter then only then.Check Mr.who just gun down aman at the beach,he too had a rap sheet but he was left to graduate to mobster.We ought to getlaws in place for who don’t appreciate our COUNTRY.U were given an opportunity/not to give a black eye in the media.And that goes to us BVIslanders also.
Please judge don’t let him out he can’t be around that young lady again
Very sad. Good that he has been convicted. How can his attorney look him or her self in the eye in asking for him to be released for time served. This deserves the maximum sentence followed by deportation.
We need to bring back corporal punishment.
What does the lawyer mean by bridge the gap?
This gentleman needs serious counseling.He should not be allowed anywhere near his daughter.
Sick and twisted! May God touched his heart and protect him while he pays his debt to society and when he is released. May he repent and accept salvation and in time sanctification. God blessed, guide and protect the young, innocent girl as she lived and struggled through this unfortunate traumatic experience. Make her strong with a forgiving heart. In time restore her faith and trust in mankind.
What “gap” does that ahole of a father wants to bridge? IT SHOULD NOT HAVE OCCURRED in the first place. Now he’s shedding crocodile tears because he was caught/reported on. To the court decision makers, if that was to happen to your daughter, would you allow the offender time to “bridge the gap” with the victim?
If I’m a lawyer, I’m not even taking on such a case….send his ass to jail….if I defend a man in a case like this, its like I’m sayin its ok for him to molest my daughter too and the magistrate should release him…..BS. stay in the fu$&ing jail
Hope he get “touched” in prison
Wait a damn min….
“bridge the gap’ between him and his daughter.”
What in the actual F I just read?!? That no good SOB & his equally insane attorney actually come up with that line? Why would his daughter ever want to reconcile after what he did to her. Listen both the pedophile & the lawyer need a spiritual blood bath I swear
Most of what you are saying so true but what is a spiritual blood bath?
What is a spiritual blood bath?